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  This is Enshi organization plans regional quality tourist routes. After the visitors straight to Enshi, Enshi City shuttle from Fengjie Tiankengdefeng Shuibuya → → → Icheon Dragon Enshi Grand Canyon scenic holes and nepotism and crony → Enshi fuzhoucheng scenic → Gallery → Qingjiang Shuibuya dam and nepotism attractions. The line shape of \
(1),Guilin Tourism , Enshi City Tourist Center (create \Nature has arranged to Enshi City, a world cultural heritage, and we did not notice it. Qingjiang through the Enshi City is a \Leader in large Longtan Power Station, the two long angles toward the Fortress and the dragon and phoenix rural town, Long Neck bypass through Hongmiao, its body is winding down across the city, Shan Great Barrier ends. In China, cities, rivers like the \Enshi City this off the dragon,Practice Summary, the myth has reached an enviable state. Now the city planning as building blocks, not physical, there is no charm, let alone appreciate the high spirit of travel demand. Enshi City, if the theme of \If the scheme is implemented, Enshi City, became the world's historical and cultural heritage can be. Line from north to south as the Eight Diagrams Qingjiang will break for the yin and yang of Enshi City area, the east coast is a yang, yin the West Bank. River deposits (train station), the wood (Academy of Agricultural Sciences Section), water (City Library section of water), fire (East Gate),cheap sunglasses, the soil (large sand dam) in five areas; 5 zone is subdivided into 56 plots, were introduced into 56 ethnic characteristics and culture. East Coast could be in accordance with the Heavenly Stems A, B, C, D, E, F. G, Xin, Wang, Kuei-completed 10 major symbol type buildings; the West Bank can follow the Earthly Branches son, ugly, Yin, d, e, has been, afternoon,cheap silver jewelry, not, shen, you, Xu, Hai-type buildings built 12 large signs; complete skeleton dragon type, the other building the equivalent of the little dragons scales, accompanied Hyun of light, a vivid dragons have turned out to. Night Watch by helicopter, \
(2), Shuibuya travel distribution center. Shuibuya built distribution center has five reasons for travel:
①, Shuibuya dam was to secure the territory of Enshi, Enshi people should be said that the glory. However,TVXQ , in Qingjiang cascade development, the higher Geheyan dam site in Changyang of attracting the first river, and across muddy rock dam-building is also in accordance with the tail submerged in water to attract river design. Moving the dam site after the construction of the Shuibuya still 30 km away from the Geheyan not navigable, Enshi and Changyang the navigation feature is completely lost. Shuibuya naturally become the Qingjiang upstream distribution terminal.













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