The University of Richmond « Little Beach Bu
  This past weekend, while I was at the University of Richmond, my sister gave me a tour of the campus. And gosh, it was beautiful! (The campus, not the weather…)
This is Robbie. She was super thrilled to pose in my pictures for me. Can’t you tell by her face
I don’t actually remember the name of this hunter rain boots,hunter wellies sale, but I remember Robbie telling me that it was where they have concerts and the theater was there, also the art museum. I looked up it up and I think it is Booker. But then Robbie told me that the first pictures were from the Modlin Center

Isn’t this little courtyard wonderful I love the Gothic-inspired architecture.

More of inside…a building. I don’t remember which one. I never know where the heck I am! But I love the purple.

This is all still inside the same building. The views are so pretty! The campus really is gorgeous, it is very green and rich, even in the aftermath of winter.

This was on one of the hunter socks. I thought I knew where I was, but it turned out, I had no clue. I would have gotten lost easily there – I kept thinking I knew where we were and then we would turn a corner and we would be across campus from where I thought we were! Did that make any sense
This is Gottwald. Reminds me of Harry Potter (Grindelwald…you know…). Technically, it is Gottwald Center for the Sciences. Robbie said, “If you want to goof off, you go to the library. If you want to actually get something done, you go to Gottwald.” Ha.
Inside Gottwald. Oh my gosh I just think the interiors are so beautiful. Why couldn’t my school look like that Most of the buildings at W.S.U. were pretty on the outside, blah on the inside. (Except the CUE.)

Inside the Cannon Memorial Chapel. This is where all of the freshmen girls in Robyn’s grade level did their little Proclamation Night thingamajig. Proclamation Night is where Westhampton College (the girls) hold a candlelight ceremony, put on by the upperclassmen, to officially welcome the women of the new class to the college.

This is Westhampton Lake. It is right in the middle of campus. It is super dirty, though. I asked Robbie if you could swim in it and she just snorted. It was full of mud and algae and gross stuff. I didn’t look too closely.

Here I am…behind me is the library, kind of. The round circle on the lawn kills the grass in a pattern of a sundial, in honor of the spring equinox. Or something. I’m paraphrasing, here.
This is the student common area. So…artsy! I love the colors. The official name is Tyler Haynes Commons. Also, I scoped out the bookstore, and it ain’t got nuttin’ on the Bookie! Well. The original Bookie. Not the new one. But I digress.

This was inside the main library on campus, Boatwright Memorial Library. Think of this in a stuffy British accent. That’s how I say it. Also, I love love love the Recreational Reading area! I wish my school had had something similar. I think I kind of want one in my own house….
More posed photographs of my sister. She’s ecstatic. P.S. see the boots Those are hunter rain boots, and apparently they are all the rage. (Think Uggs, but rainboot-style.) I don’t see the appeal, in fact I first saw a couple of girls wearing them and thought, how sad, they can’t afford cute boots so they have to wear fisherman’s boots. It turns out they are made in Scotland and called “wellies” so that they can charge an exorbitant price for rubber. At least Uggs are made of animal skin and fur to justify the price! I don’t quite understand. But anyway, everyone who’s anyone has them. So whatever.
P.S. I did see a girl in a white pair, and I thought they were pretty cute, despite being a teensy impractical. Maybe the rain keeps them clean.
Behind me is Jepson, “School for Leadership Studies.” I love this architecture so much. It reminds me of England, or European churches, or something. Ain’t it grand
And, I saved the best for last. This is Robbie’s favorite place on campus:
It’s called the Atrium, and it is just a small room/hallway located in one of the buildings, which I unfortunately don’t remember the name of and can no longer text my sister to ask because she is sleeping. (Her last response: “Booker. I’m sleeping. Don’t respond.” Haha.)(Update: She says it’s in the Old Library.)
Anyway, I would definitely spend all of my time in a room like this, too. It reminds me of The Historian. I feel like in this room you should be surrounded by ancient texts, dripping candles and crotchety old librarian monks. Or something. Even though in reality, the room behind where Robbie is sitting is full of printers, copy machines and modern technology. I think I know which one I prefer…
Robbie also took me to the Lora Robins Gallery of Design from Nature, which is a fancy way of saying, Rock Museum. But, as a person who collected rocks as a child (I have a geologist uncle, okay, these weren’t, like, rocks off the beach. We’re talking amethyst, rose quartz, Tiger’s Eye, etc. All the pretty rocks.), I found this place pretty darn cool.
Look at the size of this geode! Apparently it was originally all in one piece until a workman dropped it while transporting it into the museum. Cringe. The lady manning the desk was the sweetest, most adorable little Southern gal I have ever met. I wanted to take her home with me to be another grandmother! She was so cute, and hilarious, and chatted with us for a good ten minutes, before setting us up in the phosphorescence room (where they turn on a bunch of different lights of different wavelengths to show them fluoresce). She mentioned that museum attendance was pretty slow. It makes me sad. People just don’t appreciate art and history like they used to, I feel like. I was brought up in museums and I love them. Maybe I am just an old, boring soul.
As a sidenote regarding the above picture, I don’t know why I look so gosh darn awkward.
They had another geode that was nearly as large as the one out front. Also, below is a photograph of part of the museum. There were several rows of this, full of minerals, gems, fossils, jade sculptures, china, ancient coins…oh my gosh, I can’t even count it all. It was quite the fascinating collection for a little hole-in-the-wall museum on a college campus. If I ever go back, I would spend some more time in here. We only stayed for about a half an hour – we were late for lunch. :)

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      The University of Richmond « Little Beach Bu
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