Second, the United States on the world economic plunder.
many Americans are strange, is ah, they themselves are good-natured, likes to help others, but also \But they do not realize is that they act as the financial group's hatchet man hate the world the role of Cai Bei.
different with the establishment of large colonies, the United States is the bank behind the financial and economic dynasty rule, they also differed from the means of old colonial empires, especially in the 21st century, their means of accumulating wealth and time can be described as a forward, with each passing day. Especially in the face for the development of Third World countries, the Americans opened their Xuependakou. Certainly not a single battleship guns, they have a nice name, \1, sending \rhetoric, I believe their countries need to build many of the projects, followed him to persuade the country's main decision-makers from the Federal Reserve, the World Bank Deng their controlled organizations in a large number of Daikuan, Qu construction Naxiekeneng Genben with the Shang or no access to the Taixingjianzhu and promised to give these decision-makers a huge bribes and kickbacks. (The most interesting example, when they plan to build large hydropower Indonesian government loans, when all the engineers questioned Indonesia in the next 100 years, the need to use such a high-power station, also opposed the destruction of the environment, so to to persuade the Indonesian government that they get \too fast, increasing power demand will be such a big station so it is necessary)
2, the other party once the agreement for the loan, ask them to use the loan money to hire \) to undertake these projects. \and, of course, that countries need to be used for all the decades of national income debt, including substantial interest, if you do not play, sorry, your large state-owned enterprises as collateral, banks, and even a bit of land will be that they are not left The take away.
perfect sleight of hand tricks, of course, they are most afraid of is that \, otherwise, what to feed so many Americans use ah?
1, to CIA as the main body, walking rumors, support the opposition, to launch color revolution, forcing the \national interests.
2, when the operation a failure and sent killer to kill the leaders of the country, Qiaoshanzhenhu, to his successor's publicity department.
3, when the action 2 failed, then all the media suddenly discovered that the country's leaders guilty of \fried flat, then up the capture of the President, focus back locked up or kill, foster a docile puppet.
so Third World countries newly independent from the hands of Western colonialists, they were then \education, health, economic, military money to pay off these debts, when they do not pay on time, things only get their own mortgages to give these American bankers, including local banks, businesses, and land. Why post-war rubble of China's rapid rise in the blockade could, but did not undergo the same war no matter how many of the development of Third World countries has never been able to escape from poverty, you can look at their efforts to create wealth across the country to whose pockets are where, by whom they controlled the economy, they could see numerous large-scale in the construction, but the rich, is always that small number of people, most people are still poor ... ...
[transferred from Jagged community http://bbs . /] 2003, the Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand's solemn stand under the flag, this time, they have also finished ahead of time owed 12 billion dollars in IMF loans, and repay the money to take the initiative to make Thai Baht devaluation can not estimate losses. He swore never again to be one of these international bankers hours \only one of the means, there is the well-known economic bubble, the most famous example is Japan, the Japanese financial markets were pushed to peak a lot of foreign investment, huge foreign exchange reserves, and then start manipulating the yen appreciation, resulting in shrinking of foreign exchange, and then still can not find shook Japan's financial markets, they asked the Japanese government in the financial markets open, \All short (that is expected to index would fall, or if a large profit on) directly to the bottom of Japan's financial markets fall on, the Japanese economy after the collapse of a large number of shares acquired from the bottom of the pillar industries of Japan, which is available at Japan play this \not worth the time, every Korean home from his show all the gold and silver jewelry over to the government, with the gold to repay the debt ... ...
, of course, the above approach, the key premise is that you want to plunder object system meet your requirements, if your financial system is not met, then they will say to sell off \This system is implemented, only that the victims are Americans, wealth is still the bankers, and even the New Deal, the \the U.S. banking and financial field, all the small and medium sized banks caught.
Americans like a dictator, if the dictator can control the infinite and then get people to find their interest loans to repay, then, whether he is like genocide or cannibalize, he will be the U.S. media as \a model of democracy. \
of course,So Adonis, 10 years actually a relationship with Miss Wan Ming! , Americans prefer democracy, because the national rights of the dispersed rigid legal system, in order to power whatever means available to any person or private, fawning over the parties, as well as to protect the interests of the parties at the expense of national interests, characteristics, are convenient for the large U.S. financial empire actually control.
Americans oppose the dictatorship, because no matter how the dictator, as the country's ruler, he may order their own national interests, rejected the U.S. \who would definitely die at the hands of Americans, whether American soldiers or tanks assassin.
[transferred from Jagged community] Americans are opposed to democracy, as some democratically elected government, all political parties to exclude the concept of whole-hearted efforts of the national interest, so also determined that such \
Why did this schizophrenia results? Take a look behind the U.S. media to use their money to support group will understand, even if they are accompanied Dole vowed to Ge \countries most people, is by exploiting developing countries to maintain our good for 生活??, of course, benefit most from a Chu Yu Shehuijingji Ti Zhi Zui the top of the human pyramid ... ... Zhexie countries Budeburang U.S. Gongsi wanton exploitation of their natural resources, had to bear the pain to domestic education, health care and other community projects on the side, but first of all pay our debt, but in fact, we have from the repayment of most of the construction project funding, although the computation loans The formula did not count on the money, are 'the majority of Americans do not know' excuse means that we are guilty of it? Some might say that 'knowledge', perhaps because it was deliberately misleading, in short a lot of excuses , but you can say you are innocent you? \
to establish a world government, new world order, I am afraid this is an international financial group, Bank Group's ultimate goal, of course, you do not expect it to be a united people of the world government, he is still a convenient bankers are free to plunder any national wealth into their own pockets any region, and he is not political, but economic in nature,Most shortest Swordsman,cheap nike 91, because the financial only one purpose, that is accumulating wealth. And in their system, there are actually only two types of people, first, they, very few elite rich people as the masters of the world, while the masses of ordinary people only for their slaves, constant one they provide wealth, they inherent to break all human morality, faith, money as the world's only standard, of course, they used their \John Perkins in \Americans are the world's people live a prosperous life as, in fact, in the United States has hundreds of thousands of residents living in poverty. Also, I was not quite clear whether other countries really want to live a life like us . the United States on violence, economic decline, drug abuse, divorce, and crime data also shows: while we in history one of the richest countries, but we may be one of the most unhappy. Why do we have to force others imitate their own? \
Nothing bankers and financiers are more afraid of this theory, the state-controlled economy, state control of financial, banking and financial industry to prevent or so countries, the dream of the world's financial empire collapsed in an instant. So we can see, when the communist theory emerged, the world is far greater than his fear of the restoration of constitutional monarchy. All attempts to try this system, countries have been all the means of combat, perhaps Zai today, ordinary people of these theories have Pitaibufen forgotten Suo, Sheng Huo Ji Shi is the we in the socialist countries, but in the ocean shore, and so has a group of Ren not forgotten, and the determination to pay operations.
When Soros manufacturers on behalf of the Asian economic crisis Financial Group, we remember him, but maybe we do not know, he was directly involved in the disintegration of the Soviet Union's actions, because his earlier title of \Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union published on the \
\United States Institute for Peace, National Democratic donor funds, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, World Crisis, etc ... ... in cooperation with these organizations, not only Suzao but also made news, and public agenda and public opinion in order to control the world and resources to promote the United States made a perfect world the ideal of unity. \bad luck, meet a brain had just been the leader of the doors, the support of Boris Yeltsin in the careerist to the largest socialist country to split up. So bankers cheered the same time, not forget the huge asset misappropriation of the former Soviet Union, so a group of \br> When this has been the disintegration of the former Soviet Union for 17 years, and the Internet was even committed suicide after the former Soviet Union in advocating \of the invisible \clean country in the world ranking of 127, and continue to take the socialist road with Chinese clean ranking has increased from 78 to 70, and Russia's growing gap between rich and poor, the rich richer every year, and the poor poorer . But have to say, the world economy in the former Soviet Union group of incompetent and idiotic use of opponents played a big victory, so they turned to China to look again, China is the biggest threat to their country ... ...
4, the final position ? China
the world economy on China's predatory group, from the Qing dynasty, started the Internet was constantly singing the praises of the Americans returned to the Boxer Indemnity \, and then rob you of some of the money for what you get hold of the move is not cold Moreover, the reasons for the move from eight-Commander Waldersee written to heads of state a letter made clear that Boxer has proven China is a nation will not succumb to external forces, resistance will not stop, no matter which countries do not have enough strength and energy to control this country, so he recommended a Chinese agent to a means of domination and exploitation in China, so the United States to invest in the construction of the Tsinghua University, euphemistically called?? support for China's education (more than the national illiteracy when N is not going to get primary school or literacy of what university?) for the university each year to send so many students to the United States, the United States University of Illinois James Roosevelt in 1906 to a memorandum claimed that: \the impact of business on the back most of the harvest. \things, the coming days, though the United States, these students learned to speak English, learn what the United States, even in a foreign country but never did forget that they are Chinese, to China's efforts to ... ...
warlord in China , the western economic blocs to arms as a loan, so that the warlords to the national interest must be secured in exchange for arms, when the Northern Expedition began, they did not hesitate to order direct military interference in the Northern Expedition Ge Guo, manufacture of Nanjing massacre, until Chiang Kai-shek betrayal of the revolution, the foreign commitments, my government can succeed to all the foreign debt since Northern Warlords This makes the West began to abandon their support for the full support of Chiang Kai-shek warlords, and this debt there? National currency equivalent to up to 744,447,593.98 yuan, from 1927 to 1933, there has indeed secured the debt, principal and interest up to 200 million settlement of 4900 more than a million silver dollars, ending in June 1934, has been recognized and classified in order of up to 10 100 million 56 million silver dollars. Encounter such a being taken advantage of, Western bankers finally grin, of course, debt is not always complete, and Chiang Kai-shek's Legend of the side by debt, they use the national interest to also, until 1949 borrowing totaled 3.068 billion dollars to repay these debts with interest, I believe the Chinese people not even think about turning over the ... ...
when Stuart saw through the People's Liberation Army troops from downstairs, he did not go,north face uk, stayed and was later written into the the famous \hope to open new stores, a fishing. \But Chairman Mao is not Chiang Kai, not to make Wall Street financiers were happy to let the people of the Republic had just been born for no reason on the back of 10 have not completed my life's external debt, so Stuart must get out, this is real abolishes equal treaties, the Chinese economy could finally start, not a bottomless pit of despair from the slow climb, of course, America's most distressed is not the defeat of Chiang Kai-shek government, but sky-high price of loans that can never go back, because the escape Taiwan's Chiang Kai-shek with a small island can never repay those debts ... ...
[transferred from Jagged community] New China was in a hostile blockade proudly erect, with their own hand to build their own country,uggs nightfall, no matter how difficult the road.
words of Chairman Mao, \is destructive, they are looking for a way other than war, reform and opening up to them this opportunity, the opportunity for foreign investment in China, but also have the opportunity to legitimate employment in China, \happy, and why? Because in China there is always a Chinese *** standing above them and focused on what they did to prevent their large-scale economic exploitation of China, no matter how you skirted the law, no matter how you rhetoric, can not Xpress by margin of action, of course, they can be a lot of money buying some officials,new ugg amelie suede, but can not buy the whole party, but can not use money to control the entire country, even if no amount of money into China's pillar industries, steel, military, resources and so is firmly in control in the hands of the State, they are more worried that the event of a similar kind of plunder, Japan, *** will use their right hands over the law to forcibly stop the pillaging of China, which does make them restless . More annoying is foreign aid, China on African countries, aid is no brother of the nature of loans, simply a sense help, this will not only allow African countries to brothers and China closer together, and keep them found a The new option, do not rely on Western countries to find loans, and then repay the external debt of a hundred years, but also to develop domestic resources and trade promote economic growth.
days that it is the people of Africa, \Then they suddenly found a country still in the Sudan civil war, this country has oil resources, but lack of extraction capacity, so the Chinese people to aid the construction of oil facilities to help the Sudanese government exploitation of oil, and then carry out legitimate trade and the Sudan, This is how outrageous thing ah. If they come, how much money the first convince the government loan to build oil facilities, and then to oil as collateral, to Sudan this poor take hundreds of years of huge debt, they need only sit in the Wall Street Shu Chaopiao on it, of course, you do not Jishi also does not matter, oil instead of petrol, as in Darfur, Darfur, where? But China is completely shattered their dreams, so angry that they cried cried cried out to \But it does not matter, anyway, media lies in their hands, how they say how Americans believe,ugg classic cardy,Every day dry noodles really good! , even the master can become a \others, Who do their own simple-minded.
So they will spend every possible means used to collect money they can threaten the collapse of this country, those in the former Soviet Union used and unused instruments, which may be effective and less likely to use effective means to all , they can support in the United States and even those crazy sick brain master of Tibet and Xinjiang as terrorists, using all the media disdain Yuli against China, the Chinese describe as an \means the world to \spare capacity to conduct advocacy, expect this \Himalayas, the height is increasing every year ... ...
China is already engaged in a war to defend China, but most people do not realize it, but our opponents are not those \Behind them a large group of that.













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