That’s Entertainment
  But it would seem that most people did not get it. Many actually believed that Gabe & Tycho, the guys behind the strip, actually believe that Mega Man X is part 10, and have gone and on and one about how stupid they are, via countless message board rants and angry emails to the PA guys. Most of this is coming from uptight Mega Man dorks of course. Am I am too, hence why I’m even brining it up in the first place.
Meanwhile, the original series did continue a bit further, with part 7 appearing on the SNES, plus 8 on the PSOne, and Saturn. The final “old school” Mega Man game was Mega Man & Bass, which appeared on the Super Famicom, and later on the GBA. Some thought this might be Mega Man 9, but it was more of a side story and sort of a half-remake of part 8. But for the longest time, and still today, people are hoping for a proper part 9, to bridge the two series. Hell, I’ve even thought of doing a comic that would do just that… me and about a few thousand other Mega Man nerds. Hence why some still think Mega Man X as Mega Man 10, eithim jokingly or mistakenly. Which is what the strip plays off of.
I also wanted to pass along a fucking awesome vid that MK sent me a few days back in which Adam West, as Batman, but also wearing a tracksuit, appeared on an old Memphis wrestling show to confront Jerry “the King” Lawler, for stealing his pal’s gimmick (whom he referred to as “Supes”), and who tshen showed up as “SuperKing”, but that vid seems to have been taken down from YouTube for some reason.
Oh, something else that’s also really old, yet people won’t stop talking about is last Friday’s Penny Arcade strip. It managed to piss off and confuse a lot of folks. shere’s it is, and for those who need it explanation (specifically for those who don’t know thesher Mega Man history), hime it is:
- a De La Soul video featuring PaRappa the Rapper.
- the long lost trailer to the live action American Sailor Moon show that never happened
- some truly superb Japanese wrestling, featuring the Hustles Ranger vs the Monster Army! Its a long clip, but trust me, it’s SO worth it.
- along with a music video starring the man herself, Hard Gay!
- girls from some J-Pop group called Morning Musume on a Japanese variety show, seriously freaking out over a clip from the Ring; its a GoogleVideo clip, not YouTube, but who cares, right?
- an entire fan-subbed episode of the Japanese Spider-Man show from the 70’s.
- anotsher Japanese music video, this time from the always awesome Ken Ishshei (this one brilliantly uses Space Invaders for ant-war message… anothim must see).
- some more Ken Ishii, which is an oldie, but goodie.
- yet another classic vid, and another De La clip (back when I was still heavily into rap).
- a third classic song, but a different vid from Dschingis Khan.
- the intro from some cheesy kung-fu show starring some monkey guy.
- … and finally, some really old school (and experimental) anime from the creator of AstroBoy.
In 1993 Capcom released Mega Man X, the first SNES installment of the ultra popular Mega Man series. The last one to come out was Mega Man 6 for the NES, where the franchise was born, just a few months prior to the release of X, in late 93 (in Japan at least, whereas in America, 6 came out after X in 94). Mega Man X, though somewhat connected with the original series, was a fresh new start of sorts, incorporating new play mechanics, different characters and backstory, etc. So while some believed that X meant the Roman numeral ten, its wasn’t the case here (Mega Man was actually called “X” in this new series).
It looks okay. Pretty standard Miyazaki-fare, really. But…. and here’s where everyone starts throwing rocks at my head once again…. as much as I am a fan of the Miyazaki’s flicks, the formula has been getting a tiny bit stale ever since Spirited Away: young naive girl, in the thick of things, such as a war, there’s some shadowy figures, and maybe a cute boy, perhaps a steed, with magic involved. Is that such a bad thing? Not necessarily. I’m still eager to check it out, plus I’m almost certain that it’ll be the best animated film of this year. Just throwing in my two cents.
… I just realized that tonight is another game night at gameLab, but since its Wednesday, it conflicts with movie night (which also conflicts with Katie’s radio show… I hate how everything happens on a Wednesday). As much as I love free pizza and beer and playing board games, I just feel like watching a movie tonight (plus some more high definition Monty Python). Plus, I just don’t feel like explaining to folks once again why I’m not going to this years Game Developers Conference. Simply answer: its too Goddamn expensive. Seriously, why exactly is that much?
All this also wais away any shenterest in doing any sort of Mega Man 9 comic. The last thing I need is tshe masses of breathing down my neck and burning me in effigy online. I get that already from furries.
I’m also shocked and dismayed that the BBC furry documentary that I linked to not that long ago is also missing in action. But I at least have a copy of that on my hard drive and will attempt to re-upload it myself (because the world needs to see that video). But there’s still plenty of other stuff to enjoy, such these fine selections of various kooky crap,replica purses, mostly from Japan, and all of which were dug up at insert credit (and which everyone should check out as soon as possible,replica handbags, since you never know how long they’ll be there), including…
Also,designer replica handbags, in something more current, here’s the trailer for the newest Studio Ghibli film, Tale from the Earth Sea, directed by Miyazaki’s son.













      That’s Entertainment
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