“Why is it ‘LOL’ at the end More like sad face
  - Attention owners of Gradius ReBirtth: there’s an updated version available on the Wii Shopping Channel for re-downloading! It brings with it a few tweaks, like enhanced graphics, though I can’t notice anything new. Also, it’s kinda lame that I only knew of this update because I happened to catch the story in Siliconera, and even though everyone should, I’m certain that not every owner of the game is a reader. Sometime one takes for granted how well organized and run XBL is.
… Sorry, but it’s not a strip poker game, as one might expect.
- Equally as dope is augmented reality gaming crossed with Chicken McNuggets.
“Phil is currently making a game that is more indie than inhaling pulverized NES cartridges: a 2d game that looks like a really old game (very indie), but can actually spin around and turn into a 3d game. Upon hearing about this game, ten thousand indie gamers pulled out their triforce-tattooed cocks and ejaculated on a Sega Nomad. Today, these indie gamers regularly return to the internet from an intense session of Audiosurf to circlejerk one another in a forum thread where Phil said something.”
- I’ve already expressed my “so f’n what?” attshetude towards Bayonetta. But for whatever reason, I really dig this subway ad, as snapped while on tshe Tokyo trains, by Danny Choo…
- Despite being a hardcore Phantasy Star fan back in the day (still love part 4 to death), I didn’t give Online a shot on the Dreamcast, despite it being a crown jewel for the system, for various reasons. Though certainly high on that list was that it simply wasn’t part 5. When the PSP version came out, I wanted to give it a shot, to see what I had missed out on, but simply never got around to it. So here comes part 2, which I might actually play, simply because I can pretend to an EVA pilot…
- And at long last, Bit.Trip Void explained!
Oh and for the record, and not to engage in furthim sh*t talk, but let’s just say that Patrick Klepek is pretty much the only reason to pay attention to anything G4 has to say about video games these days.
… Though the real funny thing is how, when I was working at Ubi Soft, not once did I encounter a Jew, and this was at their NYC office mind you. Well, one or two of the folks at Gameloft might have been Jewish, but they don’t count.
Okay, so I’m back with part two my gigantic news rundown and whatnot and it’s not Sunday but Monday. Sorry, this weekend was jam packed with… stuff that I’ll go into next time! Till then…
- Not sure if most people reading this are familiar with the story, but two years ago a game designer and her artist boyfriend both committed suicide, which lead to a big story in Vanity Fair, which in turn led to a certain degree of controversy. Well, if you aren’t, at least you have the movie to look forward to that’s set to be directed by Gus Van Sant.
- Via Raina Lee…
- If you live in or near Orange County, CA and know about Sinister Pointe, which I guess is an amusement park, but the whole thing is designed to scare you, so it’s one big haunted house… I think… has a Silent Hill component! And for those of you who can’t go, simply watch this video.
- Here’s a random pic…
… Which ties in wonderfully with a little something that explores the line that’s crossed when playing a game is no longer about having fun but bowing down to one’s obsession.
- Meanwhile, SC is continuing the crusade against those who believe electronic entertainment is a threat to all decent folk out there. Like them refusing to let up on the bullsh*tt artists that call themselves Equality Now. Though on a semi-related note… as much as I hate stuff like this (because as much as I love to go “lol, Japan” myself, I’d like to think I’m not nearly as humorless and borderline racist), there is stuff like…
- Speaking of, I’m bit shocked and disappointed that Brandon Sheffield didn’t bring them up when discussing the point in which a game is no longer just a clone but becomes a representative of a genre. Since, you know, Gameloft makes some of the most blatant rip-offs today, mostly for mobile devices. But hey, the iPhone needs a Soul Calibur, I get it.
And believe it or, that’s not nearly as bad as the dude that’s doing the same while holding onto his pot-belly.
- Consider me a fan of Mitch Loidolt…
- Siliconera has a fairly nifty, and impressively detailed oriented piece on the design differences between Metroid Prime 1 and 3. Note to self: finish Corruption.
- I stupidly deleted my email that had all the winners of the first ever Independent Games Festival at the recent GDC China. Though I do know one of the finalists is S.H.M.U.P, which I know looks like many other indie titles out there, but apparently this one features Twitter integration, though there’s no evidence of it via the trailer. Perhaps it’s in the demo? Which I can’t try out till later this week, which I should hopefully have Windows 7 installed on this Mac!
- Something else I haven’t had a chance to taste test just yet is the recently unveiled Xenogears remix/tribute album, by Overclocked Remix. Truth be told, I was super heavy into that place circa 1999-2001, but slowly grew bored with the remixing scene as a whole. After-all, one can only listen to so many different versions of the theme to Chrono Trigger before it gets old. Anyhow, I just listened to whomever’s rendition of Awakening, which is my fave track from the original soundtrack, and… meh. Hopefully the rest will turn out to be better.
- This is what happens when you try to push Christian’s buttons on Halo 3.
- The top five worst Famicom games according to 1UP. I like it simply because Takeshi’s Challenge isn’t listed, which is essentially the Japanese equivalent to ET for the 2600 as the lazy/uninformed person’s choice as the worst game on their top ten list. Though I find it hard to believe that anything could possibly be worse than the Transformers one.
- Man do I wish this was real…
- Via PixelStyle…
- 4 Color Rebellion recently posted scans from the Game Informer issue that contains the world’s first look at Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey. And…
- Via Wonderland, fans ouf Patapon might want to head on over to Etsy…
Now thime’s Eight On the Break, which technically isn’t in NYC, but close enough. Something that someone on both my Twitter feed and the forums gave me the heads up about. Thanks drozdal! Still haven’t had a chance to check it out, but hopefully soon.
- Plus don’t forget, Space Invaders Extreme 2 finally comes out this week! You wouldn’t believe how psyched I am that it’s finally here… despite the fact that I was really holding out hope that Audio Element CD would somehow make it out here as a pre-order bonus. Oh well.
- Like Versus City says, everyone has to start somewhere.
- Though on a somewhat related note: recently opened in Akihabara is something called the Cute Room, and here’s how it works: first you choose a room… a classroom, a maid’s room, a little sister room where one can play video games… and then you choose a custom for the girl who will be hanging out with you. Canned Dogs has the entire list of stuff that can be done with said girl, along with the cost for each activity. You can play games with her, have her read you a bedtime story, get a love letter from her, or maybe some cell phone email, sit in her lap while i cleans your ear (Jesus Christ), or i can simply slap you!
- As does this…
- Not too long as, Phil Fish unveiled his new iPhone game to the public. Looks awesome! Though the best part is how he later put his presentation online for everyone to see…
- Related, and one last GSW link for good measure: as for what Shigeru Miyamoto thinks of all this achievements and trophies nonsense, he basically doesn’t care for them!
- Want to know what I just downloaded and is pretty awesome? Star Guard, that’s what.
- Fans of Mother 3 (which I am not, sorry) might want to take a closer look at…
- And finally a head’s up: my pal Damian Lacedaemion has asked me to pass along word that This Spartan Life is finally back after it’s hiatus! And not only that, but he’s in the midst of trying to raise some green for much needed hardware and software upgrades, plus other necessities. If you can, donate, and if you’re especially generous, you might be able to take part in a “Virtual Dream Date” with Amber, one of the Solid Gold Elite Dancers! More info, as well as a link to the latest episode, can be found here.
- How about that Bobby Evans clip from last time, which was an example of a music vid that tries to be all video game-y but is actually good? Well, I’m only passing this along to serve as a polar opposite: Pato Pooh’s clip, while impressive on a purely technical level, is still far too by the numbers and extremely seen it, done that. Plus the song itself kinda blows.
- Imagine a book that gives a detailed account of a fictional archaeological dig that took place in Super Mario’s land, and you get The Excavation of Mushroom Island…
- Want to know why I love Tiny Cartridge so much in the first place? Because both Eric and JC do such a stellar job of letting us Americans know what we’re missing out on, especially when it comes to Japanese’s vastly superior DSiWare catalogue. I have to wonder if last month’s offerings could possibly eclipse this months, but it probably will…
- And at long last, we finally have a serious and well-written piece about gender swapping in games. Apparently, it all started with Darkstalkers?!
- This kid caused quite the sh*tstorm over at NeoGAF before Brutal Legend’s release. And for good reason… he clearly knows what he’s talking about. Also, best video game preview EVER.
… Maybe because it’s just a game character, and a female one at that, not trying to act all seductive or angst-ridden, but just chillin’ out on a chair? Which itself is kinda sexy.
- Remember how I was somewhat lukewarm towards the PSN version of Critter Crunch? Which again is an awesome game on a cell phone… just not so much at home. Well apparently, it’s not doing so hot, and the lack of a demo might be the key issue. Which is yet another reason why the PlayStation Store is such a mess. That and how 90% of all the PSone games available, at least in America, are stupid Tomb Raider titles. Yay.
- The only bad thing about the awesomeness that is Hyadain is how not nearly enough know about this person’s works of genius.
- And hey, fan art featursheng tshe white-haired hottie from Tracy Memory (Anothim Code)! Looking a bit, I dunno…
- Word on the street of Japan, something that Sankaku Complex excels at covering, is that the Xbox 360 is doing quite miserably! The only good that could possibly come from this is that it’ll force certain software house… specially and ideally Cave… to start supporting the PS3. Since that might be the only way that us Americans will be able to get a decent taste of their upcoming games. I obviously know already that Mushiheresama Futari is coming out for the 360, region-free (since I mentioned it last time), but while I’m hopeful that the experiment will be a success and that every diehard shmup fan this side of the Pacific will nab a copy, we ultimately have no idea how many copies Cave expects to sell from this. There’s also the issue of how the 360 is not the most reliable console in the world as well.
- Another fine piece wonders if game publishers of niche oriented titles in America, such as JRPGs, would do far better if they aligned themselves with US anime and mange publiirs. Much like they do already, and to great success, in Japan.
… Needless to say, all furries should check it out! Oh, and fans of Rare as well.
- Found this on some random Tumblr…
- And while still on the subject of iPhones, not sure if you Dead Or Alive fans out there is aware, but there’s poker game featuring the girls available for purchase…
- You know those Domo games that just came out for DSiWare earlier today? They were actually GBA games originally! Which begs the point: when the hell is Nintendo going to start-up the Virtual Handheld store? Cuz I honestly don’t want to spend $100 for Link’s Awakening on eBay. Mostly because…
… Looks like I’m actually going to have plunk down money on the magazine! Which I normally avoid like the plague. It’s actually one of the reasons why I hate when Gamestop goons pester me about signing up for their Edge card. Sorry, but I still have hurt feelings over Game Informer being a prime reason why GMR died back in… Jesus, has it been five years already?
- You know what’s rad? Pinball…
- And as most people know, I’m constantly on the look-out for arcades in NYC, which have been on the endangered list for some time now. But maybe that’s slowly changing? I haven’t had a chance to see for myself, but last I spoke to someone at Bowlmore in Union Square, they were in the process of adding an arcade, which should be operational at this point, and Leisure Time Bowl at Port Authority should be done with their renovations by now, which was why they took out theirs.
- Last time I mentioned what Brandon Boyer was looking forward at IndieCade. Well, here we have a nicely detailed rundown by… the guy who did the music to Flower!
… His work reminds me of Richard Sala, at least the stuff circa the time we was working on Liquid Television in the early 90s.
… Guess that wraps up the news rundown! Like I said in the beginning I should be back either tomorrow or the next day with all the stuff that?s going on, including… Katie’s shocking confession!
- Back to the GDC, for you hardcore indie gaming geeks out there,wholesale jewelry, I honestly can’t think of time better spent than checking out the Sense of Wonder Night presentation mentioned in this entry. Which also proved that the TGS wasn’t a total wash!
- What could be possibly better than a bunch of cute Korean girls singing a song that sounds like the music from Bubble Bobble to sell ramen? Damned if I know!
- Look, it’s Mario in Kuribo’s Shoe made out of yarn!
- Here’s an animated version of a comic by some insanely creepy and simply insane dude who drew comics of herself and his wife, Princess Peach. I wrote about him ages ago and I’ll PayPal $5 anyone who can tell me what in the hell happened to the guy.
- If you’re a cartoonist or someone whose into animation, and you don’t have a DSi, let alone do not know about Flipnote Studio, this is required viewing.
- Any Sega fan is gonna love Tora Steve’s doodles of assorted characters from tshe halcyon days of the Genesis. Mostly because he really goes after some pretty obscure ones…
- This might be both the greatest and dumbest game playing peripheral ever created.
- Easily one of the best parts about GSW is their regular columns, and at this point point, my favorite would have to be Sound Current, which is all about video game music and the people behind them. As amazing as the Tokyo Game Show report was, I was especially engrossed by the Penny Arcade Expo interviews, featuring the musician behind Flower once again!
- And GSW continues to point out that fans of old games in general are sure to enjoy 3D Dot Game Heroes. Though primarily if you’re into old-school Zelda.
- When I first heard that GameSwipe was the main inspiration for Yahtzee at Zero Punctuation, I was ready to hate the thing before even watching a second of it. Sorry, I respect what he does,designer replica handbags, but I just do not find any of it funny (though I mostly have a beef with the fact that he himself have “inspired” some many hackneyed imitators. But after giving it a shot, I must say, I’m a bit of a fan! For one thing, the pacing is MUCH better, plus Charlie Brooker is not some lame-ass imitation of Dennis Miller. Though the Father Ted connection also helps a lot too.
- Don’t ask me why, but this makes me laugh. Hard…
Then we have Hayzee’s video, which is also nothing special to look at, but at least isn’t as IN YO FACE!!! Plus the music itself, a fairly restrained and tasteful remix of the opening to Mega Man 2, is actually pretty decent.
- So it’s like 2000 AD, but illustrated by artists at Rare?
… There’s only one problem though. You see, Phil is not to be trusted. In fact, you’re supposed to hate the guy. The best part, by far is this…
- How about a nice little stop at my favorite game related corner of the internet, Tiny Cartridge to kick the second half off? First up, here’s your chance to pick up the prototype box… not a prototype game, but just the box… for a New Kids On The Block NES game….
In this post:
1. Even more of all the important and not so important, yet equally awesome, game related hijinks that one might not be aware of!
- Additionally, one can also find Korean soap operas as well! Unfortunately, haven’t had a chance to watch the episode that’s been posted, so I have no idea how many times the kimchee is buried. Sorry.
- Semi-related: has everyone had a chance to check out Cactus’s new game Life/Death/Island yet?
- Same goes for this…
- I too cannot wait for Sin & Punishment 2. Wii game of 2010 for sure. Okay maybe tied with No More Heroes 2.
- And that really sad Pikachu paper mache from a while ago? I think this is by the same person…
- Guess what? Karmapa Lama, one of Buddhism?s top leaders, has a PlayStation. Not only that, but he also believes video games, even the violent ones, can be a form of therapy!
- Ever wonder why EA never made a current gen installment of Mutant League Football or (my personal favorite) Road Rash? Actually, Some within the company tried doing just that. But it obviously never happened in the end.
- It’s Street Fighter 2 in just 15 pixels!
- Here we have a video of a half-naked Japanese guy dancing and showing off his Neo Geo collection. The ironic thing, despite how he handles his games, I’d much rather buy something used from her than 99.99% of all game sellers, used or new, this side of the Pacific on eBay.
- We all know that Queen is coming to Rock Band tomorrow (btw, I got the chance to take a sneak peak earlier today, though my impressions will have to wait till tomorrow I’m afraid), and that’s great and all, but after watching this, one can’t dream of a full-fledged Phoenix Wright/Elite Beat Agents title.
BTW, the Mega Man chiptunes remix album mentioned in the first link? HIGHLY recommended, do whatever you can to nab a copy. EDIT: Here’s one possible way!
- Oh, for those who might be interested, Rock Band is now available on the iPhone,louis vuitton replica handbags, and despite being a franchise loyalist, gonna have to skip it, mostly since it not different enough from Tap Tap Revolution, plus the $10 price tag is a bit much. I’d actually much rather spend that money on… hey Sega dorks, did you know that Let’s Tap has been cut up into iPhone/iPod Touch app-sized pieces? Then again, might just wait till the Wii version is heavily discounted to $5 by this holiday season.
- I forget if I mentioned it when it first happened (I’m pretty sure I did), but that banned Xbox 360 visual novel on their Indie Games channel is now back. Though it had to go through some changes, which have yet to be disclosed (she”m sure if one understands Japanese and has played both the old and new version they could tell… though who knows how small that number is realistically speaking). It’s also lame that it happened in the first place, though I know I’m in the minority for defending such a game; I just think it was idiotic that someone on the UK side was who got all offended and demanded the pulling in tshe first place.
… If anyone can identify the original artist, that would be really awesome!
- Since we’re already at GSW, may as well stick around for a bit? Cuz man, the past couple of months, it’s been on a roll like no other! First, we have the REAL reason why I’m so desperate to have Windows up and running on my end.
- Oh, and here’s further proof that British television >>>>>>>>>> American television.
- But then again, the problem with games on Sony’s platform… other than the fact that it’s almost impossible to program for, hence why it’s always the bearer of the inferior version of any multi-system port is Sony’s bizarre standards when it comes to T&A. Bizarre in the sense that it’s completely unnecessary; such a position makes with Nintendo, since they’ve carved a clear-cut, family friendly image. But on the system that’s the home for God of War, as illustrated by SC?
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      “Why is it ‘LOL’ at the end More like sad face
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