Doudou tell you where the body is sick
  forehead pox VS liver
if you always have a large forehead acne tablets continuously, it means you have accumulated too many liver toxins, not the law of life, day and night reversed a long time to stay up late will not be in the normal liver Time (22:00 ~ 12:00) work will be accumulated toxins.
long-term recommendations: the liver time to work (pressure, temper, poor blood circulation caused by Firelight, and there are problems. should keep early hours, drink plenty of water.) 10pm go to bed on time, allowing the body to sleep. Even sleep, is also conducive to relaxed state of the liver detoxification work.
said Firelight, excessive bad temper. Chinese study found that over a long thoughtful, Auntie distracting people often grow up acne on the forehead to the general stress of such people quite big temper is not good, a little small it is easy to keep in mind, it tends to be too calculating no lack of careful work, but life is easy to piecemeal, causing strong Firelight, Firelight on inflammation.
Chinese medicine, among the five internal organs, the heart for the Lord of the officer, head of the human mind and the blood function, if more thinking and more concern, it certainly hurt consumption of gas, prone to difficulty falling asleep, sleep in dreams, woke up early morning and other sleep problems, are likely to cause blood to run block, palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms. Pathogenic fire in such cases should be nourishing the heart first.
mind is the master of the body, with all the other organs of the functional activities, which promote blood circulation body and the spirit of unified management body, consciousness, thinking activity. Yang Xin exercise should be noted that the \campaign, select park, lake, gardens and other cool well ventilated place. Should pay attention to work and rest, proper rest, to develop early early habits, adequate sleep, especially more thinking and more concern as to change habits, to find a suitable for your relax and relieve stress.

nose pit VS Director of the stomach
when the nose acne, in addition to strong oil secretion here causes, or Wei Huo is too large, the performance of indigestion. If the nose there is a slight peeling phenomenon that is not good blood circulation. In addition, constipation and bloating often people can easily proboscis pox.
long-term proposal: Eat less irritating food (and ovarian function or the reproductive system. Do not over-indulgence or abstinence, and more fresh air to the outdoors.) reducing meat consumption, declined pot, cold and spicy food. Food and water to be used for warm, so as not to cause too much stomach acid to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, gastric acid will let Wei Huo increased. usually because of sebum secretion
more. With ovarian function, or may be related to the reproductive system. Pores to remove dirt scheduled time. Also, do not over-indulgence or abstinence. Lot to enjoy a healthy natural environment.

VS lip weeks pox or typhoid intestinal
constipation, eating too much spicy, fried food is the reason Zhangdou around the lips, of course, if you use too much fluoride toothpaste will also stimulate the long- pox.
long-term recommendations: Shu intestine to help detoxification (constipation leading to accumulation of toxins, or excessive use of fluoride toothpaste. should eat more fruits and vegetables high in fiber, adjusting the diet. If the long-positions in the people, you may is the urinary and reproductive system problems, women may have vaginal problems, men often appear, urinary frequency, must be medical treatment.) take a laxative to help relieve symptoms, with abdominal massage can help discharge stool. Ate fiber-rich foods a few days to clear the bowel, the problem is solved.

Yintang pox VS Heart
Doudou in the middle of the most eyebrows can not be ignored, whether the recent recall frequent palpitations, chest symptoms of nausea, decreased activity when the heart will be here when Zhangdou.
long-term recommendations: to protect the heart. From vigorous exercise, increased sleep, stay away from alcohol and excitement, while the heart of expert advice as soon as possible, identify the problems.

hair remover pox VS pores
because no discharge clean, or cleaning overlooked this small detail, resulting in thick cuticle, pores plug,zoom kobe iv, easy to form a small hair or brow acne.
long-term recommendations: Clean take care of the edge when the attention to detail
daily hair cleansing clean edge, timely and clear the clog the pores around the hair pores metabolites.

VS pox left cheek left cheek Zhangdou blood circulation
state your ability to lower blood detoxification, there may be a problem with the liver or blood circulation problems.
long-term recommendations: to accelerate the blood circulation (liver function is not smooth, hot toxic. Note that the normal daily routine, maintaining a good mood, the wind blew cold air, not to let the body in a hot environment.) Do not let the physical office In hot, you can use the temperature slightly lower than the temperature of the water bath, and more to outdoor activities, a number of cooling blood to eat foods, such as gourd, wax gourd, dried persimmons, green beans.
general that liver qi stagnation, pressure is too great. If the normal pressure is too large, they do not learn appropriate adjustments, and no one to own \
should look in the mirror and see a little purple tongue is not dark then? TCM theory holds that long to go rather to express their feelings, catharsis will affect liver function, if you find time to grow up in the left cheek acne, which reminded the attention to relax and eliminate tension was. In TCM theory, the liver not only manage emotions, and more possession of the functions of blood, if long-term love to go rather smooth, causing qi stagnation without timely adjustment, will also impact women's menstruation, and even the process of reproductive fertility . Pathogenic fire in such cases care should focus on the liver.
possession of the liver is the body organs of blood, it is hard work, the spleen and stomach can be normal, gas, blood, water is operating normally. Liver is necessary to sort out its nature, can only contribute to its brash and violent temper,Severe fighting to see who's name the name of, so gentle in spirit to maintain, comfortable, guard against the rage and depression. This will not let liver, excessive hepatic ease to maintain normal function.
1 ~ 3:00 am, the liver most of the time, we can do is sleep, to the liver to create a good working environment; liver weakest time is 1 pm to 5 points, it is proposed to work hard heap as far as possible in the morning.
liver afraid of fatigue, although any time of day should pay attention to rest, but at 1 to 5 is more important during this time. If you must work at the surface opens into the eyes, liver, eyes at least every hour to rest 5 minutes.

pox VS lung
right cheek right cheek acne is a reflection of lung inflammation. If you fire up the lung, throat and dry cough, phlegm, note the right cheek acne.
long-term recommendations: fasting Yi-min food (lung disorders. attention to maintenance of the respiratory tract, as far as possible to avoid mango, taro, seafood and other food allergy easier.) stop eating seafood and mango, wine and other food easy to sensitive food allergy make your trachea, bronchus, lung more discomfort. Yun said there are generally hot fire lung, lung, etc. are not declared \However, this acne appears more in the fall, and more will cough, itchy throat, sore throat, phlegm and other symptoms. Highest position in the five internal organs lung, known as the canopy, which primarily of respiratory movement, from natural gas inhalation clear,nike basketball shoes, again excreted aggregate of the body, the heart of the Fu-chen, to help metabolism smoothly. Such situations may wish to nourish lungs and the main pathogenic fire. 7 to 9:00 am most of the time the lungs, what exercise is best done on the moment. When the most powerful in the lung do aerobic exercise, such as jogging, can be strong lung function. Lung of the most vulnerable time is 9 to 11 o'clock at night, so we often found more severe cough at night is recommended to the mouth with a pear after dinner to bedtime brushing spit it out. Lungs and the most suitable for eating lily, lily and sweet, slightly bitter flavor, good lungs and cough, pure heart and soothe the nerves, good treatment of the lung to help.
pox VS gallbladder
temple is not too much work to eat dinner, lunch, fast food? If Zhangdou around the temple, that is your lack of bile secretion, because eating too much fat and let the gallbladder burden.
long-term recommendations: to gallbladder burdens. A cup of bitter gourd juice every day is the most efficient way,timberland custom boots, or consumption of other melons, such as cucumber, gourd, they could well absorb the grease.
small pimples near the temple, showing your diet contains too many processed foods, the gallbladder caused by obstruction, the body lines need to quickly clean-up. If it is not too serious, but also not worry too much if there are signs of more serious to the hospital you'd better check as well.

Saibian VS cheek pox lymph circulation
after long-term burden on the liver, in the ears, neck and face at the junction produce acne, repeatedly broke out in the same location, by the lymphatic circulation poor.
long-term recommendations: promote liver and gallbladder detox. Not tired, had eaten full, moderate increase in sleep time, so that a large number of supply to the brain, gastrointestinal blood supply of liver and gallbladder have sufficient time to detox. In particular to reduce the habit of eating before bed, do not add to the burden of gastroenteritis.
Triangle Zhangdou:
that may have gastrointestinal discomfort,jordan 1, and even long-term constipation. If the long-term eat spicy, greasy or alcohol, can cause gastrointestinal Yun heat.
Chinese medicine theory, if often eat hot foods, the gastrointestinal tract are likely to have hot evil plot, resulting in gastrointestinal non-smooth, transmission delay, will not only cause indigestion, dry mouth, bad breath, constipation and other issues , but also easy in the nose, lips and the triangle appears around week acne. According to statistics, 20% of patients with constipation around Zhangdou in the mouth and another in patients with stomach can easily emerge in a number of acne around the lips, especially in the hi sweets, partial eclipse, and people who do not eat vegetables. Such cases should focus on protecting intestinal pathogenic fire Stomach.
the stomach of poor people, Chinese are usually advised to develop regular bowel habits, and that a cup of fresh salt water every morning, breakfast and then a cup of milk to promote E. coli produce lactic acid, and promote peristalsis. In addition, the intellectual workers lunch not eaten too much, should eat a light dinner of some. Ate an apple each meal after meal, usually advised to eat more spinach, carrots, tomatoes, Pei Yami, oranges, sweet potatoes and other foods, drink plenty of water, remember to drink enough water.
if long-term eat spicy, greasy or alcohol, can cause gastrointestinal Yun heat. Chinese medicine theory, if often eat hot foods, the gastrointestinal tract are likely to have hot evil plot, resulting in gastrointestinal non-smooth, transmission delay, will not only cause indigestion, dry mouth, bad breath, constipation and other issues, but also easily in the nose, lips and triangle appears around week acne. According to statistics, 20% of patients with constipation around Zhangdou in the mouth.
patients with stomach can easily emerge in a number of acne around the lips,cheap gucci shoes, especially in the hi sweets, partial eclipse, and people who do not eat vegetables. Such cases should focus on protecting intestinal pathogenic fire Stomach. For the stomach of poor people, the Chinese often suggested that he develop regular bowel habits, and that a cup of fresh salt water every morning, breakfast and then a cup of milk to promote E. coli produce lactic acid, and promote peristalsis.
In addition, the intellectual workers lunch not eaten too much, should eat a light dinner of some. Ate an apple each meal after meal, usually advised to eat more spinach, carrots, tomatoes, Pei Yami, oranges, sweet potatoes and other foods, drink plenty of water, remember to drink enough water.

chin Zhangdou:
general said hormone disorders, periodic imbalance. Some women passed 30, but the \This is mainly due to hormonal secretion of very strong, relatively large rate of change, endocrine disruption caused.
from the perspective of modern medicine, acne and more the result of excessive secretion of male hormone, while women over 30, reduced secretion of estrogen lead to decreased androgen constraints, resulting in relative excess of androgen sky pox. Such cases the best solution is to supplement the hormones. However, both are synthetic hormones, plant hormones or hormone substances, while improving the symptoms tend to inhibit the body's own hormones, inevitably to physical addiction. The people and their secretion of excessive complement inhibition, they often result in estrogen, progesterone and other hormone imbalances between,prada bags online, triggering endocrine disorders, menstrual disorders,sale burberry swimwear, breast fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, or even breast cancer, uterine cancer and other serious diseases.
endocrine disorders. To eat something cold. Before and after their menstrual cycles each month, lower jaw to grow out one small pox, skin changes in this region have a direct relationship with the ovaries, can improve the body massage or lymphatic drainage.
eyebrows among Zhangdou:
chest, arrhythmia, palpitations. Not recommended to do so intense exercise, avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy food.
do not do too intense exercise, avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy food.

nose Zhangdou: Wei Huo excessive, abnormal digestive system. Should eat cold food.
chest: with a long position in the people, like acne. pay attention to the urinary and reproductive system problems,Fly high, need medical treatment.
temples: the temple near the small acne, showing your diet contains too many processed foods, the gallbladder caused by obstruction, the body lines need to quickly clean-up.
forehead: forehead pox spots appear, is the liver caused by excessive levels of toxins, must reduce consumption of sugary foods high points, but to avoid using too much alcohol.
around the eyes: the eyes and dry, or drying the surface of the crack appears, showing you the need to strengthen the intake of vitamin B2 and B6.
lips: lips appear subtle wrinkles, and that you have to add iron a lot.

eye below:
under the eyes are directly related with the kidney, When dark circles,艰苦的世博行之二 - Qzone日志, eye bags and puffiness, it means you drink too much coffee and tea, these beverages are alkaline and need to control this kind of beverage.
nose on both sides: both sides appear blackhead nose, mild drying and peeling phenomenon that poor circulation, massage can be appropriate to strengthen this part of the skin's blood circulation. Or the amount of zinc, vitamin B2 and B6.
cheeks on both sides: this part of the skin acne, that food must be restrained and not overeat, eat more to help the body to poison food such as apples, bamboo shoots, on the stomach of a clean body effect.
In addition, smoking and more people are prone to swollen cheek, and the emergence of clear lines capillaries, skin oxygen gas which is the signal, the best solution is to quit smoking.
mouth and neck: If the acne around the chin like a long drop to the neck and cheek Hu even longer, and function of the stomach, mostly stomach Damp-heat, less spicy and fried foods













      Doudou tell you where the body is sick
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