Are business friends may wish to look at the stage
  some work, some go to school, you should not miss this article, see the article is also a lucky, really benefit, a great inspiration to me, this article will change you and me life, really good, I hope to share with a nice ring, but also want to help a nice ring! After reading a kind of \[/ Url] as \into the enterprise's people, the first 5 years Do not say you can give me a little pay, the most important thing is what can be learned in the business of development is not conducive to ... ... \always flat in the lessons learned from the few lessons learned from the ordeal over; from the flat light of lessons learned,nike 2010 shoes, lessons learned from the ordeal deep. A person experiencing hardships in his youth, if correct, as the, out of darkness, and that is a person worthy of admiration. The most important thing is first needed to train their internal strength, needed to train their internal strength, be possible to climb even higher in the future.
to Go? Solution lies in thinking!
In fact, no money, no experience, no experience, no social relations, these are not terrible. No money to earn by hard work; no experience, you can practice operation to sum up; no experience, step by step to accumulation; without social relations, can be a little bit to knit. However, no dreams, no idea is the most terrible, and people get scared and would like to avoid!
Must have a correct direction. No matter how high-spirited, no matter how resourceful you are, no matter how much effort you spend, without a clear direction, they had a great loss, gradually lose their fighting spirit, to forget the original dream will be a detour, or even no return, wasting his talent, missed his youth.
Homer's \panic after 20 years of struggle, even a lifetime of mediocrity. If you can not puzzle out as soon as possible, out of the fog, we really are discredited in the face after 10 years, 20 years later their own.
we have a lot to be determined, there are a lot of decisions.
confused about who would experience fear and to avoid anyone else have had, but not to be confused about as self-abandon, willing to excuse for mediocrity, not to become self-pity, sacrifice frustrated Moved. Need to take their own life and destiny need to hold their own. The earlier and found, the sooner out of the confusion, the more likely success on the road in life, and create brilliant. Can not find direction without a head, will run into a wall everywhere; a person can not find a way out, only confusion and fear.
life in the face of difficulties, we often have the feeling of desperation. Do not be discouraged, persevere, to believe that there is no road to ruin young lives, difficulties in the front and hope around the corner. As long as we have the right ideas, we will be able to avoid detours, find a way out!
successful people are not winning at the starting point, but won the turning point.
number of recently graduated young man, always expect soon be able to find their ideal job. However, a lot of good work is not and so, you must select a job for life experiences. Professional journey first job, no doubt into the starting point for the university community. Maybe you find an unsatisfactory job, so from here, good to precipitate themselves learned from this work, the nutritional value, Accumulate. A thousand miles begins with a single step, as long as the departure, there is hope to reach the terminal.
starting point can be the same, but chose a different inflection point, the end will be much different!
our lives, emotions, career and so there are many uncertain factors, the future is full of possibilities. This time, we must learn to choose, know how to give up, give yourself a clear position themselves to stabilize. If you do not take the initiative to locate, people and society will be \
can say: a man 5 years nurtured habits, will determine the height of his life. Our success depends in part on their own assessment of this is positioning. What is your personal position, what you are. Positioning can determine life, positioning can change the fate. Ugly duckling into a white swan, as long as a pair of wings; Cinderella into a Princess, as long as a pair of glass slipper.
people's lives, one-third of the heavens, seven by working hard, have dreams to \They do not put themselves in the heart of the cage binding, no binding can not you go fly.
reality is far from what they think. Thus, when the sense of superiority or even frustration is turning into a sense of loss, when the firm belief that he is a \
In fact, it should carefully weigh yourself, do you really gold? Is real gold, the hands have unique skills to be superior to others on Caixing. Word: real gold is to rely on strength to prove, only to put its own ability to cultivate good, and be eligible for consideration Bole things
each pearl is a grain of sand had, but not every grain of sand can become a pearl.
want to differentiate their brands stand out in the capital should have. Could not bear to combat and setbacks to withstand the neglect and dull, it is difficult to achieve glory. Young people should want to own up important success, it must transform itself from a grain of sand into a priceless pearl.
days of rain and the sunrise, people have peaks and troughs. look for the cloud cover
Mo eyes, always advisable to wait and see. Just flick the haze, you can reveal their beautiful clear skies. If you're unhappy at work some to believe that they will not low life has been in a period of one day be able to break through the heavy clouds. Tell yourself: I have not failed, but no success! As long as the inner light a lamp of hope will certainly dispel the dark clouds, brighter.
Indeed, on the qualifications, they are an absolute rookie workplace, the business does not involve deep connections, poor and white, often run into a wall at work. Their pressure is not necessarily as supremely at ease, but before the arrival of the sky like rain, gray low, obviously there is room,Mens Jacket, he was gray fill each slot can only wait for the skies after the rain poured down.
\Although a bit exaggerated, but many of them indeed have been shrouded by gray heart - hearts will always be cloudy to overcast. Remember that the philosopher once said: \high level of indifferent and quiet, happy to be free.
A philosopher said: \worth mentioning, entrepreneurship is the case, as long as work hard, succeed. Are you ready to pledge all of life to others?
in the best position to decide their own fate,Good poetry is good poetry, if not sure, you have to wait until when? My life, my interests and has not help the fate of the people.
do not live in someone else's mouth, do not live in someone else's eyes, but to hold in their hands the destiny.
Do not say you do not have the background, their background is the greatest. American writer Jack? Kerouac said something: \Everyone's potential is unlimited, the key is to discover their potential and correct understanding of their talents, and find a stage for their full potential, not only inappropriate for the stage unhappy. To be objective and impartial view of their ability, combined with their own situation and preferences cool choice, as far as possible to the most in need of their own, the place most suitable for them.
in human resources management sector, particularly with a popular saying that \, we have to ride him; but the ability of ordinary good character, is an old cattle, we took him; character and capacity of the ordinary is \very strong, it is \
I would like to aim high, like you, want to be a be as appreciated, galloping battle of the Maxima, right? Well, good settle down. Low on the floor does not mean inferior, overlooking the low today is to tomorrow's another job. The so-called value of life is that we value the presence of others. Can be exploited is a good thing, nobody cares is the real tragedy!
capable of work, do a good job is the job market for basic protection.
any person to do the work are a prerequisite for his ability to the job. Competent qualified staff is the most basic standards, work hard is an attitude. A job that many people can be competent, have to do a good job of basic capabilities, however, can do a better job of some, depends on whether the practical work hard, suffer from studying the work of the attitude.
competent on the basis of the practical work hard.
work, live more than others did, do you think suffer; money to get less than others, do you think suffer; often work overtime, do you think suffer ... ... Actually, do not need this regardless of the expense is not a disaster, not a failure, disadvantage is also a philosophy of life. Now eat something small loss for the success of paved road, perhaps at a future time, you suddenly come to a big blessing.
can suffer is the life of a state, is a wise attitude of life.
not do more at work or someone else's job to do live is to suffer. If you Gaga leadership classes, rush rush the task, do not think they suffered a major loss, but should feel fortunate, because the leadership just told you, but do not call other people shows that he trusts you, appreciate you. Disadvantage is a contribution, the more you contribute, the more the returns. Willing to work overtime, is such a disadvantage.
willing to be willing to have homes have too; learn to eat, where appropriate, loss of people do not mentally retarded, but Dazhi.
aggressive is to give ourselves to others aggressive, giving people easier and more convenient to have easy, be kind to others is good to yourself.
silly me please, because stupid people do not scheming. And such people together, physically and mentally relaxed, not too much vigilance can be close to each other. Silly in many cases means the commitment and loyalty, generosity and honesty also means, people unknowingly to his side of the station. Stupid people accidentally get more than smart people get more than scheming. Graduated last few years, you just floating a few slices of the sky snow, so you satisfied? Success requires persist and accumulate, with its focus on collecting snowflakes, as to save energy to snowball. Buffett said: \. Remember: scattered snow will soon melt, vanish, only the snowball is more realistic, long-lasting.
If you can do more than others pay an extra effort, it means more than others, a point of capital accumulation, one more than the others the chances of success. Photo Description: The five colors of the five continents

What is professional then? Professionalism is the work of the state of standardization and institutionalization, that is at the right time, right place with the right way of saying the right words, doing the right thing of all that knowledge, skills, concepts, ideas, attitudes, and psychology of professional norms and standards. \I can now because when you boss. a professional who simply is not enough, only employment of the people who can fly in others Qianmian, people Nanyichaoyue! \For those who graduated in terms of 5 years, we must recognize the five major challenges to be faced.

one, support their parents.
Second, marriage and children.
3, promotion and pay rise.
4, working pressure.
5, the quality of life.
Some people survive jumping for joy, eyes always stop behind, in fits and starts, inconstancy.
some human development efforts, eyes always stare straight ahead, a little progress every day, consistently.
can not pursue and explore, not without ideals and objectives. Life is like moves. Willing to live the status quo is no longer ahead of the ship, could no longer keep up with progress. Must seize every second of time to learn, to understand student learning is not a patent. Small intelligent person most proud of is: What did his? Great wisdom is that most desire: their need to do what?
small smart tactical, great wisdom is the strategy; small smart to see that the sesame seeds, great wisdom to see the watermelon.
in this world, both great and a small role, there is great live great law, ordinary people have to be little clear, everyone has their own way of life, who barely who can not. However, only a small performance of small bright and small vision can be accomplished great wisdom and great state. Small businesses see the boss, see the system in enterprises, large enterprises look at culture.
small companies and large enterprises are to survive, there is no good or bad, but the impact of a person will be different at different stages.
small companies certainly want to develop for large enterprises, this is a goal, young people have to their own career development goals. You graduated a few years, it often was not stage fright or the lung power? Vigilant in peace time is definitely not exaggerating! This moment will nap, you will have a dream; moment study, you will interpret a dream. Life in the competitive battlefield, the nap is the loser!
young when everyone seems to have lofty, not afraid of anything, but with age, think of the house every day, work, feed their families these worldly thing, it no longer young kind of courage, \We changed the life, or changed our lives? Our thinking more and more complex, because of more and more reluctant, more and more concerns, we are always wandering, always hesitate. Beginning in 2012, will be the weight of the burden of life we breath, setbacks and obstacles to block all directions through mouth, we often play in the oppression of their potential was only after the thrust, find a way out. But in 2023, the body began to ease the burden, work began to be plain sailing, we let down, gradually forget the potential dangers. Until one day the crisis came suddenly, we were defeated in the unprepared ... ... graduated last few years, is still at risk of, must be vigilant in peace awareness, good hard,the northface, so as to have a real security in life!
Hardships for the worst. If you want to cross their current achievements, we can not draw to self-limiting, but to the challenge. On the timid of people, the real danger is in not risk!
under the weight of young people in society, adaptability has become increasingly strong, but they do not consciously used to being pushed by the environment. They dare not take risks, afraid to bring their own life-long regret, so comfort yourself: \Stick to the existing long-term security, the will be like the frog in warm water, the ultimate loss of jumping instincts.
social life through the past few years, you should understand: the rich world are also poor, there is also a bright cloudy, with ugly have the United States, in the end to see what, depending on their own is positive or negative. In the young learn to work diligently, with a bright thinking about life, then, as long as the open palm of your hand, you will find, which has a brilliant life.
the Thanksgiving carved in stone, deeply grateful to the people to help you, never mind, it should be a realm of life; to hate to write in the sand, light forget about others hurt you, learn tolerance, so that all the hate gone with the tide, it is also a realm of life.
Association pour water can hold far more water. Graduation day from the beginning, learn each day as a new starting point, work from scratch every time. If you know how to \full beyond.
career start in the short road, you want to get better, faster, more useful to grow, it must be zero thought to face the world. Do not come to the university's lofty claim to be, do not feel particularly good, but to lay down their attitude to their lower body frame, so that their settling down, holding the attitude of learning to adapt to challenges. Down \
young man from school or from an environment into a new environment, we must dare to be familiar with the original environment, habits, likes things down, then starting from scratch. We want to be successful in the workplace, we must first cultivate resilience. Conversion from natural units are integrated into the basic conditions of the workplace. A person from a low not fearful, afraid of the state low. The more thought to themselves, the more there is no prospect; the contrary, the more initiative to pay, he will be more rapid development. Many people made a great achievement today, early in his career are starting from scratch, sediment, sediment itself, empty and then empty, zero then zero, because of this, their only way of life singing, flying all the way .
We want the past to zero, it will not be carrying a heavy workplace Nazhi crawling snail shell to the sky like a graceful bird as flying. Please have a good taste of Jack? Welch said one sentence: \homes to gain, cup full of air to water, lay down to go beyond.
zero thinking five performance: a mind free from me, the sight of money, read in no other No one toward life-long learning.
young man with a sort of arrogance is inevitable that their omnipotent and invincible, in fact not the case, newcomers entering the workplace was a \growth stage. The years in school, make sure they gradually build up the apprenticeship thinking, sponge thinking,ugg nightfall chestnut, empty glass thinking, thinking of people with this mind always open, and can readily accept the inspiration and all the things for inspiration, they are at all times feel the call of the goddess success.













      Are business friends may wish to look at the stage
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