【Recommended】 world most girls care recipe Encyc
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maintenance of the world most girls secret Daquan! ! !

teach you how to solve hair oil, pore issues, whitening, teeth, fine lines, too full, and we have seen are good, really good stuff. Afraid to lose it on the go.

If you ask \You still asked, \\the oil, then, to pass through the liver conditioning this way, the oil will be gradually less.

because of the oil because he is also very coarse pores, I would give him massage the face with salt, the oil Skin texture is more rough and hard,ysl handbags, so do not worry too coarse salt. If the salt is too bad, you can add salt and oil. particularly careful around the nose, massage, clean, the pores is not particularly small ah?

oil squeeze and pull the ball must not be used massage methods best. to oil while reducing pores and exfoliating, the final wash, the best alternative use of hot and cold water wash, in fact, I strongly recommended that all women have this face! hot water is certainly not alone be used to wash your face, the warm water and cold water is also OK, alternating hot and cold water is best.

I was loaded with hot water basin, washbasin taps directly in front of cold water wash on this alternative, it is convenient, but washed out little face Bailitouhong, Fenfen and tender, not only washed very clean, and the pores can not be reduced to smaller! At the same time, alternating hot and cold water is also very effective on dark circles. because the cold water wash though very good, but to stimulate the face, dark circles will increase!

colleagues bought a half-carat diamond ring, when she show me the ring, I feel just \more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

on the hands and feet skin care, the most practical hands DIY film is brown sugar and honey mixture kept the massage, the general recommendations are, To carry with hand cream, as long as necessary to coat the hand away from water. This approach is really a lot of trouble! Actually Be kind to use as long as the night, the day will not have trouble.

prepare a loose gloves, before going to sleep every night, the U.S. and Canada on the net with olive oil mixed with a thick coating in the hands, wear gloves to bed that persist for some time, the hands will be more tender, are also dilute the fine lines the.

if thick finger joint, it must be massage. with the thumb and index finger to massage each finger one by one, the most critical is the massage fingers on both sides, from the roots to the fingertips, massage one by one This method of massage can make joint thick issue is resolved, it will slowly finger thickness uniformity of the.

feet of dead skin that must be grinding. Big S's reluctance to recommend planer kind of grinding feet, is the artist's feet because of their maintenance over time, has been is tender, planer, it is easy bleeding. The first toe, planer can quickly wore off dead skin, foot bath water first, then grinding, grinding, after completion MAXAM thick coating of olive oil, put on thick socks. grinding feet once a week, while the coating is to cream and wear socks every day. your feet will be more tender! really is very soft and smooth, there will not be flawless. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

some girls will crack the heel, then first, Plaster sticker affixed after three days, and then MAXAM thick dressing of olive oil, until the crack of the hole in the disappearance of the re-start grinding feet.

I recommend that MAXAM pearl white fungus cream, supermarkets have sold, nine cents a pack, moisture very good. It is Jahwa the old products, and this factory also produces Baicao set, for his family's oil and hair care series, really want to praise one! As for facial care line, then the eyes of the beholder.

Jiaye Ban is injured physically, even sleep all day guarantee if not, how about also maintain it. you can go to work early in the morning? you are not in a foreign company? can go to work early in the evening early? because Qian Banye sleep is very important, relatively speaking after midnight can be a waste. You can get up five or six points, to go to work, go home at night to sleep.

If not, then it is pathetic! you Ejiao eat each day, date and place of the liver blood Longan it. these three is the holy blood products, longan eat, day 3, jujube 10-20 tablets, gelatin sooner or later have to eat twice a day.

computer with radiation, so samantha must use your Cream, half-fill once, not once even painted the morning, noon meeting, the evening before overtime supplemented, not afraid to waste. There should be a day when green tea water to drink, foreign companies like coffee, you drink green tea, add some angelica and astragalus, blood and qi must be a lot of water. eyes will definitely be a little uncomfortable? plus wolfberry and white chrysanthemums, remember that white is not yellow . Do not worry about mixing tea that will not react, hehe, to assure you will not drop!

in front of the computer support 12 cactus, for you to absorb radiation. way to stand up event activity, deep breathing, Do not remain seated. farther away from the company's printer, that the radiation is more powerful! If the company is carpeted, then the lung should be ruined. buy some almonds or almond drink dew also, the support Nourishing. (more secret , funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

long front of the computer, the liver is also very tired, so we must try to feel comfortable. I teach you a little way, is every day before going to bed Shi Jin squeezed armpits, ribs on both sides of boom there, straining to squeeze it through the meridians, to prevent the rf of the disease, and make you feel happy and my heart do not feel pressure up fast enough.

almost all The woman on the face of this land special attention, who will in fact white, with a number of whitening products can have uniform color. but still have to use less whitening products, whitening Baicao set it apart from home is Angelica, Poria, etc. Chinese medicine formula,birkenstock mens, are bound to lead to skin damage still. use of whitening products and wash your face with the right after the white back soon.'ll be changing once the white moisturizing cream. whitening the same time with the milk and barley flour, drink lemonade all day can speed up the whitening.
white and a little tip, that is, water with white vinegar call the shots, plus one-fifth of glycerol, such as olive oil or, if too exciting, you can add pure water inside. painted twice every day for a week will see results.

recommended skin care products we use, we must pay attention to see your skin is not created dependency? for example, bad skin products, once you do, all that day the skin will make you very uncomfortable, then this product should not be used again. a good product is not even an occasional day, or to maintain good skin, it is a good thing!

If your job is mental Yongnaoguodu, it is inevitable than the eyebrows and forehead the following aspects have to be black, this really is no way.

white is to prevent the appearance of fine lines after generation. way to enhance moisture moisture moisture! how kind of moisture is not too much! people will say, \\\Every night can be left with a little yogurt drink. mask to do more frequent, and the natural appearance of fine lines on the LEAVE friends!

Here are a side that is joined in the yogurt inside yeast, fermentation, the next day with it spreading face, face rough small bumps disappear immediately, and the skin can become bright white. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

oily skin and also enhance moisture, add water, or Rough skin faster.

moisture is an important part of toner must be used with a cotton pad! Do not use after washing face towel, wipe on with a cotton pad, then blisters take a wet cotton stick toner use.

massage is playing both sides of the forehead to the middle circle, the skin under the eyes are pulled from the eye to the temple, nose down from the cheeks we Before we talk about, mouth to mouth following up from the middle to mention.

Toner, have to apply, do not be afraid to waste, apply a few times more. moisturizing well, do not be afraid to fine lines.

Next, I want to advance into a rather deep topic, because I just saw a girl suffering from a painful gynecological diseases. as long as gynecological disease, faces even the most advanced gold face cream, but also useless ! face the premise that good health.

diarrhea anger can tell the foot bath before the method can also be your massage, massage big arms, underarms, sides of the ribs and body, method is to use thumb and index finger, squeeze the bones straining above the meat, the best is the middle of the meat and bones, the most effective, we must push hard and harder the more pain, hurt, there results a.

Kidney's methods have talked before, as long as the kidney sturdy, there would be no big problems! (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

such treatment, if still not good, it do foot reflexology. If people are more healthy foot massage, the body will be better, people naturally younger.

teeth, we can not ignore the importance of it, he will determine whether a person can live longer. so to take advantage of the young must protect our teeth. each year to do the oral examination, if there is abnormal bleeding should be to check, to rule out periodontitis, or calculus and other symptoms.

If the gingival recession, do not immediately go to dental, general dental practice to the proposal that would shrink fillings. to go to bed early,_______________ 念 _________, do not let themselves physically and mentally fatigued every day, as more severe contraction to rest , gum will slowly recover.

plug if things between the teeth regularly, it must use dental floss. because what is often prone to dental caries Cyprus. and if there was going to fill cavities can not be delayed, the more delayed the greater the cavities, fillings more complex.

the best protection for teeth is clean and all but to use. I now use the toothbrush, the Netherlands produced a brand of acoustic toothbrush, not electric, is a sound wave, it can be more clean teeth, and eliminate the stone by sound waves, as long as brushing teeth with it,birkenstock insoles, you feel the teeth one by one, and very clean.

tea and yogurt, including celery, lemonade can help exhaust the body of toxins. a lot of vitamin supplements, inhibit bacterial growth in the environment, of course, take vitamin pills, if so, which of the additives may even lead to digestive disorders.

medicine on that cause bad breath, stomach, there are virtual fire, while the stomach is not good, mainly due to psychological factors, it is not recommended to eat down as things, but to adjust psychologically to return to normal gastrointestinal disorders. At the same time to improve body immunity, and enhance the kidney function.

deficiency of performance, loss of appetite, Shen Juan fatigue, severe cases will visceral ptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, the spleen is a three-year-old men and women of us all before very important organ, which is related to digestion and absorption of food,People who want to take away Baby listen ... ..., so do not eat a mess of drugs, harm it. Deficient performance is made less gas lazy, easy out sweating, kidney virtual is backache, the three together in together known as qi.

Qi cheek to droop, the more virtual the more severe vertical, until the internal organs are sagging facial features, were also ugly up. All Xu Zheng Qi is the most easy to add and physical energy. less words, less heavy lifting, and more attention to the rest of sleep, can add strength. because the gas can produce blood, therefore nourishing the blood can be.

yam is a very good thing, not a good friend to the body Chinese herbalist, reportedly the most famous or local, to come back with a pile of Chinese medicine in addition to outside, he brought this recipe: yam stew rock sugar drink a day. the value of 400 prescriptions. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ : 442716)

yam qi spleen and stomach, Yin Yifei, solid kidney essence, the spleen, lung and kidney are up, and really worth the money! Yin losses are easy to cough, you can making soup with it for water, consumptive cough illnesses can be cured. yam because Yifei, and \virtual, should eat yam, the body can be strong resistance to aging.

it should be noted that, while it Balancing help damp evil, so I finished it, I am sure to eat Qushi of the East, such as barley, Poria. I do not add rock sugar, directly boiled yam, the yam labeled thick paste, then boil on for water, not drink, after drinking, then I add barley drink powder .

rice is qi, and surprised you? woman must eat rice every day, the spleen and stomach health relied on it! meters are spleen, but the grains in the spleen and the effect it is the best in the air insufficient, fatigue should eat it, like the spleen and stomach Deficiency, upset thirsty, to drink rice gruel on the Come. Chinese book says, \eat a bowl of rice a day,chi iron, or lose weight, face chest all down.

good things, there jujube, honey. are spleen, the benefits of wasting, is a good color.

anti-aging (1)
posted if you see more than 35 years of age, this is written specifically for you.

is likely to more than 30 years of age women there would be a Chinese medicine known as \.

word, now you have basically the transition to a neutral person,olympos shoes, and femininity in gradually away from you. you basically can not remember even their own or a woman. only buy clothes , to the barber shop when the release of hysterical desperation to recover.

to the sentence, it is appropriate here, \heart.

heart jealous of other people, attention than the interests of all, deceive the ignorant, the more all of these psychological, will surely give you the world's fastest speed of aging ugly! and inferior, passive, lazy also accelerate the aging of the fathers. Maggie Cheung said she was keeping the secret of the young is the \I suggest you, within our capabilities. I dragged to the time the boyfriend can scrub the kitchen to the ground from the roof's clean. You think of myself as a man to also want a woman? (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

this is not a good society, heart with sand, a capable woman can sand cultivate pearls, but mostly to the release. excessive patience will also accelerate the aging, psychology of aging is more terrible, for there is no merit to maintain a happy family. you can confident to complain all that, if he does not even offer this to you, what is the role that he?

money between two people is definitely not your province to give him flowers, or to both save, or else you spend on other provinces, if it is your province, he spent, you are basically very problem he.

anti-aging (2)

facial expression wrinkles first, because usually rich or poor and so often with a straight face with your hand movements, and second, because their minds are very heavy, too long a mood not improved, the wrinkles, and third is acidic, which is not very good physique; 4 is not sufficient time to give the skin moisture.

massage is very important to ah! their massage to be patient with prior Description Removes wrinkles the way, his face everywhere, massage it straight up, gently, and can daily press, as long as the adhere to will be able to eliminate wrinkles.

massage after completing certain to strengthen the moisture, use more Moisturizing water, moisturizing mask, everything is very moisturizing. Recommended Niu Er Rose Hydrating good night sleep membrane, 50 dollars, moisturizing good! and durable, do not know when a bottle can be used. but also a natural formula, I admire cattle teacher!

eye bags and dark circles are introduced before the method is very effective. freckle way, too, but more slowly, not rush. nasolabial folds also introduced before the method, eliminate the effect is obviously. cheek certainly be sagging or loose or depression, eating rice and early to bed, must be blood. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

eyes are tired, the liver or kidney , more rest, more than walk around the eye ring, hair dry and rough, then more hair care, eat black sesame seeds and seaweed, do not perm hair color, hair was not so old fashioned.

face yellow, If the non-physical factors, the use of green tea, water spreading face; skin pimple on the use of mask before the introduction of the yogurt yeast; the body's skin is definitely more and more coarse, insist on the use of whitening moisturizing glycerin add white vinegar, then white and tender smooth body; to age, the product is used must be careful.

general facial skin will become thin, but more and more hard, it feels tremendous. from physical changes, the skin will be more tender, As long as the skin soft, and will be significantly younger. And this is the product can not be done. In fact, all before the face of aging issues, in addition to moisture, the product can not be solved.

anti-aging (3)

check, your life to meet the following conditions? early hours each day, preferably 9:00 to lie; day sooner or later eat fruit; time to seriously eat three meals a day, must eat large rice; mood peace; next day exercise; daily noon lunch hour. In fact, most people can not guarantee these basic.

body deformation aging body organs, blood, aging, toxin accumulation of a signal. healthy body , should have a good appearance. acidity must correspond to an imperfect physical appearance.

liver kidney care were introduced before, the spleen and stomach of nursing lies in the heart, internal organs are the key components we operate , putting on parts on the loose, re-tighten, and the machine just fine. the blood thick, and the machine will turn no more, but also damage the machine. toxin too much, the machine easily deformed.

As long as from now on, you seriously treat your facial skin, take the time to take care of her regular life, attention to your sleep and mood, healthy diet, care of your body organs, your state will become increasingly good.

qi and blood tonic step two go hand in hand. pure qi without blood, just like stove burned very busy place an empty pot, the pot is blood Add delicious. Supplying food talked before, I want to emphasize the most important rice, the other should pay attention to eat more potatoes, sweet potatoes / sweet potatoes, dates and honey. shiitake although very good, but skin should pay attention to eat less, do not fasting to eat.

blood will certainly eat donkey-hide gelatin, no reason! my mom insisted to eat so many years, made by my father, Add enough love in it! previous Ejiao not beat flour argument, all my dad what Daocheng with trace fragments of garlic, then Chaohei sesame, fried a rolling pin then rolling into the end, then fry walnuts, chopped, procedures complicated than it is now! tossing several nights to do a good job. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

winter to eat the best. the blood while nourishing the yin, remove heat, lungs empty, contains large amounts of collagen, because it is the affectionate things flesh and blood, nourish more effective. face does not look good, it is necessary depends on it. But in addition to the above two recommendations not to taste more than anything, at most, plus taste longan enough. you add so many good things inside, in that case directly to forget to eat Shiquandabu pill, also Ejiao why? who assisted the Lord who is to make it clear.

the best way of eating is soaked in rice wine, rice wine warm the stomach, The A sticky resin, absorption of the two just help solve the problem. the blood of the same recommendation to eat more sugar cane, carrots, spinach, dried longan and soy milk are iron food. not recommended brown sugar, too sweet injured spleen, spleen were looking black.

to correct a concept alone can not blindly rely on a good food supplement, diet-round, such as you now know, the blood and nourishing food, and that both must eat, eat alone results certainly not obvious, this is in the affirmative.

Introducing the two should always eat the good stuff! white fungus and black fungus, are the ancient royal food. black and white fungus in nutrient-rich, similar in composition are rich in glia. glial very important for a woman!

black fungus the same protein content and meat, fish, iron content is 70 times that of spinach, 20 times that of liver 7 times Therefore, an important black fungus is blindly blood food! now specifically singled out in terms of them both, and the fungus because it has too many good things to women.

women now prefer eating out and flavor are heavy, cholesterol and other high fat content, it is easy, and the blood of harmful if high fat content, skin and body condition will not be good, something else aging, wrinkles and more, the quality of the blood is too much for beauty Important!

black fungus can prevent the harmful fats in the blood of the stay, its biggest advantage is that from the beginning to eat into the body, starting from the trachea, from top to bottom, including lung, stomach, intestine , blood, body dust, second-hand cigarette ash, bad foreign body, environmental pollutants, all can be out of the body. the body which can take a bath.

black and white fungus has a strong anti-cancer function and to improve liver detoxification.

Tremella not buy yellow and white, the effect of moisture class! moistening lungs, and blood, Yin Huo-wang body should expect it! lung health, and natural delicate skin.

yin foods in addition to pears, sugar, black sesame, soy milk, white fungus, lily, these partial pigment, the meat dish recommended ducks, not only Ziyinqingre, there are benefits of water features, summer and eat it to prevent the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. too many diseases because of water running around the body, so not much harm eat barley.

Yang to intake of meat, while vegetables are recommended before, But nobody said anything vegetarian, dirty must eat a completely vegetarian diet is very harmful to the body. is a must eat beef and mutton, which, after two meat intake, does not produce moisture, fat content is low, energy and iron all content is high enough.
winter must eat meat, men and women should eat more. lamb to nourishing wasting, replenishing vital energy, to treat kidney yin deficiency, Warming warm-up, to treat stomach Deficiency, or virtual cold body to eat, stomach and spleen, the spleen and kidney are very good. consumptive skinny eat meat can make a strong constitution.

same dog to eat, replenishing strength, fill stomach , warm the kidney, gluten healthy bone, but should not be taken together and almonds. There cuisine BHD blind, drunken, that is, taking the wine soaked shrimps, cold extremities can be treated, spleen and kidney yang.

Apart from the above four flavor meat food, the walnut treatment of kidney back pain, tinnitus, nourishing liver kidneys, to treat lung Deficiency, improve intestinal constipation, moisture five internal organs. take a long time, smooth and delicate skin, hair black, shiny, delay aging.

addition to beef and mutton, the other Wenbu Yang virtual food, Yin Huo-wang body of people should eat less.

stomach through the meridians associated with the spleen and stomach function of good people skin must be moist, plump. Conversely, if a person is skinny, skin not shiny, then the stomach is not good, so good enough blood. the health of the spleen can also look at the color of the lips, if it is dark red, is the heat, if it is light red, is the Deficiency, if the skin is very dry lips, is the lack of body fluids.

because the spleen to blood through the digestion of food, so a woman's menstrual cycle and also has a relationship. It is a woman the gospel, if you mastered the maintenance of spleen way, you can not do Huanglian Po lifetime, even to the more than 50 years of age, too, his face will not yellow.

because of poor maintenance, the spleen lost Blood system functions, the skin will be dry and yellow, while the natural skin color is yellow, where yellow means coke. First spleen deficiency, and then developed into the spleen is not the Blood. The body's vital energy and spleen and stomach to digest food with the production of blood, the first is to ensure healthy eating.

If you face yellow, and had to be used to eat taro. purple taro on the spleen and stomach best blood, the Blood effect, can plump moist skin and muscle. there is a tonic side, insist on eating seasons, very effective, that is, water chestnuts, potatoes, red beans, yam, Tribulus terrestris fact, lotus seeds, red dates and rice cooked together, these meals are all up spleen , and to blood and gradually improve the complexion.

sallow face evolved from a deficiency, in addition to mood, fatigue factors, do not eat rice is the main reason. So, in order to have a good face, ate two bowls of rice a day. (more secret, funny video please add beauty QQ: 442716)

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