Sense of life 150
  1, autumn and winter chapped hands and feet easily can be left some hot tea against blisters hands and feet for about 10 minutes, adhere to a week, the skin can be smooth as ever.
2, with a plastic bag fresh leeks: leek into plastic bags will be placed in a cool place, about three or four days can be fresh, winter can be fresh week.
3, cold winter and dry, chapped hands and feet prone to crack, if the gap Department put some toothpaste, you can stop bleeding and pain relief, so that gap healing.
4, range hood on the box is difficult to clean oil, clean oil boxes in the first place some water, so that oil droplets in water, when a fast full back, then poured out on all.
5, chemical fiber fabrics to be, the quilt the quilt is not appropriate under the sun exposure, sun roof when a layer of fabric in the quilt, to prevent direct sunlight.
6, a white sweater to wear for a long time will gradually turn black, the sweater washed into the refrigerator freezer 1 hour, remove the dry, can be as white as new.
7, winter bags of milk fat will be attached to the bag wall condensation is not easy scraped, placed in the fireplace before cooking preheat a moment, oil is financial.
8, sweater to wear for a long time, some parts will be polished bright, with vinegar and water mixture sprayed about half and half, and then washing, can be restored to their original.
9, fall and winter seasons, daily cooking turnip, Coptis with food morning and at night when a small bowl, long-term adherence to effective treatment of chronic bronchitis.
10, low season every day rubbing ears, thin, and then use the hair dryer blowing on the warm parts of a moment, you can effectively prevent frostbite.
11, winter decoration, the timber should pay attention to moisture, so as to avoid deformation; wood products, seal oil in time to prevent the contraction; wood floor leaving a reasonable amount of about 2 mm expansion joints.
12, an expert recommends winter can eat red pepper, carrot, hawthorn and other food, or drink a cup of yogurt a day, a bowl of chicken soup, can be effective in preventing colds.
13, glycerol and egg yolk to dip a cloth covered in dirt surface, place a while, wash water decontamination.
14, wormwood Serbian rule stuffy nose can be a good stuffed nose rubbing in wormwood, wormwood of potassium, essential oils and other ingredients will make the nose flow.
15, silk clothing, yellow when hot, add soda water transferred into a paste, painted in the focal track office until the water evaporates, then a damp cloth ironing pad, yellow can be removed.
16, bought back the ceramic tableware, with 4% of the vinegar boiling water immersion,birkenstock slippers, you can remove the most toxic substances.
17, cotton clothes and there visible mold, visible mold with a trunk and a few green sprouts in place repeatedly rub, then rinse with water, can be removed.
18, pomelo skin boils water can cure chilblains, boils water with pomelo skin scrub the affected area 1 to 2 times a day, a few can be effective.
19, bathroom mirror mist of wet and dry towels are hard to clean up, but now the mirror coating layer of soap, then dry cloth to wipe a sense, mirrors are easy to restore clarity.
20, when the lime fly into the eyes, hot and unbearable, just drops a little sugar, you can relieve pain.
21, drawer, closet, suitcase in a musty, the place in which blocks of soap, can be removed.
22, buy a gift given away, the price tag is difficult to tear, can tear hair dryer blowing hot again, will be easily peeled off without leaving a trace.
23, raw peanuts to cure presbyopia, about 25 grams per day to eat peanuts, once daily, long-term adherence to help the recovery of the presbyopic.
24, governing motion sickness ginger, tea and gargle against influenza.
25, winter often Tianzui Chun Ji, will become more dry filling; avoid frozen after the hot, difficult students frostbite; avoid before going to bed wash your hair, avoid cold; avoid wearing masks, nasal mucosa will become squeamish, to be sick.
26, banana peel can be effectively treated frostbite, the inner surface gently with a banana skin friction frostbite Department, until the fever, a few can be effective.
27, mung bean fever flu treatment tips: Can Xian Zhu mung beans, boiled together with ginger and cola after, the flu fever hot drink can.
28, prickly ash leaves the water soaks the foot heel pain treatment, the flowers, pepper leaf boiled water, hot foot bath, even the bubble days, each half an hour, will soon recover.
29,Peas really cook, clothes stained with egg, can be the first cold blisters, and then wash with tea, the final rinse rinse, you can remove the egg stains.
30, co-crystal sugar banana steam cough, bananas, 3, 5 grams of crystal sugar, into the bowl on the pot, steam the text of a quarter of an hour eating, coughing very good.
31, orange peel can be soothing water wash your face, soak a few slices of orange peel with water until the temperature is appropriate, the use of orange peel water wash, to soothing.
32, jujube cracked hands and feet treatment, to remove several pieces of jujube skin-core, add boiled into a paste, apply on crack office twice a day, a few days can be cured.
33, lard, honey cream can cure frostbite, take 20 grams of lard, 80 grams of honey, and mix thoroughly together into a paste, spreads in the affected area three times a day, a few days to recover.
34, starch juice governance nosebleed. Take one or two of starch, a bowl of cool boiled water, stir well, fasting dose a day, morning and evening, 3 Tianyi treatment.
35, dinner clothes, dyed if traces of oil can be used fresh white bread lightly friction, traces of oil can be removed.
36, Pepper externally for gout. The pepper cut into strips and attached to the affected area, 24 hours for once, even a few postings, pain may disappear.
37, white radish nasal administration. Take 3 to 4 white radish, into the pot, add clean water boiling, boiling with the snorting steam, a few minutes later, the nose can be unblocked.
38, to Su-water foot bath to cure frostbite. Night with 2 to 3 drops of up to Su Medical warm water foot bath water, a few guys after the frostbite.
39, cook coke to cure colds. Common cold beginning, the available coke with a few slices of ginger and a lemon cook, and then drink that has significant effect.
40, made with hot rice water, foam ear, out after half an hour, soak the fungus method has been applied not only to the appearance of soft mast, and after the taste of fresh fried.
41, licorice bean soup Solutions poisoning. Intoxication, use 15 grams of licorice, green beans 50 grams Jiantang, day 1, sub-3 dose.
42, vinegar can remove refrigerator odors. Exposure of some vinegar into the bottle in the refrigerator, there deodorant anti-virus effect.
43, skillfully knitted sweater washing: washing in warm water adding amount of PCE and ammonia, when coupled with a few drops of vinegar rinse can help restore the original luster of wool fabric and softness.
44, iodine wipes outside the affected area are able to remove hand ringworm, clean the iodine in the affected area 4 to 5 times, the affected area of skin to dry and fall off, hand eczema subsequently cured.
45, rinse liquor can prevent mouth ulcers. After the oral mucosa has been bitten, then gargle with a small amount of white wine, after 5 to 10 minutes after the prominent place that is no longer oral ulcers.
46, clever brush Fanmao shoes: The transfer of alcohol and yellow rice flour into a paste applied to the upper, air-dried washed off the yellow rice and flour, dirt that is subsequently removed.
47, white sweat odor foot rule. Feet every night after the little rub with white feet, and naturally air-dried for a month, cure foot odor.
48, beer, mouthwash to go dust disinfection. Beer gargle throat can be obliterated the dust, and to detoxify, to the throat more comfortable.
49, at the point of the glass first coated gypsum powder and chalk water, dry and then wipe with a dry cloth can easily be polished glass.
50, Kepo the eggs, egg yolk and protein separation, cook the egg yolks into the milk, after drinking the town to play the efficacy of brain nerves.
51, soap after contact with water softening, very inconvenient to use, can be put in the refrigerator freezer for half an hour, refrigerators can absorb excess water, so that the hardness of soap recovery.
52, dry eyes, use boiling water for tea, Weibi eyes Minato in the cup, cup your hands cover your mouth, each 10 minutes to relieve eyes, moist eyes, your eyes.
53, civil, inter acne earth: fresh cucumber juice, white vinegar equal mix thoroughly, wash with hot water first and then paint on the face, day three, paint over after 10 minutes wash with warm water.
54, swallowed fish bone Card throat leek rule. Will be a non-fried chopped chives, and then swallowed, can cure throat fishbone card.
55, jujube skin ointment to cure burns incense. Take appropriate jujube skin, wash with water, dried, milled at the end, add sesame oil Bancheng cream, put on the affected area.
56, can chew ginger addition to oral blisters. Mouth blisters, they can cut a few slices of ginger and ponder over the entrance, which will gradually eliminate blisters.
57, so that rapid tooth whitening earth: with salt, baking soda equal, add water and mix thoroughly, brush your teeth once a day, 4 days than the surface stain so teeth white teeth.
58, vinegar pickled eggs, a quick method: the eggs washed with water, then vinegar wash, then into the salt water, edible after a week.
59, clever addition to intraocular foreign bodies: refilling a dish of water, will fall into the dust of the eye immersed in water, a continuous blink several times to remove foreign matter from.
60, the Food and hypnotic methods: (1) half-hour before going to bed eat a small amount of bread, bread, juice decomposition of amino acid secretion can calm nerves; (2) moderate drinking milk can sleep.
61, treatment of anemia earth: from the blood stream in a silky white, the dried blood bunched up into the dry powder, with red wines clothing, day Banchi powder, twice a day.
62, leg pillow, pillow rule cramps. Night sleep at the foot pad with a pillow to prevent cramping symptoms occur during sleep.
63, eat hot pot, the soup into the amount of beer down as the role of eating hot pot with beer, wine cooling of carbon dioxide can help to prevent foods burn mouth.
64, peppermint licorice tea effectively protect voice. When placed in 5 grams of mint tea, 3 grams of licorice, consumption of a variety of this tea can help prevent and throat itching and coughing.
65, licorice zinc repeated oral ulcers can be cured. Recurrent oral ulcer, and permanently, the zinc can be effectively treated with oral licorice.
66, salt addition to corn. With a spoonful of boiling salt water until the cooler temperatures after the hot foot, hot feet can be dry after the parameters for each half-hour, week or corns are free to fall off.
67, mixed with honey, kelp mud treatment oral ulcers. The seaweed (or aubergine) seared mashed, mixed with honey and spread on the affected area after good effect.
68, smear soap can be swelling and relieve pain. Either by water or fire burns immediately after the smear some soap in the wound, swelling and pain temporarily.
69, strawberry rock candy stew food to cough. Strawberry stalks and rock sugar (2:1) Drainage stew served daily for 3 times, days and effective cough.
70, the magical effect of sugar: do fish add sugar, fish does not rot pot easy to shape; are failing to add sugar to shorten the fermentation time; dishes with sour, add sugar to eliminate.
71, the milk can make delicious soup. Stew soup at home when a few drops of milk in the pan, so that can not only make meat white and tender, also very delicious soup.
72, effective governance back chewing teeth to eat peanuts. Chewing a few grains of peanuts or health onions, teeth immediately recover as ever, you can continue to chew things.
73, massage orbital treatment rhinitis. Hand index finger by the orbital bone under his eyes, rubbed 200 twice a day, the period of time can be effective.
74, to clear the refrigerator mold, use a dry clean cloth dipped in soapy water, such as indelible, dry cloth dipped in a small amount of alcohol wipes.
75, if the sweater cuff or hem loss of elasticity times, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes, air dry after dry to restore flexibility.
76, the Department of salt and almonds can be transferred surface covered whitening. Take a spoonful of salt, 150 grams of almond powder, water transferred into a paste, applied to the face.
77, onions drive cockroaches. Put one in the room cut onion slices, cockroaches smell will be intoxicated, but can also delay the indoor food deterioration.
78, vinegar and soy milk shampoo good effect. Add soy milk with water with shampoo shampoo, washing with water, vinegar Gamus two days time, effective.
79, the vinegar is easy to fish scales. When dealing with sweetlips fish can be sacrificed two hours before the water in the fish plus a few tablespoons of vinegar, is easy to scale.
80, will wash and cut fresh garlic, sugar, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, soak the week, and then when the pickles to eat, which can effectively get rid of roundworms.
81, cooking beans to eliminate bloating. Stir in the beans boiled amount of sugar, taking a few tablespoons a day, a week, can effectively treat abdominal distention.
82, may be frozen water bottles, drink bottles of beer poured water into the refrigerator, a good 40 minutes on ice, and without water spray Zexu 2 hours.
83, just the smell of slaughtered chickens have shares, such as the slaughter of chicken on the good salt, pepper and beer dip mixture for an hour and smell in addition.
84, wiping toothpaste pain bleeding and infection, a small area of skin damage or burns, cast a little toothpaste, pain can stop the bleeding immediately to prevent infection.
85, Health and blisters on the lips, use warm water to wash the affected area, then lookout spirits Paoshang smear, at least 3 times a day can speed up the blisters disappear.
86, screws with heads painted soap easily knob, rotary screw before the screw head will be painted with soap, nail head go down to the wood spin much easier.
87, appeared sore throat, nasal congestion, fever and other flu symptoms, you can put points in the rock sugar in tea drinking, exposure to these symptoms can be effective.
88, light salt water can prevent heat stroke. Summer sweat too many people, moderate drinking dilute brine, not only thirst-quenching, but also to prevent heat stroke.
89, accidentally soiled clothes milk stains, blood, the new track should be washed immediately with cold, thing of the past should be first washed with detergent, then wash fresh ammonia.
90, fried drink kiwi rule hepatitis. Kiwi to take 100 grams of fruit, jujube 12, when the tea decoction, on the effective role in promoting the treatment of acute hepatitis.
91, eating apples can relieve acid reflux. Often anti-acid will, in time to eat apples acid reflux discomfort can be alleviated these symptoms.
92, hot weather can be a little difficult to sleep when the chopped onion, wrapped in gauze, the bedtime sniffing, may help people fall asleep quickly.
93, take 150 grams of salt, 100 grams of chrysanthemum, soaked in boiling water, place polished after axillary temperature twice daily, can be inter Bromidrosis.
94, take watermelon rind 250 grams, plus 500 grams of water torture, half of the water Aozhi thick, add some rock sugar can take governance pharyngitis.
95, take 60 ml of fresh gourd juice, honey appropriate, stir well taken twice daily, and whooping cough have some therapeutic effect.
96, tips for treatment of myopia: the regular squat can inch into the venous return, relief of abdominal bleeding, relieve visual fatigue, prevent myopia and vision loss.
97, floral preservation method: pruning shears to spend a day with the end branches of the incision, to ensure fresh, squid suction function can remain in good condition.
98, plantain to cure urinary frequency. The roots of the plantain removed after the wash, boiled water as tea, 3 to 4 times a day can be.
99, rule dandruff magic formula: the amount of salt and a little borax to join clean water, to wash your hair completely dissolved, which can effectively remove dust itching.
100, the morning after the water washed up against the glass of honey drink of water fasting, activities an hour before breakfast, long-term adherence, treat gastritis.
101, hot summer weather, easy to grow prickly heat,birkenstock sale, prickly heat can be used warm water to the site long has washed, rubbed a layer of toothpaste, prickly heat can soon disappear.
102, bitter melon in the oxalic acid will prevent the absorption of dietary calcium. Pre-fried bitter melon, it should be put in boiling water for about Billy, after removal of acid fried.
103, can be used to clean foliage plants beer, beer grazed only after the dust is gone, company commander can remove years of dirt, leaves and also left natural shine.
104, diarrhea beginning, the speed of eating peaches (before the meal to eat a fresh peach, fresh food in large clove), after 12 hours of diarrhea usually can be alleviated.
105, to a large Sydney chopped with skin, add water and rock sugar stew of eating, treat cough hoarseness, sore throat dry.
106, vegetable oil effective to wipe crust outside. Amount of vegetable oil to boil and cool down after the wipe in the crust, the crust will soon take off.
107, chewing sesame can only acid reflux, acid reflux, the desirable amount of sesame seeds chewed after the swallow, after a moment you can stop acid reflux, a significant effect.
108, Balm burn treatment. For small mild burns can be essential balm directly deposited in the burn site on the drop, apply one drop every four hours.
109, most people love to eat chili, chili cut fever is often delicate, available liquor scrubbing, then rinse with water, not hot hand right away the pain.
110, toothache time by Cuzhu wolfberry, Baiji mouth, with analgesic effect, brushing toothpaste on the drop point in the vinegar can clear the teeth of the soot.
111, mat just bought or used before and after application of scrub brush dipped in hot water,moncler kids jackets, then drying for 20 minutes, to remove perspiration and mites.
112, wooden furniture, wipe with a dry cloth and wax maintenance, hard to clean if stained with dirt, can first clean with a cloth dipped in toothpaste, then wipe with a damp cloth.
113, teeth whitening recipe: using papaya slices, clean teeth twice a day, every 2 minutes, insisted in January,睛好雨奇, necessarily effective.
114, the amount of green beans boiled, add sugar, every day for water, can prevent heat stroke, appropriate to join honeysuckle, better results.
115, the treatment of oral ulcers of small recipe: take a day or so walnut shell 10, water Jiantang orally, 3 times a day, 3 days to heal.
116, the baking soda and salt by 1? a ratio of blending, add water to make into a paste, sooner or later use it to brush your teeth, stick to the teeth will be white.
117, cod liver oil hand treatment ringworm. Prick the cod liver oil pills, taken a few external application, if no adverse reaction after a few hours, you can rest assured that coating, three times a day.
118, armor tips. Finish nail, it will nails soaked in olive oil add a little lemon juice in each 10 minutes.
119, bleeding, pinch a handful of jasmine tea into his mouth and chewed into a paste, paste in the wound will not let go, a few moments to stop the blood.
120, honey can cure mouth ulcers, mouth ulcers will be applied to the surface of honey to maintain a few minutes, then swallow three times a day.
121, mosquito bites, it can immediately Tu 1 to 2 drops of chloramphenicol eye drops, pain itching, bites, inflammation of the package is to pull the broken who, after James also anti-inflammatory.
122, red bean porridge kidney elimination edema; lotus leaf congee Jieshu heat, thirst quencher detoxification; melon porridge thirst fluid and blood pressure; Tremella Zhou Sheng Jin Runfei.
123, such as minor burns, small burns, only local blistering, fever, swelling and pain, site of injury can be soaked in salt water, there is pain swelling effect.
124, when the cold water the pot boiled egg, low heat and temperature, micro-heat and simmer for 2 minutes after boiling, soak 5 minutes after the ceasefire, so that the eggs cook just right.
125, will peel clean cut, dipped in white wine, orange peel can be made into wine, its taste mellow fragrance, daily drink a small amount, can Qingfei phlegm.
126, brewing tea to dry fire with fire,birkenstock sandals, insect pests can not only harmless, but also emit a light fragrance.
127, half an hour before shampooing the hair coat of honey and olive oil made by the conditioner, the hair will become smooth and shiny.
128, ginger, brown sugar, water can prevent a cold. The ginger, brown sugar, the amount of boiled water on behalf of the tea, drink two or three days each time, can effectively prevent colds.
129, the baking soda packed in two wide mouth bottle, do not cover the cap and upper and lower levels in the fridge,asics woolie ultimate 81, refrigerator odor that can be removed.
130, steamed fish when the first water to a boil, then steam, and suddenly encountered in high temperature steam, the external organizations, condensed, easily within the outflow of fresh juice.
131, tofu fresh coup, first boil the water, the water put a little salt until the salt water cooling, the tofu on the inside, tofu can save two or three days.
132, ham into freezer storage, the water will freeze and fat precipitation, agglomeration, or loose thigh, meat usual, and highly perishable.
133, will drink the tea soaked dried, packed in gauze bag in the refrigerator, can smoke fish, meat distributed by the act.
134, easily eliminate the shirt collar, armpit sweat stain tips: Apply shampoo in the sweat stain Department standing for five minutes after the wash.
135, beat eggs in a metal ladle, into the water boiled, and so will be off after setting out eggs, fried eggs make a beautiful shape.
136, cleaned fresh orange peel and tea brewing drinking together, not only heat cough, throat fluid and can help digestion.
137, biscuit moisture France: canned biscuits at the same time put a piece of sugar, sugar will absorb the moisture in the tank, so that cookies remain crisp.
138, if sweat odor on clothing socks can be put into clean clothes and socks, plus a small amount of vinegar to the water rinse it again, you can except clothing socks smell.
139, light-colored shoes get dirty easily, when the first shoe with the lemon juice in the upper, the re-shoe oil, or brush with toothpaste, will be bright as new.
140, autumn dryness easily hurt lungs and lung fluid and should eat more food, potable Chine tea nose bleeding, bloody sputum, can burn multiple intersecting multiple intersecting tea or soup.
141, sweater lint-free tips: dissolving a spoonful of starch with cold water, soak the sweater out, complete with washing powder flooding drop 5 minutes drift net.
142, broiled fish, not broken tips: broiled fish, fried what preceded the pot, such as roast fillets should be wrapped in a layer of water, starch and then deep-fried, deep-fried high when the oil temperature should not lower.
143, tomatoes can cure bleeding gums, wash the tomato fruits to eat when he ate half a month, can treat bleeding gums.
144, toothpaste treatment athlete's foot. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste rubbed in the athlete's foot area, with several times more than a day, pay attention to Qinhuan socks, half athlete's foot can be cured.
145, such as crab bought more lean, or to temporary storage possessor of fear lean down, to feed some sesame seeds and broken eggs, and add some rice wine, it can be fattening.
146, astringent persimmons sweetened tips heap in persimmon mixed with pear, hawthorn and other 3-5 can be astringent (a pear can be astringent persimmon 10).
147, with a blunt knife placed in salt water for 20 minutes, and then grinding, edging pouring salt water to extend the life of knife.
148, careless misfortune to scratch the fish guts, the DPRK has been contaminated fish bile put some wine or soda, then rinse with cold water, bitter taste can be removed.
149, sugar water the flowers extended opening hours, to the flowers in a vase change the water, add a spoonful of sugar, bloom time can be increased.
150, indoor flush toilets even have to re clean, they often leave behind stench, placed in the toilet as long as a small cup of vinegar, the smell will disappear.













      Sense of life 150
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