114 recipe garlic treatment of disease - may wish
  bidentata 120 grams, garlic, onions, ginger 500 grams of juice, vinegar 100 grams, 50 grams of flour, add vinegar to garlic Congjiang juice down into the flour, Achyranthes simmered revolve paste, rub the affected area , can be cured by wind pain, shoulder and wind chill.
91. tuberculosis, chronic cough, 100 of tea can be useful
garlic garlic 50 grams, 100 15 grams, 9 grams Aster will be 100, Aster use water to cook, garlic juice Duiru mud trace a tea uniforms to , half effective, have effect on the tuberculosis cough
92. tuberculosis, refractory disease, adhere to taking garlic 250 grams of sugar and garlic
Schisandra, Schisandra 125 grams, 50 grams of brown sugar. Will Schisandra decoction 2 to slag juice and brown sugar, garlic, half were sealed into the bottle, sealed, fresh garlic daily number of petals, drink some juice, adhere to taking tuberculosis becoming light.
93. garlic, Xian Ou, pear, Yin Qing Fei added 250 grams of gas
garlic, Xianou 500 grams, 250 grams of pear, will squeeze the juice of various materials were mixed with washed once a day , yin qi then clearing the lungs, the role of good health.
94. Garlic, Angelica do skin patches, to reduce the pain of lung cancer Jia Yi Ye
garlic 250 grams, Asarum, Angelica, leaves the 100 grams. Garlic mash, shamisen medicine research into the end of the garlic and mix thoroughly with a large, wrapped with gauze, spreads in the chest pain office, time should be treated after radiotherapy, to avoid skin reactions, to reduce the pain of lung cancer.
95. garlic Ai iris kits, prevention of influenza in children
garlic 10 grams, 30 grams of leaves, mint leaves 20 grams, Folium, shichangpu each 12 grams, will be smashed above material mixed with cloth kits, baby pillow can be placed, hung in the children with chest colds.
96. infantile anorexia, dried tangerine peel garlic paste on the useful]
50 grams of garlic, dried tangerine peel syrup 30 ml. Garlic mash, with a gauze filter, add garlic juice per 10 ml of cold boiled water 70 ml, add 20 ml of dried tangerine peel syrup, shake taking autocratic infantile anorexia.

97. Jinyingzi garlic, egg, change the bad habits of children enuresis
mixed drink 10 grams, 10 grams of garlic, 1 egg. First egg into the mixed drink boiled water, garlic, cook for three minutes after the stripped shell, soup of egg. Once a day, children with nocturnal enuresis problems can be little better.
98. dog meat, garlic, black bean soup, qi Fitness has 50 grams of impotence
garlic, black beans 50 grams, 500 grams of dog meat. Dog meat cut into pieces. Water soaked beans wok-simmered with vinegar, garlic is also added to meat soup, 2 times a day, insist on taking, physical impotence.
99. jiucai garlic fried silkworm, adhere to strong consumption of 100 grams of garlic
kidney essence, jiucai 100 grams, 150 grams of silkworm pupa. Into the base oil to wok, stir fry garlic first, then add the pupa, and finally into jiucai, adding seasoning, table food, treating premature ejaculation, high precision solid.
100. garlic walnut waist, high precision is a good move
garlic, 50 grams each walnut, kidney pair. Kidney diced, washed over boiling water about Billy, along with garlic, walnut Dunlan, eat kidney, walnut, once a day, insist on taking strong fine kidney.
101. garlic, chicken feet, peanuts, garlic treatment of beriberi edema
100 grams, 200 grams of chicken feet, 200 grams of peanuts. Wash chicken feet, foam peanuts after cooking with garlic seasoning food to join, on beriberi, edema useful.
102. garlic gourd soup, kidney yang
to 50 grams of garlic, gourd 250 grams, 30 grams of honey, wash sponge slice with garlic soup, adding honey [/ url], daily Once kidney strong fine useful.
103. garlic, angelica stewed pig heart, insomnia and dizziness
garlic 50 grams, 50 grams of Radix Codonopsis, Chinese angelica 10 grams, the pig heart 1. Wash knives pig heart to change the piece, with garlic, Codonopsis, Angelica Black with Dunshu, adding seasoning, 1 day, adhere to a week, insomnia or elimination, dizziness disease brought the matter.
104. garlic egg white paste, swelling government erysipelas
50 grams of garlic, chicken Qing 2, red bean noodles. Mash the garlic into the garlic, add in egg noodles tune into SD and red bean paste, coating can be swelling in the affected area boils boils and erysipelas disease.
105. garlic fried beans, soup, oral treatment of stroke
garlic 50 grams, 50 grams of fried beans. Fry the garlic and cook until soy beans into the pot micro-oral soft rot into paste. Daily empty stomach to cure old stroke.
106. Carp Garlic Steam, Water urinary elimination edema
Lee Lei 1, 50 grams of garlic, soap alum 1.5 g, 9 g Laying tea. The carp to the scales to the cheek to chest organs, the garlic, soap alum, Songluo tea into a fish, on rotten pot steamed, hot to fish, garlic, tea, eat together, can eliminate the body swelling, avoid salt .

107. Xuan Ming powder garlic paste, garlic appendix pain solvable
200 grams, 100 grams of powder Xuan Ming. Garlic mash, with Xuan Ming powder transferred into a paste, vinegar coated in appendix pain, then Rubbing garlic paste, cover with gauze, 50 minutes to relieve pain in the appendix.
108. betel nut turtle garlic soup, liver disease, ascites is a recipe
garlic 30 grams, 30 grams of betel nut, a turtle. Will Laobie slaughtered to internal organs, the turtle soup with garlic nut. Meat soup, even for 5 times to cure liver ascites.
109. garlic broiler, consumer inflation to exhaust
100 grams of garlic, white broiler 1. Chicken slaughter, to internal organs, the garlic into the chicken bore, into the tureen and steam cooked. Regular daily consumption, can eliminate Du Zhang.
110. jujube garlic peanut agents, swelling to flatulence
125 grams of peanuts, red dates 10, garlic 30 grams. After the foam peanuts, with jujube, garlic fry, add boiling-done. Daily moment, at times taking 3, eliminating swelling, relieve inflation threat.
111. Xanthii garlic egg, taking the benefits of breast
cocklebur seeds 7. Garlic 2, 2 eggs. Cocklebur seeds, mash, garlic Zacheng mud, wok fried with egg and mix thoroughly, table food, benefit from mastitis.
112. vinegar, garlic chicken, fill Tixu
1500 ml vinegar, garlic 30 grams, then a hen. Rinse the hens dressed with Cuzhushulan, while adding garlic, graded eat chicken, can make up for weak health treatment of asthma.
113. garlic rice beef lung, the treatment of bronchitis
garlic 30 grams, 200 grams of beef lung, ginger 10 ml, amount of japonica rice. The bovine lung into small pieces with rice, garlic stew into rice, leaves the pot by adding ginger and mix well, do diet, quantitative food, treatment of chronic bronchitis.
114. drink garlic Chih wine on them snakes met with bypass to go
50 grams of garlic, Angelica 20 grams, 10 grams of realgar, 750 ml white wine, garlic, Angelica, taking realgar wine fried, snakes can not close. If bitten by poisonous snakes, that serve the wine on them eating garlic, so that drug does not enter the intra-abdominal

1. Decoction, to prevent a cold is a good way
250 grams of garlic, peeled with a knife smash, 1000 ml Jiantang, three times a day, each a small cup.
2. vinegar, garlic bulb Jiang, cold therapy is the secret
500 ml vinegar, garlic, ginger 150 grams, the ginger garlic slices into honey vinegar soaked in a month or more letters. Gastronomic when eating with food, useful in treating colds.
3. mouthpiece health garlic, a good half of the cold
garlic in its mouth, and to facilitate tongue movement, fluid and swallowing, repeated several times until the smell of garlic after the beginning of spit on a cold, cold cough, great benefit.
4. garlic plug nose, fever has Qufeng
to large garlic clove, stuffed nose for about 20 minutes, can cure the flu, fever cured form, very effective.
5. brown sugar-vinegar sauce, pickled garlic, and the treatment of chronic bronchitis
100 grams of brown sugar, vinegar 250 grams, 250 grams of garlic. Brown sugar, vinegar and soak for seven days with garlic mashed. Three times a day, each 10 ml.
6. garlic orange cake soup, garlic treatment of bronchitis is a secret
30 grams, 30 grams of orange cake. The two flavor material chopped, add a moderate boiling, to slag Beverage Service. Day 1, sub-second take.
7. garlic pig gall, the treatment of bronchitis
garlic 50 grams, or pig 6. Wash fresh cut taken first pig bile, garlic smashed into the mud, the agent according to 3:1, or 3 copies of pig, 1 garlic, mixed with bile and garlic together, 24 hours after the drying and research into the foam into capsules made medicine. 1 gram per serving three times daily after meals, bronchitis and effective treatment.
8. garlic vinegar 1 Tong Jian, drainage and anti-inflammatory
garlic 50 grams, 100 grams of vinegar. Peel the garlic smashed, fried with vinegar for ten minutes, governance pulmonary abscess. Twice daily, has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect emission concentration.
9. mirabilite garlic paste, is effective treatment of pulmonary pain
garlic 100 grams, 100 grams of rhubarb, 50 grams of Glauber's salt, vinegar appropriate. The garlic, rhubarb, mirabilite mashed, made into paste, into three layers of gauze bag,cheap ghd, and topical Feishu points and chest and back, each two hours, treat pulmonary abscess.
10. two white garlic fried, clearing the lungs have come true
browse the recipe collection into a collection to my room, feeling useful, convenient and practical, it does not spend much money, people must have the recipe for home, put it here so that users can see little recipe Governance serious illness, may wish to try.

500 grams of garlic, white grabbing 30 grams, 30 grams of white Ai. Drug into the pot to the shamisen Canada 3000 ml water to cook. Take about one meter long tube crust, crust control by patients, inserted a spout, the slowly sucking the vapor, each an hour after the last residue sucking fresh garlic, very effective.
11. garlic polenta, nourishing the heart to help longevity
50 grams of corn, garlic, 6, sweet and sour amount. Will be first into the sweet and sour garlic soaked day, cornmeal porridge, and finally into the vinegar soak the garlic, cook for a moment that is good. Every day, even the clothes for several days, to raise heart stomach, diet health benefit.
12. Garlic centipede cellular soup, blood aligning a recipe
hornet's nest, 3 g garlic 1, a centipede. In three with decoction, one dose daily, twice daily for taking treatment coronary heart disease.
13. pig puzzle and win soup,A woman marries a man of N kinds of N kinds of con, treatment of palpitation palpitation
garlic 100 grams, a pig heart, special sand 9 grams. Wash the pig heart, pig heart placed in special sand, together with the garlic Dunshu. Hot cooked soup, treat palpitations, palpitation, anxiety heart disease.
14. sweet and sour garlic soup, garlic and blood pressure prescription
100 grams, sugar 50 grams, 750 grams of vinegar. With sweet and sour garlic bulb a few days, every morning fasting eat sweetened garlic 12, and drink a little sweet and sour sauce, on the 15th cycle.

15. garlic boiled rice porridge, Buck has come true
garlic, rice, boiled rice porridge by adding the daily amount of garlic, a blood pressure function.
16. mung bean garlic soup, blood pressure is a good way
garlic 150 grams, 100 grams of green beans, crystal sugar. Garlic, green beans cook until the green beans Aozhi thick flowering erosion, adding rock sugar that can be eaten several times a day, open treatment.
17. garlic mixed with cucumber to eat, can cure high blood lipid
cucumber garlic shoot, garlic mixed with cucumber, daily adhere to lipid-lowering.
garlic butter mixed together to reduce high blood cholesterol
special garlic smashed into the mud to take lipid-lowering butter and mix thoroughly.
garlic essential oils, the most spiritual
lipid extracted from garlic oil, lipid-lowering efficacious, currently available in the market, that garlic oil capsules.
18. garlic dressing springs, can cure gastroenteritis
150 grams of fresh garlic, smashed into the mud, external application on the foot soles of the feet Yongquan, once daily treatment of gastroenteritis.
garlic flour soup recipe
treatment stomach is 50 grams of garlic smashed into the mud, into the flour Aohao thin soup, and taking a rest to cure gastroenteritis.
19. garlic vinegar, garlic treatment of gastrointestinal
100 grams, 150 grams of vinegar. Pickled garlic mash, adding vinegar and mix thoroughly taking, treating acute gastroenteritis.
garlic lamb stew, lamb to the treatment of stomach cramps
oil, with garlic with stew, soup, meat with fresh garlic, can cure stomach cramps.
20. garlic with honey drink 150 grams of tyranny nausea
garlic, cooked, honey to boiled water, with fresh garlic, drink honey water, tyranny nausea and vomiting.
21. Divine Comedy garlic recipe, food product bloating
tyranny garlic 30 grams, 15 grams of Divine Comedy. The two water to cook, adding a small glass of white wine Beverage Service, treatment, abdominal distension food product.
22. snapper braised garlic, radish, anti-inflammatory treatment gas over
turtle tonic 500 grams, 200 grams of garlic, 200 grams of white radish. Wash the turtle slaughtered to internal organs, with garlic, cooked with white radish, not salt, can be slightly Cong Jiang, wine to taste belly. Two days time, insist on taking at least 5 times to cure gas, bloating.
23. villosum garlic carp, crucian carp strong stomach and spleen virtual
1,000 grams, 200 grams of garlic, Amomum 10 grams, 6 grams of dried tangerine peel, bean dial 6 grams. Carp to the scales, to the gills, gutted, washed and control to the water, the oil boil for a short time again, put the pot base oil, soy Congjiang pot into the soup, fried carp into code, add all the spices, garlic, villosum, etc., stewed 20 minutes, the fish edible, soup can drink, has a strong stomach and spleen, the effect of tonic.
24. garlic vehicle Jiantang surgery, treatment, diarrhea is a good side
garlic 30 grams, 30 grams Atractylodes, Plantago 15 grams, the shamisen fried and put into clean water Jiantang day one, sooner or later sub-services, curative.
25. sweetened garlic tea, warm belly just 30 grams under the
brown sugar, garlic 50 grams, 30 grams of fresh tea leaves, garlic smashed first. The brown sugar added to boiling water boil for tea, and finally into the rotten garlic, until the time when the tea warm, three times a day, rule discharged.
26. garlic pepper topical, treatment, discharge belly
50 grams of garlic, pepper 30 grams, will both mash made of pie, deposited in the fixed navel, efficacious treatment of cold vent.
27. cinnabar with garlic, diarrhea, a good half of the
garlic 50 grams, 30 grams of cinnabar, the two with the mash, the second floor into a pie with a gauze, topical stick God closed, Yongquan, Governance diarrhea disease.
28. garlic melon villosum, rule expansion diuresis
garlic 50 grams, 120 grams Amomum, watermelon one, the shamisen material into the casserole cook, day 1, three sub-services, governance Du Zhang.
29. Biejia garlic soup, garlic can cure swelling
30 grams, 50 grams of turtle shell, the second material into the pot boiled, one day, divided twice a day should be eaten fresh, treatment of abdominal inflation.
30. garlic red pill, cumulative effect
Spleen 400 grams of garlic, clove, woody, incense, Amomum, blue, tangerine peel, fruit grass, cows each 30 grams, Creme, contents of myristic the 20 g, Poria Cocos, each 15 grams of ginseng. To the total of all drug research for the go-between, garlic research into the mud, fine gauze out of garlic juice, mixed with medicine pills are not made, the same size and with the peppercorns, each serving a 12-pill, three times a day, avoid cold, dirty food.
31. calf tendon transfer anxious, to take to help you
garlic 50 grams of garlic, add some salt to drop it like mud, cleaning soles of the feet to heat only, both spinning cloth garlic, deposited in the navel, can reduce the pain , the better.

32. odorless garlic drink, excellent health care products
garlic 200 grams, 100 grams of honey, white wine 500 grams, 50 grams of egg yolk, 50 grams of sesame seeds. Garlic mash, stir together egg yolk with, with 微火 drying, together with research into the go-sesame stir fry by adding the wine, while Duiru Mix honey, into the shade, drinking six months later, pale brown clear liquid garlic juice, only without garlic, but with allicin, including, for health drinks.
33. peel, Amomum villosum, garlic, treatment of nephritis try
350 grams of garlic,Classic English Movie lines ~ all need to back dow, peel, Amomum 125 grams. Take a whole watermelon, cut from Goity 10 cm knife, dig out seeds and pulp, sliced garlic, together with Amomum into the melons, the re-covered, taking into large casserole or canned watermelon, flesh slightly by adding sugar, boiled a few hours later separated, the next day to open cans, will Amomum garlic, melons pounded eat, three times a day, a diuretic treatment of acute nephritis.
34. ricin garlic dressing springs, nephritis patient adhere to treatment
castor 60 grams, 30 grams of garlic, mash, spinning cloth, pressed into cakes, deposited in the double every night soles of the feet Yongquan, fixed with adhesive tape, later removed before putting the morning, seven days a course, adhere to treat chronic nephritis.
35. Laobie garlic, garlic tonic descending hot
200 grams, 500 grams of turtle meat, garlic, wash well with the slaughter of old and disadvantages with the stew, add appropriate amount of sugar, white wine, ginger, spring onion stew simmered in small, sub- agent soup, twice a day, rule on kidney yin deficiency, chronic nephritis, mild edema embolism.
36. garlic with berberine, berberine treatment of prostate
40 ml, 40 ml garlic juice will be two practice patients enema synthetic drugs once a day, every 35 minutes, 12 times as a course of treatment, Garlic is known as a strong bactericidal Coptis anti-inflammatory effect,moncler sale,When you start shrinking deposits - Qzone log, by enema, drug directly into the prostate lesions, and unique treatment effect.

37. garlic every day use, good diabetes
into the right amount of garlic per day can reduce blood glucose levels. Garlic lower blood has been scientific proof that garlic is not good for blood diseases mysterious remedies, and therefore, regular consumption of garlic on the cause of diabetic coronary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis and other complications better prevention.
38. garlic salt brewed tea, there are ways to
glucose 60 g garlic, 10 grams of tea, a little salt, garlic Zacheng garlic, add a little salt with tea after 5 minutes with 微火 frying, boiling water steep drink use, can reduce blood sugar, while there are benefits gastroenterology.
39. headaches are not diseases, garlic can be of use to take garlic
garlic Zacheng mud, nasal drops, 23 drops, if the tears immediately relieve the headache.
40. paste garlic mustard paste, headaches can be a good
White Mustard Seed, garlic mash, made of plaster in the pain area, which could cure diseases, reduce suffering. Poor appetite stuffy head, chest Bie body weight were also the same benefit.
41. garlic really clever, can cure stroke patients
garlic mash, root applied to patients on the treatment of stroke can be no language, folk remedies, try not imitation.
42. garlic wine, can solve insomnia worry
100 grams of garlic, white wine 500 ml, 90 grams of crystal sugar, crystal sugar large garlic steamed with white wine in the same place, sealed 30 days after the second drink less separable , can cure neurasthenia, loss of appetite, but not much to drink.
43. cynomolgus poisoning after eating crab garlic poisoning Qudu go
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, severe cases be life threatening emergency to the hospital first, and second, to take immediate garlic Zacheng mud, taking garlic juice drink, ginger can also add a better effect with the drink.
44. flour poisoning after drinking garlic Jieyou Chou
moldy rice and flour trade of food poisoning. If poisoning occurs, immediately get smashed garlic and add some salt, take garlic Beverage Service, you can reduce symptoms, but it should be immediately to the hospital for treatment.
45. honey, garlic, garlic trace rule boils efficacious
mud mixed with honey spreads in the affected area once a day, boil the pain of last.
46. tetanus, the most frightened, garlic cents side, is the nemesis
10 grams of garlic, sesame oil 3 grams, 15 grams of Clematis, shamisen mash Chongfu hot wine, extract a Rehan, gas can be scattered .
47. lymphomas TB, garlic is also useful
100 grams of garlic, duck two, add water, cook the taste, cook until duck cooked, shelled, Decoction and fresh eggs. Folk will be square.
48. Pleione side, hemorrhoids treatment alone
garlic mash, soft silk pack stormed into the anus, sat down on a regular basis feel pain treatment, hemorrhoids Jiyu.
49. dysmenorrhea, very sorry, garlic row of sorrow
folk remedies, treatment effect strong. Women with dysmenorrhea large garlic juice, stuffed with cotton balls dipped after the ears in garlic can be effective immediately.

50. garlic juice and honey, cough most favorable]
garlic smashed into the mud, into the pot boiled water, added with honey to drink, to cough.
51. radish garlic, treatment rhinitis
white radish,ghd mk4, garlic mash and juice, the second drops the nose in the morning and evening hours, seven days a course of treatment, effective treatment of rhinitis.
52. garlic toothache treatment, toothache before putting on the useful
not a disease, pain that is so deadly, although common garlic,] Rubbing on useful. Toothache is the more common symptoms, take garlic and dates, meat Zacheng mud, attached to the affected area, so that saliva flow, pain effect is good.
53. acne, makes trouble, garlic Beauty overcoming
adolescent acne face to love, if not pay attention to will leave a scar, so to beauty, to pay particular attention to adolescent acne, acne appears to take garlic , cut into pieces in order to graze acne garlic, put garlic paste on the affected area to acne slowly subside.
54. rashes tinea capitis, ringworm of garlic addition to suffering from
are skin healing and, in addition to external use can be cured, garlic recipe also treat: Take a large garlic adding Vaseline, made of cream, coated in the affected area, all day and night time, can cure ringworm. The other side: garlic with garlic leaves, vinegar, peppercorns, sour cream made from almonds are secret ringworm treatment.
55. alopecia, alopecia areata good pain, the effectiveness of garlic to repair
people there hair loss, alopecia areata first blood heat caused the second is caused by the wet spleen, resulting in symptoms to pay attention, garlic recipe be issuing replacement is required patient-specific, take garlic 2, Zacheng mud, adding glycerol, mix thoroughly rubbed in the affected area several times daily, is effective.
56. garlic tea gold and silver, treatment of diarrhea almost certain
10 grams of garlic, honeysuckle 6 grams, 2 grams of licorice, garlic mash with honeysuckle licorice water soaking, add some sugar on behalf of the tea use, rapid effect.
57. garlic wild chrysanthemum, prevention and good effect
meningitis encephalitis, mostly acute, similar to the early and the flu, high fever and severe headache, taking garlic can prevent wild chrysanthemum. 60 g garlic, 30 g wild chrysanthemum, boiled Cheng Tang, mouth rinse, several times a day, soup can also be taken.
58. red beans with garlic, red bean soup consumption of a variety
physical health, adding two cloves of garlic, fresh bean soup, diuretic, to edema, fatigue effect, men often drink, help the body healthy.
59. garlic fried fresh ginger, garlic and fend off the cold detoxification is the magic formula of 100 grams, 100 grams of fresh ginger, sliced garlic, ginger strips, into the frying pan fried, eaten as vegetables, have published fend off the cold, bacteria elimination product detoxification function.
60. garlic every day use, longevity and anti-cancer
garlic not only bacteria, and there are anti-cancer function. Allicin supplement containing human body needs selenium in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease benefits, help to reduce the incidence of cancer.
61. ducks garlic soup, treatment of kidney disease is a recipe
duck a ripper to wash hair, bore a large garlic soup filled with rice, meat on the take, the first two days, several effective.
62. garlic baked carp, crucian carp diet kidney virtual
to scale to the gills to the internal organs, abdominal wash stuffed garlic, wrapped with lotus leaf, cooked stew on the fire chaff use, physical make up virtual, treatment nephritis.
63. garlic steamed winter melon, a good way to
diuretic garlic into the melon, the pot of steamed juice drink, diuretic anti-inflammatory, beneficial use of kidney disease.
dried bean, garlic,discount uggs, snapper, blood pressure, stomach, tonic
64. snapper 1, garlic 100 grams, 60 grams of dried bean, turtle to bore, skin soup, add dried bean, garlic, meat drink Tang, qi and stomach, nourish liver and kidney.
65. Garlic fried shrimp, they fill up fine pulp
garlic 100 grams, 250 grams of shrimp middle, into the base oil to wok over high flame fry garlic and shrimp section, and placed in flavor to dishes to enjoy,timberland chukka boots, a tonic value.
66. garlic head tofu soup, gallbladder and stomach healthy
100 grams of garlic, fresh fish the first 500 grams, 100 grams of tofu, simmer with the pot by adding flavoring, Decoction and Sibu, gallbladder and stomach, Garlic Xin Wen, normalized spleen lung, therefore, also have medicinal functions have food.
67. frankincense garlic soup, garlic children moaning is the secret
50 grams, 50 grams, 1.5 grams of frankincense, the sliced garlic and simmer dry, with research into the end of frankincense, adding boiling water, let their children drink soup can cure children moaning, blood flow of qi can be achieved, the role of Orifices through closed.
68. garlic mustard porridge, Xuanfei to longevity
garlic and mustard with a meal or porridge with rice, eat breakfast every day, with effect Xuanfei and stomach, adhere to eating porridge, longevity.
garlic porridge, treatment of tuberculosis, asthma cough is effective
garlic with rice porridge every morning and evening to take, to cure a dry cough, on the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure blood fat are highly beneficial.
69. Paojiu lemon garlic ginger, garlic
can drive away a cold cold 400 grams, 150 grams of ginger, lemon, 3, 70 ml honey, 800 ml white wine, garlic, steamed or broiled about to go a little garlic odor slices, ginger, lemon slices with the same result after three months of soaking in the wine drinkable. Relieving rheumatism and cold solution table, attending cold of flu.
70. garlic paste ginger mint, garlic Qufeng a cold
50 grams, 50 grams of ginger, mint, 25 grams, will be in three mud with Zacheng, transfer, such as cream, bottled spare. Amount of time to take a cold cream to gauze, spreads in the navel, and tape securely, daily cycles.
71. garlic and onion soup, fend off the cold is garlic fried side
50 grams, very light blue 50 grams, 30 grams of pepper, ginger 50 grams, 10 grams Jing Qin, garlic slices, shredded ginger, green onion cut into sections, into the pot cook for 5 minutes. Hot Beverage Service, relieving relieving.
72. garlic soup boiled placenta, cough Dingchuan
another 50 grams of garlic, placenta 1, yam and medicine 30 grams, jujube 7, ginger 10 grams, white moderate, placental wash over boiling water over Billy, Add garlic, yam and medicine, red dates, ginger, white wine casserole warm fire, simmer, slightly pinch of salt. Taken twice. To cough and.
73. garlic soup fried lotus leaf, flat against the can to stop bleeding
garlic 50g, lotus 20 grams, 20 grams of the leaves of Health, Health Epimedii 20 grams, 20 grams of fresh raw land, to a variety of materials mixed with the mash to water simmer in water, can be flat against the air, stop the bleeding.
74. Eclipta garlic paste, hemostasis is effective
50 grams of garlic, fresh Eclipta,buy moncler, fresh thistle all six, Bai Caoshuang 15 grams. All materials will be pounded into the mud transferred into a paste. Patients with hematemesis navel and Yongquan desirable cream dressing, plus gauze wrapped 3 times daily for stickers.
75. garlic pepper leaf juice, malaria can be cured root
garlic 75 grams, 60 grams of pepper leaves. The garlic with the pepper Ye Tong boiling juice, a malaria episode first 2 hours, 4 hours once the clothes, even the service several times can be effective.
76. honey garlic, set asthma
garlic 50 grams, 30 grams of honey. Wash, and cut the garlic peeling garlic, cooked with honey in a bowl and steam for a daily one, an example is asthma.
77. garlic Guayang, cough remedy
30 grams of garlic, silk Guayang, melon seedlings, South Guayang the triangle, Peucedanum, licorice each 30 grams, the best to take the fall Guayang will Guayang juice squeeze. Take 700 ml, 90 grams of gypsum, garlic, Peucedanum, liquorice, plaster with gauze wrap, put Guayang juice, into the steamer and steam system. Can take a month twice 50 ml, treatment of asthma, cough and asthma, chronic bronchitis.
78. Chenpi fried garlic, the treatment of bronchitis
15 grams of dried tangerine peel, garlic 50 grams. Garlic, chopped tangerine peel adding water simmer in water to residue remaining juice, taken twice, suitable for bronchitis patients.
79. ginger vinegar, garlic, ginger can cure acid
100 grams, 100 grams of garlic, vinegar and 500 grams. The garlic, ginger slices washed, soaked into vinegar with more than 30 days. Case of gastric acid disorder to take vinegar to drink. Can cure chronic gastritis, stomach pain.
80. garlic Shuizhu Shu, food in the stomach discomfort
200 grams of fresh garlic. Garlic peeled, boiled water can drink eat garlic soup cooked garlic can cure stomach pain, bloating symptoms.
81. garlic alum, can cure colitis
garlic 25 grams, 5 grams alum, alum research into fine flour, and red boiling water to melt. Take Juice taking, treating acute gastroenteritis.

82. garlic fried eel, warm stomach rule expansion hiding
garlic 100 grams, 250 grams of rice field eel. Wash eel killed, Eviscerate slice, garlic slice fry. Fin consumption, reduce stomach pain. Cassia
garlic tea, garlic, dressed in uniforms blood pressure
amount, 15 grams Cassia, the two taste with boiling water when the tea. Supplements of a blood pressure lowering effect.
83. garlic and celery soup, blood pressure is a recipe
garlic 10 grams, 100 grams of celery, onion 5 g, water chestnut 5. Will be expected to increase above boiling soup, a bowl made of the amount agent. Once a day, have lower blood pressure.
84. Jiantang taking garlic porcine pancreas, adjuvant treatment of diabetes
50 grams of garlic, porcine pancreas 1, pollen, Pueraria 30 grams each. All materials will be used casserole soup, great benefit in diabetic patients.
85. garlic comprehensive drinking, diabetes care products
garlic 50 grams, 10 grams of purple Su Ye, celery, pepper grass each 10 grams, lettuce, cole 30 grams, 1 small apple, half a lemon. Wash the material will be used to squeeze fresh juice juice drink] with Yin Fu Zheng, lower blood sugar have a supporting role.
86. Big son of boiling maple garlic, urticaria dissipation
large maple sub 30 grams, 15 grams of garlic. The two materials Zacheng mud, water cook 5 minutes, juice, rub the affected area. Once a day, urticaria disappeared speed.
87. mashed potatoes and garlic paste, 150 grams of neurodermatitis eliminate
garlic, fresh virgin leaves, potatoes with 120 grams of vinegar appropriate. Garlic, fresh virgin leaves, potatoes Zacheng mud, add vinegar into a paste transfer, taking cotton swabs dipped in liquid spread on the affected area, and repeated friction, 3 times a day, nerve Department dermatitis disappears.
88. plus castor garlic, a good way to treat dermatitis
garlic 25 grams, very light blue 7, sugar 15 grams, 1.5 grams borneol, castor bean 15 grams for each of the material Daocheng mashed, spread on the affected area of neurodermatitis curative.
89. snakeskin garlic paste, effective treatment of rheumatic pain
garlic,MLB Jerseys, pepper, ginger, 120 grams each, snakeskin 1, 250 grams of sesame oil, Huang Dan 180 grams, will be adding the feed into the sesame oil temperature, so that the material leaching juice, filtered residue body, added Huang Dan, revolve paste, paste on the affected part or the painful area of rheumatism, poor circulation significantly biased results.
90. bidentata garlic vinegar face, smearing solution cold
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      114 recipe garlic treatment of disease - may wish
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