Health knowledge in the history of the most comple
  References [Austria if] the history of the most comprehensive compilation of health knowledge this collection of medical and health knowledge
45, the role of vitamins, women's health knowledge of 100, 60 knowledge of life and health knowledge, 43, 53 civil life tips. Alternative living knowledge, life skills were more than 500 common sense.
1. Medical and health knowledge
1. Normal heart rate: 75 per minute at rest in healthy adults, the average heart rate of 75 times per minute. Normal range of 60-100 times per minute. Adult resting heart rate over 100 beats / minute, tachycardia; less than 60 beats / min were, for the bradycardia. Heart rate can be due to age, gender and other factors change, such as increased body temperature every 1 ℃, heart rate, speed up 12-20 times / minute, female heart rate slightly faster heart rate than men, athlete's heart rate slow.
2. normal body temperature: 36.3 ℃ -37.2 ℃ (oral test method)
usually clinical oral temperature, rectal temperature, and axillary temperature to represent the body temperature. I Measurement (sublingually 5 minutes) normal to 36.3 ℃ -37.2 ℃; axillary Measurement (armpit clamp 5 minutes) to 36 ℃ -37 ℃; anal Measurement (header coating lubricants, inserted into the anus 5 minutes) was 36.5 ℃ -37.7 ℃. In a day and night, the body temperature cyclical fluctuations, the general 2-6 early in the morning when the minimum in the afternoon when the top 13-18, but the fluctuations of not more than 1 ℃. As long as the temperature does not exceed 37.3 ℃, even if normal.
3. hemoglobin (HbB): adult male (120-160 g / liter), adult female (110-150 g / l)
clinical anemia with hemoglobin values Suketame basis to judge. Normal adult hemoglobin 90-110 g / l with mild anemia; 60-90 g / l moderate anemia; 30-60 g / l had severe anemia; white blood cell count (WBC) :4-10 * (10 9 power) a / l
white blood cell count greater than 10 * (10 9 th power) a / l, said leukocytosis, less than 10 * (10 9 th power) a / l called leukopenia. In general, acute bacterial infection or inflammation, white blood cell can be increased; virus infection, the WBC will be reduced. Cold, fever caused by viral infection also caused by bacterial infection, a clear etiology, clinical treatment, doctors usually let you go to check a blood count.
5. platelet count (PLT) :100-300 * (10 9 th power) a / l
platelets function to maintain the integrity of the vascular wall. When the platelet count decreased to 50 * (10 9 th power) a / l below, particularly as low as 30 * (10 9 th power) a / l, it may cause bleeding, the skin may appear petechia ecchymosis. Not low platelets often appear on the skin, \treatment, a clear reason.
6. urine :1000-2000 ml / 24 hours
24 hours urinary output> 2500 ml of urine as much. Physiological polyuria seen drinking too much or after application of diuretics. Pathological polyuria seen in diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, renal tubular disease.
7. 24 hours urinary output nocturnal volume: 500 ml
nocturia that evening from 8 pm to 8 am next morning, the total urine output, usually 500 ml, urinate 2-3 times. If the nocturnal urine volume of more than during the day, and significantly increased frequency of urination, a nocturnal increase. Physiological nocturnal increase over the water and bedtime; pathological nocturia more often the performance of impaired renal concentration, renal dysfunction is an early signal. In addition to renal dysfunction other than nocturia may also increase prostate hyperplasia, uterine prolapse older women, urinary tract infections, diabetes, mental stress and other causes.
8. urinary red cell count (RBC) :0-3 normal / high power field
urine red blood cells> 3 / high power field, known as microscopic hematuria.
urinary red blood cell in urine white blood cell count (WBC) normal: 5 / high power field, known as microscopic pyuria. If a large number of white blood cells in urine, mostly for urinary tract infections, such as pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, cystitis or urinary tract infection.
10. sperm survival time: 72 hours. Egg survival time: 24 hours.
rhythm rhythm encountered problems of insecurity, in addition to ovulation wrong, there is the factor that can not be ignored: the female body because sperm can survive three days long, so even on the day of ovulation is not, As long as in the affected pregnancy (4 days before ovulation to 2 days after ovulation), women are still likely to conceive.
11. Two blood group systems: ABO and Rh
ABO blood group system in the blood is divided into four types: A type, B type, AB type and O type. Rh blood group system blood group is divided into two types: Rh-positive type and Rh-negative type. In Caucasians, 85% of Rh-positive blood type, Rh negative blood type 15%. In China, 99% of people are Rh-positive blood type, Rh negative blood are rare.
AA: A, O; AB: A, B, O, AB; A-AB: A, B, AB; AO: A, O
BB: B, O; B-AB: A, B ,mulberry handbags sale, AB; BO: B, O; O-AB: A, B
OO: O; AB-AB: A, B, AB if the two sides of a human type AB, the baby can not be O-. If both sides are O, the baby can only be O-.
12. body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) / height (in meters) squared :18.5-23.9 is normal
13. body mass index, the best weight loss rate: 1-2 kg weight loss per month
overweight people should lose weight gradually under medical guidance. Lose weight too far too fast will lead to weight rebound, anorexia, anemia, malnutrition, irregular menstruation, hair loss, memory loss, bone stretch their legs and the side effects.
14. waist circumference: men ≥ 90 cm, women ≥ 80 cm for the abdominal obesity
accumulation of abdominal fat, waist circumference is a judge, several abdominal obesity (also known as \Abdominal obesity is now considered a coronary heart disease, important risk factors for metabolic syndrome. If the body mass index has not yet reached the degree of obesity, but waist circumference has been exceeded, show that you belong to abdominal obesity. Abdominal obesity than general obesity were more dangerous, more susceptible to coronary heart disease, diabetes, a \
15. fat signal: weight gain of 1.5 kg a month
start up in weight, \Of the following situations, often prompts a weight gain trend: a slight movement of breath, feelings of powerlessness are tired, sweating at every turn, there low back, hip and knee pain.
16. blood pressure: normal, systolic blood pressure diabetes diagnostic criteria: fasting plasma glucose> 7.0 mg Mount / L, and (or) 2-hour postprandial blood glucose> 11.1 mm Mount / l
If you meet the above criteria , already are diabetic, be under the guidance of glucose in the treatment of a doctor, do not because of diabetes, \If not properly control blood sugar, 满身各器官 are involved.
18. Diabetes exclusion criteria: fasting plasma glucose> 6.1 mg Mount / L, and (or) 2-hour postprandial blood glucose> 7.8 mg Mount / liter
19. Pre-diabetes diagnostic criteria: 6.1 cents Mount / liter Moldova 11.1 cents / liter
if blood glucose levels higher than normal but not yet reached the diagnostic criteria of diabetes shows that are in pre-diabetes, if not alert, not active intervention will soon develop diabetes.
20. diabetes warning signs: fasting plasma glucose> 5.6 mg Mount / l
when fasting glucose exceeds the standard, the incidence of diabetes will increase significantly, ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular time and the incidence of diabetic retinopathy rate increased significantly.
21. glycated hemoglobin ≤ 6.5%
normal glycated hemoglobin is hemoglobin within red blood cells and glucose combined with the product, to reflect the first three months of blood micro-billion pounds in a blood glucose level, is reflected in good blood glucose control bad most effective, most reliable indicators. Glycosylated hemoglobin in patients with diabetes should be ≤ 7.0% for the treatment of one of the standards compliance, the elderly can be slightly relaxed criteria (7.0% -7.5%), glycated hemoglobin in the young people should be controlled at ≤ 6.5% or less. For every 1% decline in glycated hemoglobin, diabetes-related complications can be reduced by 20%.
22. bone mineral density :30-40-year-old top of everyone's life
the highest bone mineral density (peak bone mass) in a period of generally 30-40 years old, born by nutrition, growth and genetic factors , both high and low peak bone mass. Men usually start from 40 years of age, women are from the age of 35, began to decrease peak bone mass, 5 years in postmenopausal women,I love people and I love people - Qzone log, 70 men after the age of the fastest bone loss. High peak bone mass, their bones containing calcium high occurrence of osteoporosis in old age after a lesser extent, time later. Therefore, before the age of 40 who should grasp the opportunity, to ensure adequate nutrition and daily calcium intake, and actively participate in physical training, strive to improve their peak bone mass.
23. 25 grams per person per day is appropriate
cooking oil is best to use vegetable oil, vegetable oils that contain heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids more. As the higher oil heat, so the amount should not be too much, otherwise the excess calories will translate into body fat, fat people.
24. the amount of salt a day not more than six grams of salt is caused
important risk factor for hypertension, taste heavier people should pay particular attention. The daily amount of salt should also include soy sauce, pickled vegetables, salted eggs and so the salt content.
25. 400-500 grams of vegetables per day
eat vegetables every day for more than half should be useful for the colored vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, red and yellow vegetables. Vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, calories are critically low.
26. daily intake of calcium: Healthy adults 600-800 mg
Chinese Nutrition Society recommended calcium supply: Adult 600-800 mg / day, pregnant women, 1,200 mg / day, lactating 2000 mg / day. Milk and dairy products rich in calcium absorption rate. Aquatic products, shrimp, seaweed, soy products more calcium. To promote the absorption of calcium, vitamin D should be appropriate and more sun.
daily drinking water for more than 1500 ml of drinking water, including daily intake of tea, soup, fruit and other foods of the total water content. Drinking water is very particular about the way, I have to water thirsty, not a lot of water, should drink boiled water or tea, do not use sugary drinks instead of water.
28. stroke rehabilitation best time: 3 days after cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage 5-7 days
29. alanyl aminotransferase (GPT or ALT) normal alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) stroke thrombolysis \time window \reduce the incidence of complications and sequelae.
30.18-45 years old, 1200 myopia, the eye with active disease (such as inflammation, glaucoma, dry eye, etc.); B ultrasonic examination of central corneal thickness: 40 years of age, once a year, with non-invasive ultrasound
, no radiation, the advantages of convenient and accurate, not only the stones, cysts, fatty liver and other common diseases, but also early detection of certain tumors. Limited by the nature of ultrasonic inability, ultrasonography is more suitable for solid organ, such as the liver, spleen, and kidney, are generally not suitable for gas-bearing organs (such as gastroenteritis), and skeletal system.
31. mammography: women over 40 years of age, check once a year
mammography on breast disease, especially in the diagnosis of early breast cancer have a higher value than the clinical examination will be outside as Imaging diagnostic method of choice. And other risk factors are family history, beginning with coal from 35 years to accept a mammography examination. According to medical advice after 40 years of age appropriate inspection frequency.
32. bone mineral density: Women over the age of 45, men over 55 years: annual testing once
our people over the age of 60 the prevalence of osteoporosis, women 30% -35%, men 10 % -20%. Bone stretch their legs and harm to human health are many, such as the cause back pain, body width,2010世界杯失意阵容 - Qzone日志, humpback and fractures.
33. the expected date of calculation: the last menstrual period of the month increased by 9 or minus 3 for the expected date of the year; days plus 7, the expected date of the date of the number of
Since each menstrual cycle vary, so calculated The expected date of birth and birth date may be 1-2 weeks of the error.
34. antenatal check: 9 Best
addition to trimester of pregnancy need to be checked to determine the outside, from mid-pregnancy until term pregnancy, prenatal care is about 9 times. Normal pregnancy 20 weeks -36 weeks to once every 4 weeks; pregnancy after 36 weeks, examined weekly. 9 inspection time was 20 weeks, 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 37 weeks, 38 weeks, 39 weeks, 40 weeks. Regular prenatal care usually 9, but pregnant women with certain risk factors, the increase or decrease the frequency of inspections may be required at any time and projects.
35. not more than 15 kg weight gain during pregnancy
pre-pregnancy normal weight women, pregnancy can increase 11.25-15 kg body weight. Pre-pregnancy underweight women, pregnancy can increase body weight 2.6-18 kg. Women overweight before pregnancy, pregnancy weight gain should be some control for 6.75-11.25 kg. Weight gain during pregnancy may affect fetal growth rate and body weight. Dirty house too much weight during pregnancy more quickly, a huge children will not only increase the incidence of postpartum weight loss will increase the difficulty. Conversely, if the weight is too small, it will affect the normal fetal growth and development.
36. pregnant drug use: stop the most dangerous drugs by 5-10 weeks of pregnancy by
in the first two weeks, before the influence of drugs if the fertilized egg may have two outcomes: one is the spontaneous abortion; the other is fertilized self-healing injury, and continues to develop into a normal fetus. Therefore, if pregnant women do not care at this stage were taking the drug, can take wait and see, go with the flow attitude. However, 3-8 weeks after conception (that is menopause 5-10) weeks is the critical embryonic stages of organ differentiation and development, at this time if the exposure to harmful substances, may result in teratogenic embryonic organs. Since most of the impact of drugs on the fetus are concentrated in early pregnancy, at a time when a significant number of pregnant women do not know your pregnant, and to ensure safety, prospective mothers should be in preparation for pregnancy stage began to consider drug safety.
37. full-term: pregnancy over 37 weeks to 42 weeks dissatisfied with preterm labor who
: pregnancy over 28 weeks to 37 weeks of discontent between the parturition. Production date: pregnancy 42 weeks or more than 42 weeks parturition. 38 weeks pregnant when the production has not yet reached the expected period (40 weeks gestation), are also considered full-term.
38. birth weight: 2500-4000 grams
normal birth weight was 4000 grams, that great child. Huge children will not only increase the rate of dystocia, cesarean section rate, and excessive weight gain during pregnancy, pregnant women will feel discomfort, higher incidence of complications during pregnancy and postpartum to lose the excess weight is also very difficult. Children include low birth weight premature children and small for gestational age. These children because of \To put an end to this \
39. newborns length: about 50 cm
full-term children born in the first year after the increase in height, the fastest annual growth of about 25 cm. Slow growth after 1 year of age, the annual growth of about 10 cm. After 2 years of age increased more slowly, with an average annual growth rate of 5 cm. Height in children 2-3 years old formula: height = Age * 6 +77 cm. If the 2-year-old child's height and how the year is almost no increase should be vigilant, bring the child to hospital as soon as possible, eliminate inadequate secretion of growth hormone, thyroid dysfunction and other issues.
40. deciduous teeth eruption: 6 months, the first eruption of deciduous teeth in children
usually 6-7 months, may have as early as 4 months, the latest not more than 10 months. A total of 20 deciduous teeth, no later than 2 years and a half out of Qi, permanent teeth begin to grow at 6 years of age. 11 months old child is not a tooth, or tooth-half years old or more children are an exception not a homogeneous, should pinpoint the cause. Cretinism, rickets, malnutrition in children with the teeth later.
41. \Advocates of foreign orthodontic treatment started from the 4-year-old \Deciduous period \
42. precocious puberty: girls 8 years old before the start of breast development or menstruation occurs before 10 years of age, 9 years old boy appeared before the penis and testicles increase
addition to organic disease (brain tumor) due to be precocious puberty treatment for primary disease, the most precocious child harm Zhang Bugao, because sex hormone secretion in advance will allow for early closure of bone. In addition, from a social point of view, a child precocious child would bring the psychological impact of belly. Nutrition, blindly led to the current tonic is more and more important reason for Precocious Puberty. Parents fear their children not to play because of inadequate nutrition, constant chaos to the child nutrition supplement, you eat supplements, so that \
43. amblyopia: visual acuity ≤ 0.8
amblyopia is an eye examination no abnormal lesion, but the corrected visual acuity less than 0.8 in the eye. Amblyopia without sound stereo vision capabilities, not in fine work. Amblyopia was correlated with age. ,4-6 years of age generally considered the best time for treatment, efficacy decreased gradually after the age of 12, adult basic no cure possible. Since the appearance of visually impaired children and normal children eyes is no different, hard to find unusual observation alone, it is suggested for children over 4 years old to the hospital eye examinations regularly for early detection of amblyopia.
44. cryptorchidism in children: the latest operation not later than 4 years old
cryptorchid testis is a common congenital abnormality, the patient's side or both testes not descending properly into the scrotum, if not earlier treatment, will result in infertility or testicular cancer and other serious problems. Now advocate early treatment of cryptorchidism to. Cryptorchidism within 1 year of age, be patient and observe and wait for the natural decline; cryptorchidism after 1 year of age, should be the first to medical therapy is poor, surgical treatment can be implemented. Most experts believe that 1-2 years after birth to do the best cryptorchid surgery, the latest not more than 4 years of age.
45. coronary artery stenosis> 70%, need to do intervention
is generally believed that coronary artery stenosis 70%, you need to do intervention. If obvious symptoms, narrow about 60 decibels of hearing loss, wearing hearing aids best
general, unilateral deafness or mild hearing loss do not need to wear hearing aids; hearing loss of 35-85 dB in the proposed use of hearing aids; hearing loss in radionuclide 30 = 1 X-ray film
check the heart, thyroid, lung, digestive diseases frequently need radionuclide used is a peaceful use of atomic energy technology with certain radioactive, and therefore many patients worry about the check quite. In fact, subjects receiving the check only when the radiation dose received by X-ray taken 1 / 30, will not have any impact on health.

vitamin list vitamin role is a huge family, As far as known there are dozens of vitamins, fat-soluble and water-soluble can be divided into two categories. The former includes vitamins A, D, E, K, the latter category, including vitamin B and vitamin family C, and many \
now medicine vitamin found mainly:
fat-soluble vitamins
vitamin A: the maintenance of normal vision to prevent night blindness; maintain healthy epithelial tissue; to promote growth and development; to increase resistance to infectious diseases; prevention and treatment of dry eye.
vitamin D: regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the human body, to promote absorption and utilization, and promote bone growth.
vitamin E: the maintenance of normal reproductive capacity and normal muscle metabolism; to maintain the integrity of the central nervous and vascular system.
Vitamin K: stop the bleeding. It is not only a major component of prothrombin and prothrombin can promote the liver. Vitamin K deficiency in children
water-soluble vitamin
Vitamin B1: to maintain circulation, digestion, the normal function of nerves and muscle; adjustment function of the gastrointestinal tract; constitute decarboxylase coenzyme, to participate in sugar metabolism; can prevent athlete's foot disease.
Vitamin B2: also known as riboflavin. Nuclear Code element is a number of important coenzymes body composition, these enzymes in vivo metabolism in the process of transfer of hydrogen, it is protein, carbohydrate, fatty acid metabolism and energy utilization and composition of the material required. Can promote the growth and development, protect the eyes, skin health.
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): anti-stress, anti-cold, anti-infection, to prevent the toxicity of some antibiotics, elimination of postoperative abdominal distention.
Vitamin B6: protein metabolism plays an important role. Treatment of neurasthenia, vertigo, such as atherosclerosis.
Vitamin B12: anti-fatty liver, vitamin A in the liver for storage; promote cell maturation and metabolism; treatment of pernicious anemia.
vitamin B13 (lactic acid clearing).
vitamin B15 (Pan acid): is mainly used for anti-fatty liver, increased metabolic rate of oxygen organization. Sometimes used to treat coronary heart disease and chronic alcoholism.
Vitamin B17: toxic. Some people think that there is control and prevention of cancer.
of the amino acid: the vitamin B family of vitamins are found in one of the latest. Can be synthesized in the human body.
Inositol: Vitamin B family in one, and as pro-fatty choline vitamin.
Vitamin C: to connect bones, teeth, connective tissue structure; on the capillary wall with various cell adhesion function; increase the antibody, increase endurance; promote red blood cell maturation.
vitamin P.
vitamin PP (nicotinic acid): the process of oxidation in cells from physiological role passing hydrogen, with the effectiveness of prevention and niacin.
folic acid (Vitamin M): anti-anemia; to maintain normal cell growth and immune system function.
Vitamin T: help the blood coagulation and platelet formation.
Vitamin U: ulcer treatment have an important role.

3. women's health knowledge

1. in a clean bed naked
3. Physiology of eating chocolate because it will increase dysmenorrhea
4. menses wearing No Rims underwear
5. cultivate the habit of recording menstrual cycles
6. by movement rather than the adjustable underwear to shape the curve
7. not Alice his legs, so as not to oppress nerve
8. ML to a toilet after
9. personal clothing to dry
10. pull the thong is not appropriate everyday wear wind
11. do not wear marked \will lead to dizziness
13. last year's clothes can be worn after exposure to conduct
14. if not necessary, do not use panty liner
15. periodic inspection of cosmetics shelf life
16. bath for one hour after the re-make-up
17. only once a week cleaning fluid, clean with warm water private parts
18. Even if the beauty, nor in the outer edge of the upper ear cartilage piercing
19 parts . hair frequency control in the semi-annual
20. know their family history, especially mother and grandmother in the history of
21. every day step into office, first open the ventilation window, sit down and work
22 . If you 5 hours a day answering phones, using the wireless headset
23. copying files, and copy machine to keep at least one meter
24. only when necessary to use eye drops in a very
25. do not lie sleep in the morning desk
26. the lunch break, when not playing computer games
27. in the office to prepare their own cushion, on the waist
28. never answer the phone, wearing glasses
29. Do not let the computer surround you, it's side, the back radiation is more fierce
30. Do not use laptops on lap
31. cactus in a pot desk support, to help absorb the radiation
32. After reading the newspaper, remember to stick in the hands of the ink washed
33. every 30 minutes a lazy stretch waist
34. Office of the carpet cleaned regularly killing
35. used to clean computer and face and hands, remove radioactive dust
36. work will be cleaning the glass upside down in the desk
37. with a short shoulder bag will add frozen shoulder symptoms
38. documents package of lipstick and pen compartments store
39. 2 hours a day to ensure time for feet when freed from the high heels
40. 22:00 of overtime a week late than no more than a
41. bathroom to keep dry to prevent mold growth
42. bath not more than 10 minutes
43. Do not sit on the toilet watching newspapers
44. brush your teeth with warm water, and brush the tongue
45. using alternating hot and cold water wash
46. not plastic containers costumes hot
47. regular cleaning of the refrigerator
48. microwave at work, please leave the kitchen
49. using pumping hood
50. dinner off TV
51. as far as possible avoid the use of thick velvet curtains
52. pesticides and cleaning agents should be placed away from living areas of the storage room
53 . with natural flowers or fruit instead of aromatic
54. and the pet should be carefully hand finished playing
55. winter room where the humidifier to use purified water
56. not to seek the convenience of the computer into the bedroom
57. Do not act as a cell phone on the bedside alarm clock
58. Do medication before bed, *** should be taken half an hour earlier
59. hair is not dry, do not rush to sleep
60. bedroom room to use soft colors
61. in between milk and soy milk, opt for the latter
62. I felt that I could eat half-bowl too, the left table
63. If the body does not feel hungry, just drink 4 glasses of water a day
64. more Suannai
65. No matter the cause, do not smoke
66. in recipes to add grains and vegetables
67 . drink green tea than black tea
68. attention to breakfast more than dinner
69. control the amount of salt
70. got up and brush your teeth first, then drink
regular chewing gum 72. Early one night, two apples can improve constipation
73. pure vegetarian may lead to abnormal hormone secretion, resulting in infertility
74. eat at least once a week, fish
75. away from the cola and other carbonated Beverage
76. drink long cooking pot soup
77. no juice milk this thing, they are natural enemies
78. eating fruit before meals than after meals
79. bedtime can have a glass of red wine
80. a cup of coffee may cause osteoporosis in women
81. 8-9 points more than to enjoy the morning sun
82. running, biking and other sports can keep lines of beautiful legs
83. hot foot bath can be effective in preventing variceal
84. the spirit of extreme fatigue when decompression is not appropriate to exercise, rest is more important
85. less to do outdoor sports in winter
86. 10 layer below,women's watches, do not take the elevator
87. once every three months to change your fitness menu
88. half an hour exercise a day, not weekend sports 3 hours
89. Remover
before exercise 90. watching TV while doing calisthenics
91. in the pool must wear a swimming cap and goggles
92. often walk
93. lunch is a good time for fitness, not necessarily wait until the evening
94. light of course be wearing comfortable shoes, but then adverse health
95. sleep on hard beds and a half more favorable cervical health
96. go to the hospital instead of a regular beauty salons massage
97. non-motion state, do not drink functional beverages
98. exercise rest for half an hour before entering the bath
99. not too noisy in the gym training
100. the correct posture is more effective than a special trip to the gym
4 .60 one must know the life of common sense!
1. eat spicy things, I feel we should be hot die, go out into the mouth and put a pinch of salt, containing about, rinse under the mouth, not hot up;
2. teeth yellow, can be After the peanut chew in her mouth, and brush your teeth for three minutes, is very effective;
3. If a small area of skin injury or burn, burn, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain;
4. often installed inside the tea cup of tea to leave unsightly stains, wash with toothpaste, very clean;
5. hyperextension point of eye drops slightly when the mouth, so that chaos will not blink an eye;
6. mouth ulcers, the use of vitamin C attached ulcer, ulcers, etc. It is basically like a melted;
7. eyes into small dust, close your eyes and cough hard a few, the dust will be out on his own;
8 . After washing face, stick a finger in the nose on both sides of these Xiyan gently massage, then rinse rinse, blackheads and acne will be cleaned, the pores have become smaller;
9. just mosquito bites When finished, painted with soap will not itch;
10. If the throat, inflammation of the gums, and at night the watermelon into small pieces, stained with salt to eat, remember that it must be a night, then it will reduce the symptoms of the first two days is like a;
11. hair dryer blowing against labels, such as blowing hot glue marks, you can easily tear off the label;
12. travel with clothes from the fold if the fear of pressure, clothes can be rolled into each volume;
13. hiccups when playing drink vinegar, immediate impact;
14. eating smelly things, such as garlic, tofu, eat peanut How many pieces m like a;
15. treatment of cough, especially a dry cough at night before bed, pure sesame Hong fried eggs, oil up slightly more, have not put any seasoning, hot eating and went to bed, even obvious effect of eating a few days;
16. wrists long thick bracelet MM want to take smaller, you can not hard band, should be put on the handle of a plastic bag and then put on bracelets, very good band, it will not handle gonna hurt, is removed the same way;
17. chestnuts difficult to peel skin, first shell off, and then turn it into microwave oven about, come up with a twist after the hot, skin and lost;
18. flowers when a drop of detergent in the water, can be maintained for several days;
19. the walnuts into the pan steamed 10 minutes, remove and then broke down on the cool water, you can remove the complete TAO Yan a;
20. the shrimp into the bowl, add a little salt, edible alkali powder, rub with a grasping soaked with water after a while, and then use the water for washing, that make Stir in the shrimp is as transparent as Crystal, Shuang tender and delicious;
21. Pork, the meat first ten minutes with baking soda water soaked, drained of water, then flavored fried out will be very tender and smooth;
22. will be immersed in tea residue water a few days later, pouring in plant roots, can promote plant growth;
23. the residue dried tea, put the toilet or drain in burning smoke, eliminate odor, get rid of mosquitoes, flies with the function;
24 . cooked rice re-heating method: used chopsticks in the rice bottom of the pot inside the bar through the hole more, sprinkle with a little rice wine heavy stew,
25. If only the surface of half-cooked, as long as the surface of stew and then you can turn to the middle;
26. Qiao greasy than screens: the laundry, smoking and cigarette butts left on the water together, to be dissolved, be used to clean windows, screens, the effect really well;
27. just put in jewelry boxes on a small chalk, you can make jewelry and preserve their luster;
28. the table, bottles of adhesive surface can wipe traces of spirits with the wind;
29. When we go out at any time in the bag with a small The batteries, if the skirt with a static, put the battery's positive in a few rubbed skirt can be removed above the static;
30. no matter where in the shoe to wear on your foot, your feet on the ground in places where shoes painted a little white wine, to ensure not wear feet;
31. Heng stressed vegetables, if you have to Desmond, Desmond dishes make the best use of water is best. Such as making dumplings in the dish, Cheuk good amount of water can put meat in, then it will ensure that nutrition, but also to make delicious soup dumplings stuffing;
32. Summer feet sweat easily, a day with light salt foot bath can cope with sweat feet;
33. summer sun after swimming may prevent skin disorders and other diseases;
34. summer pillows damp mildew prone, often exposure Pillow for health;
35. Eat more barley and other small Douyu wet and spleen, can be sunstroke wet;
36. anti-insomnia: too much before going to bed less about words, avoid drinking tea, before going to bed Do not Dayong brain, and feet can be hot water and vinegar;
37. honeysuckle have evacuated rheumatic efficacy, honeysuckle and honey after decoction cool reconstituted juice can be Jieshu;
38. eaten at tea after fatty foods,miu miu handbags, can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, promote fat metabolism;
39. sleep deprivation will make you stupid, need sleep eight hours a day, can delay the aging siesta habit;
40. easy to become dry, rough hands, foam hands with vinegar 10 minutes to skin care;
41. summer clean mat, with the dropping of the toilet water clean water clean mat, mat can maintain a clean and fresh. Of course, wipe down the mat when the best lines were to toilet water to infiltrate the lines of summer sleeping mat gap, so cool and comfortable feel will be more durable;
42. Breakfast eat more tomatoes, citric acid and other acidic fruits and vegetables, beneficial Liver;
43. chill antipruritic shampoo or bath, add 56 drops in water, toilet water, can play a very good cool sterilization, removal of Rush antipruritic effect;
44. grapes sleep aid hormones, eat it help you to sleep;
45. summer drink tomato soup can get nourishment, but also to add water, tomato soup should be burned and cooled before drinking, contains Lycopene, the anti-prostate cancer and the efficacy of myocardial protection, the most suitable for men; eat acid immediately brushing will damage the dental health;
46. because of injury misfortune to scratch the skin, the colored toothpaste in wound inflammation, bleeding, and then dressing as a temporary emergency medicine to the most significant effect of drug toothpaste;
47. will white vinegar in the cooking spray board, put half an hour after washing, not only bacteria, but also odor;
48. Suannai to sober up after irritability, yogurt can protect gastric mucosa, slow alcohol absorption, and calcium-rich drink to alleviate irritability are particularly effective;
49. leather bag mold release for a long time, use a soft cloth dipped in alcohol with water (1:1) cleaning solution can be;
50. headache, dizziness, it would be painted temple toothpaste because toothpaste contains menthol, clove oil can be pain;
51. candles frozen 24 hours, then plug into the birthday cake, lit candles will not shed oil;
52. yellowing white underwear after washing, it is desirable basin of water, drop the 23 drops of blue ink, will be washed underwear soaked in the moment bell, do not wring dry, was placed under the sun, you can clean and white;
53. excessive consumption of oral health and garlic stimulate gastrointestinal, adverse health, the best food and then add a little vinegar;
54. replenish water but should not drink fruit juice, cola, Sprite, soda and other beverages containing more saccharin and electrolyte, drink the adverse gastrointestinal stimulation will affect the digestion and appetite. Therefore, should drink boiled water or light summer salt (sugar) water;
55. Every morning with a friction face tofu a few minutes for a month, face will become very moist;
56. Indoor air temperature should not exceed five times, even if the weather and then heat, not air-conditioned room temperature to 24 degrees below;
57. plus enzyme detergent agent on the warm water in the decomposition takes a long time to make laundry better effect;
58. summer people's time, longer, more sweating, excessive energy consumption, should be more appropriate to eat chicken, duck, lean meat, fish, eggs and other nutritious food to meet the body's metabolic needs;
59. headache When ground into a pulpy apples coated gauze, the Department posted on headache symptoms ease;
60. purses are stained, you can wipe with cotton dipped in essential balm.
V.43 one must know the health knowledge

1, usually late night, will get cancer, because the stomach can not break.

2, can only eat 4 eggs a week, eating too much is unhealthy.

3, chicken butt contains carcinogens, do not eat well.

4, after a meal to eat fruit is wrong, should be eating fruit before meals.

5, female menstruation, do not drink green tea, anyway, do not drink the tea of the way, through the blood to eat something before.

6, drink milk, do not add eggs and sugar, do not drink too much.

7, fasting do not eat tomatoes, preferably after meals.

8, woke up, drank a glass of water, prevention of stone.

9, do not eat anything three hours before bedtime, will fat.

10, less Henai Cha, because of the high calorie, high-oil, no nutritional value to speak of, long-term consumption, easy to suffer from hypertension, diabetes and other diseases ....

11, fresh-baked bread should not be consumed immediately.

12, away from the charger, the body should be more than 30 cm away from and avoid on the bed.

13, every day, drink eight cups.

14, 10 glasses of water per day, bladder cancer will not come.

15, day and drink plenty of water, less water at night.

16, more than two cups a day do not drink coffee, drink too easily lead to insomnia, stomach pain.

17, eat more fatty foods, because the have to spend 5 to 7 hours to digest, and to concentrate the blood brain stomach, easy to sleep.

18, 17 o'clock, the dinner eat less, because after five do not need so much physical energy.

19,10 kind will be happy to eat the food: deep-sea fish, bananas, grapefruit, whole wheat bread, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, low-fat beef
milk, chicken, cherry.

20, lack of sleep make you stupid, one day to eight hours of sleep, not older than the siesta habit.

21, the best sleep time is 10 pm ~ 6am.

22, to drink no more than a cup a day, because alcohol inhibits the B cells produce antibodies to increase the bacterial infection.

23, taking the capsules should be swallowed with cold water (which can be the first to eat), the first medication 30 minutes before bedtime, avoid lying down immediately.

25, hair loss factors: stay up late, stress, alcohol and tobacco, chicken breast, hot pot, greasy food, excessive food seasoning.

26, to help hair growth: eat more cabbage, eggs, beans; eat sweets (especially fructose).

27, a daily cup of lemon juice, orange juice, not only white, can dilute the black spot.

28, Apple: motorcycle race, drug addicts, housewives standing medicine; day one, before giving himself a clean lungs.

29, smoking and eating vitamins (B-carotene-A vitamin A) cause cancer, quit smoking as soon as possible, is the most healthy way.

30, women should not drink tea of five periods: menstruation, the pregnant women in labor before the production finished, menopause.

31, smoking: the largest is the relationship between lung cancer, lip cancer, tongue cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, also associated with bladder cancer.

32, drinking lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer caused.

33, betel nuts can cause oral fibrosis, oral cancer.

34, food is too fine, the lack of fiber, contains a lot of fat, especially cholesterol may cause cancer.

35, food is too rough, nutritional deficiencies, lead to esophageal cancer, gastric cancer.

36, Aflatoxin in food, nitrite class materials are to be carcinogenic.

37, no smoking, secondhand smoking.

38, moderate drinking, not Pinjiu, not drunk.

39, reduce the consumption of salted, smoked, barbecue food.

40, daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.

41, daily intake of high fiber cereals rich and beans.

42, daily intake of a balanced diet, but quantity.

43, the right diet: the morning to eat like a king, lunch like civilians at night to eat like a beggar
6. civil life tips

1, how quit Wine:

take a small amount of raw almonds 22 MSG into the water, then soak in the place two drops of wine, with drink less, you can stop drinking.

2, how to quit:
nut 1, drill a small hole, and then further on behalf of small holes in the oil poured into the little smoke out with a blistering two days dried in the air, like smoke, heard about the do not smoke, and who can quit smoking smell.

3, how sobering:
vinegar, sugar, tea, each 100 grams of water, drink immediately after drinking, sobering up fast, drink plenty of wake up more quickly.

4, teeth whitening:
brush your teeth with toothpaste on a small soda, brushing teeth after three white jade, rust and natural tooth loss.

5, how to remove bad breath:
put a few slices of tea a day chewing in the mouth three times, it will give you mouth to keep fresh, three days later to remove bad breath.

6, has lost his voice how to do:
vinegar concentrate 50 grams, sugar 50 grams, 250 grams of cold water Stir and slowly drink a day can be a serious increase in two patients at night.

7, dry stools how to do:
the rough green onions 1 small finger, dipped in a little sesame oil, insert the anus, up and down tics, year-round dry and use vinegar concentrate.

8, psoriasis:
catty vinegar soak one or two peeled pine seeds, soak two days after the day cleaning three times better results. Can also be a spoonful of sesame oil, citrus peel powder and add Banchi spoon transfer smear.

9, toothache trick:
Heat over the fire with a peach on the pain after the bite teeth, so a few times and never toothache.

10, bloody nose how to do:
when nose bleeding, the patient is placed supine, the opposite hand to hold high the nose and eye, points automatically shut immediately to stop the blood.

11, fishbone card throat:
throat with a vinegar rinse, and then slowly swallow, repeated several times can be cured.

12, beriberi tips
vinegar pound, the vinegar into the bowl, soak or bathe twice daily, each about an hour, anti-inflammatory bacteria, can cure feet of, but also Simple, effective and fast, light cure those four days.

13, after the disease deafness, tinnitus:
garlic smell of urine from a cat nose cat. Ear Drops three times a drop or two of cat urine can cure illness deafness. Tinnitus can be baked snakeskin ash, blowing your ear, even blowing three times to cure tinnitus.

14, control of diabetes and new methods:
pound of fresh corn kernels. Amount of boiling water to maize after flowering in four daily bowl, this side can not go to the root, can only control the disease. Can lower blood sugar. Increased urine output in patients with edema taking, particularly effective.

15, sleep snoring teeth:
sleep mouth with a piece of orange peel, with 15 minutes 3-5 times after the spit can cure respiratory teeth.

16, foot odor, feet sweating:
alum research into a go-between, rub feet feet hearts after 10 minutes 3-4 times longer sweat does not stink. Can keep seven or eight months.
17, epilepsy (claw crazy):
earthworm 1, alum and a half into the bowl using the two open white water washed open. A bowl of early morning fasting, and even drink ten days.

18, oral inflammation:
pear a day, morning and evening, and slowly swallow, to keep 3-4 days, and immediately improved. Serious illness can be treated with this prescription.

19, coronary heart disease:
50 grams of soy beans, cooked and ate eat right amount of salt added 3-4 days, the party not controlling the development of coronary heart disease, especially vision, fall ill after the re-use this side .

20, migraine treatment tips:
stick with white on both sides of the temple Luobu Pi, posted 20 minutes per night, up to quick, no pain do not need to paste first, and the Sides Governance dizziness brain up.

21, treatment hemorrhoids remedies
urea 32 to open up the pot to brew into the wet towel will dry up after the twist bench Teng. The first 10 minutes three times a day, seven days Teng side. Within the external hemorrhoids can be cured, blood in the stool prolapse of the anus.

22, rapidly stimulate the secretion of milk:
sesame fried, adding a little salt, preferably beginning 10 days pre-eat meals for non-staple food, can quickly increase breast milk, eat more milk the sooner.

23, the treatment of insomnia tips
to shred big slap on the small cap, the small cap before going to sleep to be safely placed in the pillow to sleep for several days to cure, annual sleep enlightened, Frontier can to root for 5 days.

24, heart disease:
twice daily and eat 50 grams of pineapple the best 5-7 days, 2 years would not fall ill, fall ill after eating again and then once every seriously ill person days eating twice a firm condition can be.
25, visual impairment how to do:
shredded dried apricot skin can be visible as a small pillow, repose. On the vision changes. Such as myopia and hyperopia tears the wind has a certain effect.

26, hand and foot gap:
medicinal rheumatism ointment, paste in the affected area, can be removed after a day long good shot hits the target.

27, dermatitis tips
the grated line melon leaves redness in the affected area until the friction, twist once every seven days 3 times, serious Lianyong 6 can cure.

28, rhinitis:
drop of sesame oil with a cotton ball dipped on the nose straight out after 15 minutes 2-3 days, three times a day, more seriously, with 2 times. Vinegar, garlic bulbs can also insert the nose.

29, hypertension 22
fresh seaweed, make a bowl of seaweed soup, do not put inwards while the vegetables, fasting drink,kobe v, you can even serve on the 10th, kelp can rapidly restore normal blood pressure.

30, kidney:
100 grams of beans fresh river, salt water boiled add a bit to take 3-5 days before each meal restore health, such as strong physical force often eat on the best .

31, faces speckle method:
apricot will be used after the blisters peeled, smashed drunk, plus an egg white and mix thoroughly, every night before bed, next morning wash with white wine until the spot back.

32, stomach folk therapies:
take erythroderma egg shell 20 on the tile on the use of fire for drying into research into the go-between, taking with sugar, drink a teaspoon before the service, a 2 times, served up, this side is very precious, while calcium and rickets have good results.
33, or injured tendons:
the leek mash, a little less of the little boy in urine, swelling can be affixed to the wound a few hours, three days can return to normal.

34, rapid weight loss
to buy 22 state-owned tea oolong tea, oolong tea drink a week can quickly melt fat and promote fat metabolism to achieve weight loss can prevent the occurrence of obesity. (Thick tea)

35, longevity secret:
regular exercise, do not worry about gas, year after year to keep eating sweetened garlic, sweetened garlic is the best medicine to extend life, it can kill the body a variety of harmful bacteria.

36, irregular menstruation
to the countryside to take the Soviet Union cotyledon 22, after the hot bubble can drink four cups of light by heavy drinking were more than a few days, it can soothe the nerves of available Tiaojing role on dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities are large cold effects.

37,Lang 2010, China presented three gifts Comrade Oba, Shao Baitou:
with 500 grams of fan shells (scallops) Jianshui shampoo, wash once a day to wash 6-8 times, so that in the long black hair out of crude, such as Bald can be particularly large wash several times over.

38, rough skin, become tender:
every night I wipe her face with an egg, wash with water after an hour, if often rub the skin more tender.

39, frozen shoulder, low back pain, sciatic, back off:
the earth element (on the Bie a) seven baking ashes, rice wine 72, a total of seven days up a bottle of bubbles within Seven nights, seven money every night 7:00 to drink wine, and with his fist hit hard naughty nine affected area looked under 77, who was seriously ill treatment can cure more than a few clothes.

40, TB recipe
500 克 live pupae into a go-between research and the use of fire for drying, each with 3-5 grams 2 times a day, served up, the effect is very good, this side is Chinese Medicine Research Institute to provide.

41, arthritis pain relief method:
with aspartate burning ash, into a small bag, which pain where to paste, paste for one hour every night, posted 3 times cured. This side and easy. Sound effects, on the back and leg pain improved significantly.

42, underarm body odor:
vinegar 100 grams, 5 grams of fennel powder. Reconcile a number of body odor under uniform rubbed Fu disappear immediately.

43, itching how to do:
take a cut ginger rub soles of the feet, men and women rub rub left right, a clean 10 minutes.

44, bone hyperplasia:
sheep tibia 4, with a large wood burning coke broken into the side after the yellow, one or two every day after dinner wine delivery service, once a few times.

45, swallowed hard metal objects:
the fried leeks can be the next big mouth, broken glass, stomach after eating, you can also use this side.

46, numb hands and feet:
good soaking black fungus, peach, honey, 120 grams each, a total trace drunk, put steaming hot bowl, sub-four days after eating and never numb, pregnant women, disabled.

47, hair loss, from the scalp:
sliced cabbage root to clean up mud Zeng pot water to boil add two years after the vinegar fine hair, and even wash 78 days, make the hair supple, light, scalp to disappear soon. Hair one can not afford to.

48, fingernail discoloration how governance:
the purple pickled garlic smashed, together with a little alum coated on the fingernail discoloration. Do not wipe the thick. Then sealed with plastic sheeting to nail. Translucent plastic sheeting closed effective only 78 days, feel up feeling fine.

49, how to destroy roundworm:
pumpkin seeds (shelled leaving Jen) 50-100 pestle Ban Cheng amount of sugar paste with water, empty stomach one guys, this can only destroy children a variety of diseases and pests.

50, how do you cure mastitis:
a small cactus plus three drops of sesame oil triturated after the lesion.

51, how do you cure foot corns:
the middle with a piece of tape a small eye cut and paste on corns, small eyes appear corns, Zaisa a bit of eye surface urea (fertilizer) then press and hold a piece of tape , for the first three days, for six, corns from consumer self-destruction.

52, prostatitis:
dried jujube 32, rooster liver 3, the use of fire Dunlan, Coptis drink, even to drink three.

53, Class of rheumatism:
with fresh mulberry tree, how much can,Cheap timberland boots, chopped, mixed with a little yellow wine Guochao after the water boil water eyes, morning and at night a cup, effective with service .
7. alternative living knowledge
1. armpit pores can grow a good trunk and a few armpits
2. flies actually tastes a bit sweet
3. the nose is the sputum
4. Orange fruits, the mother of the more delicious, the mother is pg there is a circle, not a something
5. cold when the door sideways in the nose with your fingers rub a rub, you can prevent colds
6. on the toilet reading a book I remember the special prison
7. posted two back of the hand rub with Shi Jin Yi Ceng smell is foul
8.> and> is the same melody, do not believe you sing out:
\too hard, your opportunity to own eyeballs ejected to

11. knees do not bend do not jump up on
12.'s face looks like, is formed from the initial digestive
13. Wahaha mineral water bottle on 15 teeth, 8 ring threaded bottle, bottle 3 laps
14. go inside at any time in the bag with a small battery,
if you skirt with static, then the positive terminal of the battery above the skirt can be removed a few rub a static,
In addition, the root chains dragging the rear end can be anti-static
15. man is not the first time to the left hand is right
16. transparent nose is Dong Zhuo led to a cold. . . The green snot is a viral cold. . .
17. only and horse hymen
18. a man pee when not coughing
19. Hitler had his mother wanted him to abortion
20. head was cut off directly , the blood vessels around the neck can be sprayed at least two or three meters high;

21. with your fingers can hold people sneeze Bie back
22. female dog has Da Yima
23. beetle in Many types of mating, the male of the female's uterus will destroy
24. Zang Ao Yisheng considered a master because of the low IQ
25. three colors of the cat must be the mother of
26. India Asan actually count white
27. animals have homosexual
28. walrus occasionally ** Penguin
29. has been staring at the palm of view, the palm may have a fever
30. No matter how much paper, Fold up only 9

31. used his mobile phone machine number that the user is prompted to call in, but you can send text messages
32. adhere to four weeks of the time they can develop or change a habit
33. bulb can not get into the mouth will not come out
34. Panda is the need to organize to see *** for
35. goldfish's memory only 7 seconds to 7 seconds after the goldfish face is a new world. The goldfish back into the river, after three generations will become
common carp
36. Elephants do not jump up
37. First, the chicken or the egg? According to \20-22 \br>
41. fish-flavored pork which is not fish
42. When you no longer raise a pythons eat \ drive to sleep, but straight to sleep lying on your side, tear it to dispose of it!
It is measured by his own body can direct you swallow
43. farms can spread a sprinkle of urine 5 minutes, the horse is walked shit's
44. pointing to a height of the someone said \beans in the water ~ ~ ~ water will turn red
47. shaved head and then in the head in winter cast lubricants can prevent head snow
48. once swallowed 20 ml saliva of AIDS patients will be hiv virus household cleaning, the top ten infectious
1?? wipe soiled with egg white leather sofa
used a clean cloth dipped in some egg white cloth, can remove the stains, they can Leather bright as ever.
2?? with toothpaste clean refrigerator refrigerator shell casing
general dirt, use a soft cloth dipped in a little slowly wipe toothpaste. If more stubborn stains, squeeze some toothpaste can be more then cloth to clean it repeatedly. Refrigerator that will restore smooth. Because the toothpaste contains abrasives, detergency is very strong.
3?? dipped in milk, wipe wood furniture to take a clean rag
expired can not drink milk in dipped a bit then wipe with the cloth tables, cabinets and other wooden furniture, decontamination effect was very good Finally, wipe the reuse of water. Painted furniture, stained with dust, can be wrapped in wet gauze and rubbed tea residue, or scrub with cold tea, will be even more brightly.
4?? white radish clean dishes Taiwan
cut white radish with cleaning agents to clean the kitchen table, will produce unexpected cleaning effect, can also use slices of cucumber and carrot replaced, however, white radish the best.
5?? alcohol cleaning soft plush fabric sofa sofa
can brush dipped in diluted alcohol, a little sweeping brush again, and then blow dry hair dryer in case of fruit juice stains, use a teaspoon of baking soda and clean water and mix thoroughly, then wipe cloth stained, the stain will be diminished.
6?? apple cores to the oil
the kitchen sink is often a layer of oil, happened just after Apple could use the stones to scrub grease off, because the stones contain pectin, and pectin are Remove grease with the role.
7?? salt to the broth
carpet for families with children, often dripping with sauce on the carpet, do not rub with a damp cloth. Should have in a clean dry cloth or towel dry water, then sprinkle some salt on the stain Department, to be absorbed by infiltration of surface salt, salt with a vacuum cleaner to suck, then you can brush carpet leveling.
8?? ice to remove gum
Some children like to eat chewing gum, do not care will get on the carpet. Stick of gum in the carpet is not easy to take down the ice must be packed in plastic bags, covered in chewing gum, about 30 minutes, feel the hard hand pressure up, and take decisions on the ice, you can brush a brush under brush.
Using plastic wrap is a lazy little magic formula. Near the stove in the kitchen and put on the wall wrap. Because the characteristics of the attachment of plastic wrap, combined with the transparent, not easily detected by the naked eye, a few weeks after the oily film to be fresh, just gently wrap removed, re-covered with a layer can in no way effort. For the normal busy housewives, fall would be a good way to facilitate lazy.
10?? wood furniture wood furniture available clean water law
wax the surface of the water spray directly on furniture, then soft, dry cloth and furniture will be clean and bright. If you find scratches the surface can be first coated with cod liver oil, wipe with a damp cloth until the day after. In addition, wipe with a strong brine, to prevent wood decay, extend the life of furniture.
8. life skills
1, Using toothpaste 6: If a small area of skin injury or burn, burn, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain and also prevent infection, quite good effect.
2, Qiao greasy than 3 screens: can be detergent, cigarette smoking with the rest on the water, until dissolved, bring clean windows, screens, effects are good.
3, the shrimp into the bowl, add a little salt, edible alkali powder, rub with a grasping after a while soaked with water, then rinse clean, so make Stir in shrimp and transparent as crystal, cool soft delicious
4, noodles and dumplings tips 1: 1 kg flour mixed with six egg whites, so that the protein surface in increasing the pot dumplings protein soon after the solidification shrinkage, dumplings pot of water soon after the closing difficult to adhesion
5, the residual tea a few days immersed in water, poured on plant roots, can promote plant growth; the residue dried tea, put the toilet or drain in burning smoke, eliminate odor, get rid of mosquitoes with functions.
6, cooked rice re-heating method: If it is half-cooked rice, chopsticks in the rice inside the bar can be more direct bottom of the hole and sprinkle a little rice wine heavy stew, if only the surface of half-cooked, as long as the surface of stew and then you can turn to the middle .
7, cooking vegetables if you have to be Billy, Billy dishes make the best use of water is best. Such as making dumplings in the dish, Cheuk good amount of water can put meat in, this would save the nutrition, but also to make delicious soup dumplings stuffed
8, scrambled eggs in the tips: the eggs into a bowl, add a little warm water Mix well, pour in fry pan, stir the pot when to drop a little wine, such Stir the eggs fluffy, fresh, delicious.
9, how to use the casserole 1: a new casserole bought the first use, it is best used for porridge, or use it to cook a boiled concentrated Taomi Shui, to plug the casserole in the micro-pores to prevent water seepage _
10, skillfully \.
11, and dumplings, noodles tips 2: surface and slightly hard to point, and good on the bowl after the reclosable seal, táng 10-15 minutes, and other surface water swelling in gliadin, fully formed after gluten Re dumplings
12, parsley is a flower umbrella categories of plants rich in essential oils, aroma, essential oils, but highly volatile, and can not withstand the prolonged heat, coriander is best added before eating to preserve its aroma.
13, when the high temperature washing or drying process, the door can not touch the glass, so as not to burn. When drying clothes out to be very careful on the metal parts of the clothing, such as zippers, buttons, etc., so as not to burn.
14, if the collar and cuffs, dirty, you can put clothes before washing powder dissolved in warm water soak for 15-20 minutes, then normal washing can clean.
15, how to use the casserole 2: casserole soup, stew, the first in water distribution to the casserole, then put the fire casserole, first with slow fire, then stir.
16, cooking vegetables, add a little Lingfen amyloid so thick soup becomes thick, not only out of the vegetables can cook delicious, and because of starch with glutathione, a protective effect on vitamins.
17, rice if burnt, and quickly turn off the fire, a loaf of bread in the rice paper on top, cover with lid, 5 minutes later, the crust can absorb the flavor paste.
18, detergent dosage: If the clothes do not wash when dirty or too much foam, will have to reduce the amount of detergent. Avoid excessive use of detergents, not only save money and protect the environment, can make washing machines more durable.
19, boiled dumplings to add enough water until the water boiled with 2% salt, then dissolved under the dumplings, and to increase the resilience of gluten, dumpling skin is not sticky, sticky end, the color will be white dumpling , Tang Qing Hong dumplings.
20, many people like to eat vegetables and not fond of soup, in fact, cooking, most vitamins are dissolved in the soup inside. Fried cabbage good example, there would be 70% in vitamin C dissolved in the soup.
21, White socks if yellow, and can be soaked in detergent solution for 30 minutes before washing.
22, how to use the casserole 3: Under the top of casserole from the fire, be sure to put dry wood or straw, cut not on the tile or concrete floor.
23, when the burning meat dish, a drink in Canada, together with point of vinegar, food will become fragrant. Roast vegetables like bean sprouts, the appropriate add some vinegar, delicious nutrition good, because vinegar has a protective effect of vitamin
24, bread and clothes to remove traces of oil: meals, clothing, dyed if traces of oil can be used fresh white bread lightly friction, traces of oil can be removed.
25, with the residual tea scrub wood, bamboo furniture, make it more smooth. The residue dried tea, Spreading in damp spots, can go tide; residue dried tea leaves, can also act as a pillow into pillow is very soft.
26, dumplings cooked after the first use of the dumplings until golden strainer, rinse immediately immersed into warm water about, and then plate filling, dumplings will not have to stick together.
27, fried shrimp tips: Before fried shrimp, shrimp can be first in boiling water with cinnamon red hot soak it, then fry, stir fried shrimp that taste even more delicious.
28, are fried vegetables are eaten as possible, avoid prolonged and repeated heating insulation. In addition, in order to Caigeng easily cooked in fried foods, add some water and stewed.
29, bread can remove carpet stains: a small piece of carpet at home, if dirty, can wipe the hot crumbs, and then hung in the shade, 24 hours later, the stain can be addition to the net.
30, men's shaving, the use toothpaste instead of soap, toothpaste does not contain as free base, not only to skin stimulation, and foam, smell and give people a sense of cool freshness.
31, the magical effect of the wind spirits (1): the fan of leaves and sprinkle a few drops of essential balm, with the blades stop rotating, allow themselves in an aroma, but also driving the effectiveness of mosquito.
32, paint brush before wiping his hands level in cream, butter, after the paint brush over piles of paint applied to the skin, with a dry cloth, then washing soap, will be able to attach to skin paint removed.
33, tofu usually has an brine flavor. Tofu hack before, if the first immersed in boiling water 10 minutes, will remove the brine flavor, this will not only make tofu taste good, but taste sweet.
34, boiled eggs, the eggs into cold water can be first immersed in a while, then put in boiling hot water, so the shell does not break the cooked eggs, peeled and easy.
35, watches by magnetic, will affect the accurate time. Elimination method is as simple as finding a magnetic iron rings were not, the table on the ring, slowly wear to wear to a few minutes later, watches will demagnetization recovery
36, Partial cold tofu, usually have Weihan persons, such as after eating tofu, chest tightness, nausea and other phenomena, are unfit for human consumption; easy to diarrhea, abdominal distension spleen were also more than not eating tofu
37, toothpaste also has cleansing functions! Bath rub with toothpaste instead of bath soap body cleanser, cleansing function of both obvious, but also whole body to cool after the bath, but also the role of prevention of prickly heat
38, microwave cooking, the first use seasoning soaked raw material. This is because the microwave cooking process faster, if infiltration through hard tasty, and the onions, ginger, garlic and so difficult to increase the role of play in Hong
39, grape juice good effects of antihypertensive drug delivery service! Grape juice instead of plain water with a blood pressure medicine, can make blood pressure drop was stable, and also that blood pressure fluctuated phenomenon.
40, cooking should not use raw water. Because tap water contains chlorine, in the cooking process, it will destroy the food in vitamins B1, if cooking with water, vitamin B1 may be at risk.
41, block crack tip: buy a new block after block and around the top and bottom painted oil until the oil dry and then painted, painted 34 times, oil dry to use, so cutting board will be durable resistance
42, the magical effect of the Essential Balm (2), in water and adding a few drops of essential balm, bath after the whole body will feel cool and refreshed, as well as control prickly heat, mosquito bites, eliminate the odor role.
43, fried bread films, first dipped in cold water about bread slice, then wok fried so crisp brown fried bread pieces, both good food and fuel.
44, cooking or soup, if so salty, and can get a clean cut in half the potato into the soup cook a few minutes, so that Tom will be able to lighten up by the salt.
45, relieve eye fatigue tips: water soaked millet grass, or the mother of medicinal Chrysanthemum, and then soaked towels, spreads in the eye 10 to 15 minutes, which can effectively relieve eye fatigue.
46, the hot summer weather, the body easily long prickly heat, can warm water to wash the site of a long a miliaria, rubbed a layer of toothpaste, prickly heat can soon disappear.
47, indoor flush toilets even have to re clean, they often leave behind a bad odor, if placed in the toilet of a small cup of vinegar, the smell will disappear. Valid for six or seven days, can be changed once a week.
48, if done with Chen rice rice rice panned after the rice in water to the same time, adding 1 / 4 or 1 / 5, beer, and so sweet steamed rice, and shiny, the same as the new rice .
49, boiled dumplings, dumpling wrappers and filling of water-soluble nutrients except for a small part of the loss of heat, most are dissolved in the soup, so to eat the soup dumplings are the best drink.
50, heat blisters on his hands to cure migraine. Hands immersed in hot water, the water to soak the wrist is appropriate, and continue to heat the water to maintain water temperature. Half an hour later, pain can be alleviated or even disappear
51, Jishi fresh lily! Because fresh lily containing colchicine toxic substances, consumption will lead to nausea, diarrhea. Of the processed dry day lily has colchicine dissolution, food is not toxic.
52, the magical effect of the Essential Balm (3): In light of sprinkling a few drops of essential balm mosquito coils, mosquito coils emit smoke will not choke, and fragrant, insect repellent effect will be better.
53, put a few pieces in the washing water, lemon peel and orange peel, or drop a few drops of vinegar, can eliminate the odor on dishes and other tableware. It also can soften hard water, while increasing gloss porcelain.
54, a small area of skin abrasions may lead to local swelling, the wound can then put some toothpaste, not only has the pain, stop bleeding, reduce swelling of the efficacy, as well as the role of preventing wound suppuration.
55, BBQ scorch Tips: BBQ, they can put in the oven for a vessel filled with water because the water in the containers with the oven can be turned into steam temperature, to prevent the BBQ char, rather than .
56, Qiao wash hairtail: cutlass body odor and greasy larger hard washed with water, soda can be placed in the octopus first soak, and then washed with clean water, will easily wash and No smell.
57, mustard Hot water feet can lower blood pressure. 80 grams of mustard on the side Footbath, the additional half-basin of water, mix well and boil with fire, after cooler feet. 1 day, sooner or later, 1 day can decrease blood pressure.
58, Put vinegar when boiling ribs enable the ribs of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals dissolved out, which will help absorb the higher nutritional value. In addition, the vinegar can also prevent the destruction of vitamins in food.
59, skillfully peel garlic skin: the garlic with a soak in warm water for 3-5 minutes until golden, hands a rub, garlic skin can fall off. For a lot of time peeling garlic, garlic can be shared on file-board, a knife can gently pat skin off garlic.
60, mosquito coils regularly quenching method: using a metal clip, when caught in the coils with the length required, when a metal trap mosquito coils burn the place folder, they will put out will not affect the sleep, but also save the Mosquito
61, bread and biscuits should not be stored together. Surface contains more water, biscuits generally are dry and brittle, two if kept together, would make bread hardens, crisp cookies will be lost due to damp feeling
62, burning need to put sweet and sour fillets and other vinegar dishes, the best to be removed from the oil when the recapture of vinegar, so can fully maintain the vinegar, if the premature release, vinegar will evaporate during the cooking process Ershi vinegar greatly reduced
63, pear can sun! Pears can eat it regularly to keep skin elasticity, wrinkles can not afford. Pears are rich in vitamin E, on exposure to sunlight play a protective role.
64, all kinds of hair dye at room temperature or hot weather, will lose some functionality or change the color. If stored in the refrigerator can maintain its original function long term, not degenerate
65, Thawing a frozen food: meat: suitable natural thaw at room temperature, the loss of nutrients in the water will thaw; poultry: should thaw in the water, but not to the internal organs of the best natural thaw at room temperature.
66, TV can not own ground, if the grounding line, once the power plug reversed when the machine will power the line of fire line and the mainland Ershi frame and other components connected to live, I would have a risk of electric shock.
67, exposing adhesive tape, tape the Lotus: the wall of the tape or tape, if rigidly to expose, would damage the object, can be steam iron ironed, can easily thrown off the.
68, shoes visible mold clearance technique: a moldy shoes up for a long time, use a soft cloth dipped in alcohol with water (1:1) solution to wipe, and then placed in ventilated place to dry. On moldy bag can also be so treated
69, of style meat: the meat filling to be done into the freezer until completely frozen out after the fact, with the eraser rubbing the meat dish, it is easy to rub into the meat thin strips, then, just a knife and cut a few on it.
70, folds ID recovery method: the ID card on the table, covered with one or two of paper, paper, iron with iron compartment (temperature is not easy too), good side and then iron to iron the other side, you can so flat as ever.
71, hair dryer treatment of frozen shoulder! Alignment with the hair dryer to an appropriate distance from the shoulder with a hot wind of patients about 10 minutes twice a day, three weeks can be more. If the patient first, and then blowing wine rubbed shoulders better results,
72, when cooked the meat, if you want to make Flavored tasty, the meat should be cooked slowly into cold water; If you want to make meat tasty , you should cook the meat on the hot water.
73, gem ring how to clean? Magnesium oxide and ammonia can swab the mixture, or toilet water, glycerine, wet, scrub stones and framework, and then polish with a cloth can be.
74, asparagus can lose weight! Asparagus can improve the body's basic metabolism, and promote the consumption of calories the body, and a strong dehydration, therefore, eat more fresh asparagus to become slim.
75, how to make candles do not \Birthday candles into the refrigerator before freezing freezing room 24 hours, and then inserted into the cake, no candles lit after the oil flow down and dirty cake.
76, susceptible to mosquito bites in the summer of turtle deaths, but if the turtle kept in the refrigerator's fruit box, we can avoid mosquito bites, but also extend the turtle's survival.
77, frozen food thawing method 2: Fish: should 5% of 40-50 degrees in the salt water thaw; egg: be packed in watertight metal container, the container immersed in water of 20 degrees rapidly thawed ~
78, tea and sugar, candy should not be stored together. Tea easily absorb moisture,Christian Louboutin Sale, and sugar, candy is more than just with water, these two types of items stored together, would make tea because of damp moldy or sour.
79, not in the water when washing and scrubbing sacks of flour, bags can be placed on surface water for 1-2 days in the bubble, to be fermented flour bags will automatically fall off from the surface, then rinse rinse, you can Clean as ever.
80, damp tea not so good! Summer damp tea is easy, if the moisture of the tea into the sun drying will stale. Saute pan over low heat moisture can disappear, and air-dried sealed, can maintain its original flavor
81, wearing jeans, a long time it will fade. New pair of jeans can be bought into the brine after 12 hours immersion, then rinse, wash later will not fade when a
82, loofah treatment of chronic laryngitis. With a loofah or sponge gourd vine Jiaozhi off, let the natural drop of juice out into the bowl, the pot boiling, add rock sugar moderate drinking, can be effective treatment of chronic laryngitis.
83, some people always take medicine pills break apart and eat smaller benefit that swallowing tablets. In fact, after the tablet break apart into sharp, but not conducive to swallow, but also easy to scratch the esophagus, so do not break apart and eat pills.
84, nail polish is not long off method: nail polish before the nails with cotton dipped in vinegar and wipe clean, such as vinegar, then dry nail polish, nail polish is not so easy to come off.
85, identification of cell phone tips: Genuine mobile serial number, packaging number, up from the phone number out on the 3rd line. In the Detector, the network access permit and the lower right corner shows the words CMII.
86, skillfully cut preserved eggs: The knife egg, egg yolk will stick in the knife, the available thread will be preserved eggs cut, even they both stick egg yolk. Hot knife in hot water about a further cut, but also all the neat beautiful.
87, can not use tea boiled eggs! Because tea leaves contain alkaloids, in addition, there are a variety of acidic substances, these compounds combine with the iron in eggs, a stimulating effect on the stomach is not conducive to digestion and absorption
88, washing fruits: eat before the fruits soaked in salt water for 20-30 minutes, remove the fruit skin may be remnants of pesticides or parasite eggs, and salt water to kill certain bacteria have the role.
89, pressure cooker cooking heat of: a pressure cooker cooking time from the first outlet pressure limiting valve counting. Onion connective tissue and joints of the body benefit. Onions not only provide many nutrients the body needs, but also contains selenium, therefore,Cheap chanel bikinis, eat more onions to prevent aging. To pack a good soak the fish into the milk, remove and wrap a layer of dry flour, re-entry in the hot frying pan, its taste is particularly Kami. If the fasting or eating a lot of raw peeled persimmons, and stomach when a relatively high free acid content, it will clump and form persimmon stone, causing a stomach ache and vomiting. ! !













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