Every family medicine for infants and young childr
  1, mild cold (sneezing, runny nose): Bo Ying Dan (cold cold), taurine particles (Fengreganmao), Mrs Patricia Chu Hou Tsao San, Tai Po Children (wind and heat), pediatric cold particles Lin Fu-sense oral solution, pediatric saver
2, cold, fever: Shuanghuanglian oral solution, a good baby cold particles (new children), taurine particles, Bo Ying Dan
3, cold, cough: Monkey date bezoar powder, Bo Ying Dan, pediatric cold particles, children Qingfei oral solution (Tong Ren Tang), children cough syrup (juice) and Qing Xuan Cough Syrup
4, cough, sputum: children cough syrup (juice) , clearing the lungs phlegm particles, ambroxol, oral cough in children negatively, Bo Ying Dan, Monkey Bezoar Powder date, athletes oral liquid
5, severe nasal congestion,air max 90, Nong Ti: Bi Yuan Shu, drop Ning, 0.5 % ephedrine nasal (intranasal disabled net)
6, fever: Tainuo Lin,christian louboutin boots, Merrill Lynch, successfully re-Yan Chen, pediatric fever paste
7, fever, tonsillitis (pharyngitis): Pediatric pharynx bian granules
8, tongue thick, inner H.-S.: Wang pill, tea Seven children, seven children Jennifer Dan
9, loss of appetite, spleen and stomach: Baby spleen powder (baby element), Xing Pi raising a child particles , Pikexin, Children Seven tea
10, food product (milk food Malnutrition), anorexia,rosetta stone Dutch, dyspepsia: four soup, children of food pills, children Seven tea, Wang pill, red pill guide, baby spleen San
11, diarrhea: Mommy love, Golden Bifid, Smecta and lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium
12, non-infectious diarrhea: Pikexin, Xing Pi raising a child, baby powder spleen, dioctahedral up, Synbiotics
13, frightened, moaning: Niuhuang hold Dragon, Pearl Mrs Hou Tsao San, pearl powder, Bo Ying Dan, infant factors, children treasure pill (including cinnabar, used with caution)
14, restless sleep: baby element, Bo Ying Dan, Hou Tsao San, Xing Pi raise children
15, eczema: You Zhuoer, green, cream, skin cream music,nike airmax, comfortable skin special, calamine lotion, Lithospermum oil
bump rub trauma: 10,000 flower oil, a good fast spray, perfect aloe gel
16, burns: Jing Wan Hong
17, commonly used antiviral drugs: Radix (middle), the new Boleyn (West)
18, commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics): the Greek carved labor, azithromycin, Emo Xian so.
tablets to children and use
1, Bo Ying Dan (as commonly used drugs, the sick according to the instructions on the medication when the dose of disease-free for two weeks when the instructions on the note by a dose of 1 / 2 taken)
2, five treasure powders (drug use more, but I think the drug on the treatment of child abdominal pain,herve leger dresses, chills and fever caused mainly due to very effective)
3, baby a soul (if the baby by the cold, etc. can be attached, it is highly effective. but when used to confirm whether the baby to the drug reaction, should be opened about half an hour to look up two hours posted. Do not press statement posted so long)
3, children with fever suppository (baby fever can use the drug without side effects, but the effect was slower. If the burn is not very high use)
4, 100 Ning (the drug is very effective against high fever, especially is sure to drip when the doctor said,Admission scores in 2010 (3), 39 degrees can be used, but the instructions than when used in small doses because the drug's side effects, relatively large, if not absolutely necessary, do not use. but standing. Note: taking the drugs, the children generally do not want to eat, will continue a week or so)
5, Tainuo Lin (for fever and effective, faster cooling. If there is no more than 39 degrees, do not use. Remember all significant efficacy, side effects are significant)
6, power is bound to forest (which is commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs kids, inflammation in general are more effective and less side effects)
7, new blood pellet (the Yao Wei special bitter, but If the children are inflammation and fever, to be taken together with the strong will Lin, obviously. and are considered traditional Chinese medicine, no side effects. My family has always used the methods. But given medicines is a problem)
8, Xiaoersuxiaoganmao Granules (Guangzhou constellation of the best pharmaceutical companies. There are many manufacturers of such granules. I have a child with a constellation of the most effective pharmaceutical companies. drug especially popular. cold initial take. If there is no effect of a cold medium)
9, children Seven tea (usually red in the beverage can, or take in warm water. mostly cool. Try not to drink S Isatidis children, adults and other cool items Xiasangju. prone to child abdominal pain or diarrhea)
10, pearl powder ( Ya Jing,Be my boyfriend, so true!, cool, best fresh water pearls in Guangxi. commonly used on the child's skin is also good. but not much use, because small children can not be easily digested, two weeks, it is possible to drink a little)
11, hold Dragon (the Medicine is medicine, the children frightened, panic alarm, moaning and so effective. but too bitter)
12, children sedatives (these drugs are more, you can select a factory. Sometimes, as adults, not kids carefully and frightened,Transfer from the, bridge of the nose will be blue. take effective)
13, Corning children (children moaning, abdominal pain, indigestion and effective)
14, digestion of water and stone is born (this is the digestive medicine, as digest a certain stage the child is not very good, you can take)
15, calcium gluconate (calcium drugs commonly used)
16, cod liver oil
17, Shedan Chuanbei solution (the use of child cough)
18, flat granules pharynx (throat inflammation and sometimes a child can take)
19, Flying man (this is my home the most commonly used drugs, insect bites, colds, abdominal pain and so on. Since then the drug can be taken orally for external use. so my family no matter what kids usually are not comfortable taking the drops, good results)
20, goose oil operation (bruises, burns. For the most efficient burn, and do not leave scars)
more is more commonly used drugs, usually at home to prepare some alcohol, iodine or something. To put out of reach of children. If there are other cases medication can consult a doctor. Before using any medication must see shows, and some drugs can not be used for children. For example, we used the toilet water, cool oil, snake oil, etc. which can not be used for children. Have been described above. Can also be diluted with water if so how many times. For these drugs it is best not to give your child. Medication in children, I advocate:
1) can not not be an injection injection; Perhaps, physical cooling of less than 38.5 degrees is best to medication, not injections.
2) Can not Western medicine;
3) indicate how children should pay attention to how to use, absolutely not.
4) pharmaceutical manufacturers as a name factory. Best in the land of Guangxi, Guizhou area. What Shunde, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, etc. I never buy the medicine. This is not the pursuit of brand-name. Southwest area of medicine but more real, processing of crude, the child benefit. Not easy to produce antibodies. Side effects.
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      Every family medicine for infants and young childr
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