Martial Arts - The Secrets of Jujitsu
  Martial Arts - The Secrets of Jujitsu
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Kod:: Captain Smith, who has been employed as an instructor in Hand-to-Hand Fighting at The Infantry School, hasperformed an important service in preparing his series of books, "The Secrets of Jujitsu."

It is, in my opinion, highly desirable that American Infantry be trained in all forms of personal combat thatmight be used against them.PAUL B. MALONEColonel, InfantryAssistant CommandantHEADQUARTERSTHE INFANTRY SCHOOLCAMP BENNING, GEORGIAJULY 30, 1920.JUJITSU IS BOTH SELF-DEFENSE AND MENTAL TRAINING
Jujitsu as a means of self-defense will teach you to take care of yourself in dangerous situations whetherarmed or unarmed.It is a valuable study as it trains you to evade the impact of an opponent's strength and attack him at apoint where he can bring only 20 per cent of his strength to bear. It teaches you to unbalance your opponent.Conversely it trains you to retain your own balance and to bring 100 percent of your strength to bear in everyeffort you make. A man trained in jujitsu will instinctively act on this principle in everything he doeswhether engaged in a physical contest or a mental one.A course of jujitsu therefore will leave its permanent mark on your mentality. It teaches you to retain yourpoise in the arena where the contests are physical, brawn against brawn, or in the public forum, where mind ispitted against mind, intellect against intellect.It has another and more immediate result in the resources of self-defense that will be at your immediatedisposal whenever you are attacked, or whenever you go to the rescue of someone else.A strong man by its aid will be enabled to use his strength in a more workmanlike manner, and a weak man willbe able to discount the superior strength of his adversary.A woman equipped with this science will no longer be at the mercy of a ruffian. She will furthermore retainher presence of mind and keep cool, in an emergency. DOWNLOAD:
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