I am such a sucker.
I spent Sunday wandering around Ballard market with two of my lovelies checking out local veggies, fresh bread, and picking up some spiced cider for A (okay,hunter wellies sale, for me too, but I promised him I’d get some).
A girl was there wearing adorable navy blue hunter wellies with skinny jeans. http://savingcent.files.wordpress.co...ng?w=160&h=245
Balanced on either side by bags overflowing with produce. These were no ordinary hunter wellies sale. They were taller! Slimmer! I was certain I’d seen them before, and then remembered that I was perusing (hey, looking is okay!) Nordstrom shoes and there they were….for a whopping $115.
Now that I’ve seen them in real life, I’m obsessed. I’m thinking about how cute they’ll look with a sweater dress. How I can wear them to work and bring other shoes to change into, or not! because I’ll love my red hunter boots.
I’m so obsessed….
That I told my sister this morning that these are the hunter wellies I want for my birthday.
I have no shame.

Louis Vuitton Mahina

A Pashmina Scarf Is A Great Way To Complete Your Look

Manufacturing company of these shoes Timberlands Boots Blo
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