A lot of cramps joke, a bad mood child take your t
  Yau with
12. a brother like to eat fish.
Wal-Mart's bass nine pound,
put on ice if the death of the 7 2,
as fresh. Work of a brother,
to run out to buy, or have often been bought,
a brother on the stand before the other tanks ah,
sometimes quite a while to not die a.
a brother to go fishing with nets, the fish's head with his hand struck.
waiter really watch anymore,
came with the brother said:
\50-year-old woman.
day visit to the male dormitory,
just a boy has not got anything in the ground scurrying ~
be seen
any class immediately screamed jumping on the bed,
cover quilt ~
classes left office and left word:
age so much what I have not seen,
What is your name ~
the student giant cold - -!!!

22. a shopping suddenly feel stomach pain
then went into the corner of the 199 all you can eat hot pot restaurants
would like to use a toilet with
happens to find is found all over the floor, so I went to the second floor
second floor is also decorated the empty nothing
but found a toilet close to the \Use \! After

I went downstairs only to find empty
strange time when the dinner downstairs has nevertheless
just how suddenly deserted it? Even the waiters and reception are all gone ... ...
So I approached the counter,
and asks: anyone here? How no people?
At this point, the waiter saw a man way out of the audience from the bar,
and speak:
Fuck! ... ... Just stool falls from the ceiling fans when you hit
is not it? Count your lucky ......
23. High school, about permutations and combinations, do group problem. alarm call for Lei
teacher: \
you can not stand in the first row and the row end,
are many kinds of permutation? \... not ranked last ... ... \
teacher anger, punishment Lei station.
another alarm call wave: \
wave of fear,
a long while,
A: \: I'm sorry three.
B: What are you sorry for?
A: I'm sorry five.

32. an English exam,
A monarch is a loss,
Suddenly Jun B has been filled very full,
busy throwing paper in the past for help .
soon, B Jun throw to a ball of paper. Jun
A joyful, busy open.
saw a piece of paper wrapped in rubber,
rubber surrounded by painted A, B, C, D four letters,
there are words on paper: their own throw.

2. a prisoner to be executed,Transferred to the unmarried men to see, because bullets are inferior, the first shot did not release, followed up a second gun ... guns ... this time the third prisoner to cry : the Big Brother you strangle me, too fucking scary!

5, a bear in the mountain business, the farmer gave him a sickle, a carpenter gave him a hammer, bear to tiger mountain face, scared the sickle, hammer held in the head, the tiger said: not see it, on your bear like this was a party to!

3. a black woman watching the meters after the race, wiping away tears said: scary! Some dug in and kneel in a row to be shot, not targeted to open the gun, wanderers scared that Run away, no stopping rope wow!

1. a hungry wolf food, heard a woman in training children: crying wolf'll throw you out Hey! Children cry all night, wolf, bedazzled, and so on until dawn at the door, a long sigh: cheat,Reprinted 2009 National Quality Supervision Bureau announced the list of banned cosmetics, women are liars!

34. a child to eat noodles,
eating eating,
I pulled one from the throat:
35. One day, Xiao Ming came to his future wife's mother came to visit,
Mothers: Do you sit casually Oh! food it will be OK!
and then into the kitchen busy,
time strained left the living room and
Mothers Xiaoming white
their dog suddenly, Xiao Ming found himself up stomach pain,
he thought: No! I have to hold back!
But he could not bear it ~ ~
pop ~ ~
he put a ring invincible smelly fart,
he thought to himself: This is a ~ ~ under the dead will be driven out
just did not expect Mothers shouted loudly: white ~ ~!
Xiao Ming was reassuring thought: Fortunately, when I was a scapegoat white,
then he could not help but put a 2 ass ,
wife's mother is still screaming white ~ ~
ass when he placed third,
cursed to see the wife's mother rushed out and said:
white! you have to wait until being Xiusi will run is not

19. there is one, is listening to what others say.
saying the poorest end of the time,
people have no money for a dormitory,
not dare to ask the home to the collective diet.
in order to save the physical, we all had skipped school.

noon counselor to the bedroom,
see a month are lying weakly in bed,
was surprised.
not open, hears the bedroom Boss Man Youyou to say was \/ p>
20. The University has a female student,
Peking Man,
cold kind of humor.
after her about her entrance check-point thing.
call to check hours units check points.
found when the math scores,
phone report:
\Hey, I kept mathematics to 60 points up? \

cattle were stopped by a traffic police: \man refueling away.
Soon, another person said that the traffic police to stop cattle, cattle get out, traffic police said: \is the oil? Japanese are people too? \

11. a company manager, told Secretary of the documents referred to the boss:
\. \
manager receipt, immediately instructed his staff to buy a machine,
proposed itinerary is finishing his luggage.
Pro starting the day, was Secretary of the block down.
secretary: \? \;
21. freshman, Shijiazhuang,
winter, cold day,
just the morning class time to eat,
all the way to go towards people dining ,
our class a few went before the library,
mouth large pond here, end up with a thin layer of ice,

we will discuss several South
the ice surface can not withstand the weight of a person,
moment in Shaanxi's boss from the theories to jump on the ice,
said: No problem, see also leave it,
can not only walk but also fauna it.

Yan Bi,
boss saw in slow motion from the ice slowly sinking into the bottom of the pool,
hand waving to us also maintain the posture,
school most of the students were stunned to this wonderful moment.

boss reaction hsiang,
some thump to the shore,
and lightning to get up and run,
so we returned to the bedroom I saw was in the bed of their own said:
Needless to say, and after whom mention, who I am off.

8. B and C three trips together, a cold ... ...
night, we shared a bed, a sleep center.
middle of the night ... i made a big spray of aldicarb,
B C is a crystallization of the whole face.
B C: next to let us know ... ...
After a half hour,
A: Note the ...
B C heard this,north face clothing, he hastened to drill into quilts in,
and to identify the outside world not connected ...
results, a release of the ass.

14. One day, A monarch in the toilet shit,
estimate could not pull out,
barking in the toilet inside.
At this point, outside of B Jun hearing,
so loudly sings:
graduate student in a campus named Willow.
in the undergraduate campus,
North Division of the West Gate is the place to have a bicycle parking lot,
prepared specifically for graduate students,
on the wall read, \
once and a friend from that too,
see He paused,
final struggle for a long time I finally asked, puzzled:
you said that Willow Students Who is really cows X, so many bikes! \a new English teacher,
after he asked that we must all answer in English to answer questions.
then he began naming: NO.1.
he shouted.
us Class 1, stood up,
shouted the voice: to! the teacher said:
Please in English! (Please answer in English)
my classmates scratched his head,
Bie for a long time Answer the sentence:
guide ~ ~ ~ (for the second tone)

17. 1 was admitted to Beijing University students and alumni of a dialogue:
you are in Yunnan?
\YES \\\\\\\\\\\\\
then there is no entrance examination in Yunnan, the examination was archery competition,
put a sign outside a kilometer,
write \a radio Tsinghua University, Peking University the second shot, failed, and finally to the insurance,
a recent brand launch is the school.

33. a high-ranking officials to visit a farm,
asked the farmer:
me how to find a cow farm
have no long-horned ah.
farmer replied:
cattle without horns are many reasons,
may be genetic,
born without,
also may be falling ill later had,
but it does not angle because it is a horse but

6, the farmer knows the weight of dung, and asked foreigners to see: Grandpa, this dressing, how much? Farmer does not say, hand stained with foreigners point into his mouth, I thought: you do not tell me,UGG Hammond Slipper, how much, I can not tell you that your sauce is gone bad.

27. One afternoon, my classmate in Construction work is boring, a poorly dressed woman (neuropathy) came to his window and gave him a note to withdrawal.
note written on


inscription is the central office *** *** CP.
I would like to alert students who may see the neurotic woman very seriously, to think about the security issue is considered to play a bird. (~ estimated that security is also very busy).
Sure enough, the security of the woman, said: \this note you want to withdraw, opposite the police station to be first, to find cover a chapter director, he was finishing the chapter, you come back no problem withdrawing money friends. \went the police station. (This really is not general security, usually a little underestimate him).
About ten minutes, queuing time of customers multiplied slowly, the girl came back elated, holding out the note, said: \that matter, office procedures simplified, director of grant shall not withdraw money directly to friends. \gave sent back.
my classmates and security was a bit silly, business hall, many people are afraid of her psychotic episode to affect the normal order, had to get up on duty charge.
managers and female patients talk with one side and asked what do you withdraw money with ah, female patient said: \place, the woman would then happily away.
Security to consult a \go to ABC,Articles, to buy clothing and other things, withdraw money to go to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Cai Xing! \> ... ... ... ...
After a child, the woman is back. and that brought the bank's reply: \The people said, we are here is a public line, only the public's to take, and mother said I was slut No !!!!, to withdraw money to the CCB \. we talk on the train in the knowledge of the topic.
a brother and said he had time to sit in the soft sleeper train,
results come after a while the conductor told him to change cars,
matter how he asked the conductor,
conductor told him that this section Government officials have been up inside,
the coach, we all pack up
angry, lashed out at government corruption
a brother and stunned the world:
\spare trains,
not only mistresses,
also damn package train! \authentic is difficult to eat roast duck,
a meeting with the one vote went to eat authentic Peking Duck.
\br> Nanjing Salted Duck, for one! \
\also Duanle Yi plate and serve.
\br> old man kneeling in front of Road:
\turtle injury. Let snail to buy medicine. After 2 hours. Snail not come back yet. Turtle anxious cursed: fuck do not come back I will die! Then the door came at a snail's voice: I do not you say his mother had
31. Language test,
have a fill in the blank.
requests were filled, \
some students knew nothing.
fill in a space-time,
he quietly asked the same table,
A Day: \. \

25. yesterday on the bus when
bus driver had been staring at me,
tickets as I did not like.

how do you do?

very simple,
I have been staring at him,
as I bought a ticket like
26. summer of a particular class,
I am lying desk with your eyes closed confused,
confused in the sense of someone's arm touched my fingers,
I thought it was at the same table,

on the use of nails to pull him over,
found no reaction,
I also add strength to pull him over,
still did not move, depressed the,
This does not conform to my table with the style of Yeah,
Could pull the lighter?

so I meal fierce agonizing,
is captured, it is torsion,
tossing for a while, feeling himself a wrong,
slightly opened his eyes, yeah,
find a teacher sitting at my table position,
are looking at me weird,
hand piece of skin that are red

4. Huang love revolution, to commemorate the Red Army,max 89, a son named 'Army', a day to send my son to see 8 bus stop, then washed his son shouted: Huang Jun Run,buy vibram, eight-way here! ~ ~ ~

7. One day, Xiao Ming hands name of gypsum,
teacher asked: how was your hands
small clearly: a broken a
teacher said: Why?
little say so: because I'm too lazy
teacher said: too lazy to hand would be broken?
little say so: I go on the road, ran into a stone shoes,
hand but I get lazy,
shaking feet on the pole for holding a stone falls out,
passers-by to see an electric shock to think that I hit my hand with a wooden
so .................
teacher :............

once and several classmates went home to see his high school teacher,
it was an old man, before leaving,
We left some fruit to give teachers,
But the teacher pulled tightly monitor laptop bag says:
\Well. \Department a ugly girl on the driver said incomparable:

night in our dormitory to-night or playing field is out and my wife's,
back late,
call we open the door,
and then we let them on the slogan,

king cover ground tiger,
pagoda Town Creek demon,
What What Ha Ha,
how yellow face?
If they do not say eat shit never eat yellow door.
under the fish once winter night,
wind another large one,
a buddy cold to die,
back on the door,
nor does it signal a,
directly on That call,
eat shit eat my face is yellow,ghd styler mk4,
quickly open the door.
sound of loud, we live in a building, 3 floor are heard. . . .
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