when it releases boots and shoes made with recycle
  cheap timberland shoeshas been around for over 35 years, and the name stands for quality, utility and comfort. when you ask some people if they want to wear a pair of
boots which are comfortable, sturdy and long-lasting, they think of this brand name boots-timberland boots.mens timberland shoes is putting trashed tires back on the
streets this year when it releases boots and shoes made with recycled tire rubber.
the material comes from green rubber, a malaysian company that has developed a method for devulcanizing waste tires. many rubber products like car tires,
bumpers and shoe soles are made of vulcanized rubber, which is created by adding sulfur and heat to virgin rubber in order to make a tougher, more durable
material.when shoes made with green rubber wear out, the soles can be reused by the green rubber company and recycled again, and timberland is working on a
plan for how to take back and disassemble boots.
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      when it releases boots and shoes made with recycle
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