QQ Happy Farm Raiders (full)
  Recently, many friends in the alumni game play QQ - Happy Farm, and I played, I feel pretty good, following the alumni happy to talk about 【QQ】 QQ alumni game farm Raiders - Raiders
space upgrades Happy Farm Happy Farm Happy Farm and alumni What is the difference?
space Alumni Happy Farm Happy Farm and the owner is the same for the data types of things that you can harvest in the alumni can be harvested in the space. But in the space and the relationship between the chain in the alumni does not show the same as that shown in the alumni classmates are your friends, in space shows your QQ friends, that is, after pilfering your alumni can be further room to run QQ to your circle of friends linger Oh, hehe.
each player initially only six pieces of land.
cultivated: reclaiming a piece of land for each need to spend some gold coins and the corresponding level of restrictions
first plot 1W (grade required 5)
second block to 2W (Level 7 required)
third block to 3W (level 9 required)
fourth block to 5W (need 11 level)
fifth block to 7W (need 13 level)
sixth block to 9W (Requires Level 15)
seventh block to 12W (grade needs 17)
eighth block to 15W (grade needs 19)
ninth block to 18W (grade needs 21)
10th block to 23W (grade needs 23)
10th 1 to 30W (grade needs 25)
the 12th block to 50W (grade needs 27)
Frequently Asked Questions
multi-season crop meaning.
is the first time after the crop can be harvested several times.


why the friends of crops have matured, but I can not steal?
each crop maturity, not only each person can only be stolen once, and that the crops were stolen out of up to 40% of output.

how to Friends Message \
left in the game there is a message box, left click on it to enter.

the reduction in crop health are affected?
the reduction in crop health, crop will not die, but after maturity will be cut.
solution: increase the fun farm friends over, we will help you weed pest watering. Because the water will be weeding debugging \

How to View Friends information?
only need your friends list, click on the right into the friend's farm after farm house Click to friends, there will be a friend information interface. Inside a friend's name, personal home page address, grade, experience, cash, and the total value of all crops harvested + theft.

system can not find how to do something rewarding?
system rewards the seeds, fertilizers and other farms are within the bottom of the bag icon, if clicked, the corresponding inside and did not find anything, then please refresh your page, you will find it.

multiple harvest crops in the crop mature after the first action I need to do it?
the first time in the crop matures, we can just harvested, have nothing to do, but of course the most basic watering or weeding action debugging want, and then, and as his first mature.

Why does my friend opened the \
fun farm friends in our list of the right on top, there is a refresh button,uggs boots, you click on this button to see all opened the current farm friends happy friends ~
ps: if not show up a long time. Happy Farm at the interface and click on the pop-up menu choose \

why it always told us not to water ah?
normal condition of the land is without water,vibram fivefinger shoes, only dry land is the land change color when the need watering.

how I have two pieces of land had changed color?
this time to state your needs watering dry land has been woven, click on the following line in the toolbar of the watering can tool, against the land dries like a sprinkler, such as not watering your plants health value gradually decline, so mature oh may slow.

my land grass snake how to do?
when we land on the automatic growth of weeds and pests, or our friends to our land and destroying it kind of weeds and pests when released, this time we were to use herbicides or pesticides, and weeding insecticide, or will seriously affect the growth of our crops.

how ripe the fruit harvest?
so we can click on fruit ripening of our hand-type tools to collect fruit, will be automatically stored in our warehouse.

how to take care of the crop of my friends do?
friends right in the farm list, click the object you want to take care of, enter the TA's page, the water spray, insecticidal and herbicidal action is like in your own page on the Friends of the crop can still be used, Of course, you can get your friends to give you the number of grateful fee.

how pairs of friends sabotage ah?
enter the friends page, click tools let insect pests,In fact, I do not want more, click on the weeds in the weeds, or find friends in the seed maturation and click hand-type tools, to steal the fruits of TA.

I received several fruit crops Why become listless after a?
for each crop harvest are not endless, different types of crops to harvest the number is different, it can harvest the fruits when the number reached, the crop that will become listless, then need to use the shovel to be removed, and then you can grow crops again. If the player is planted more than two quarters or two quarters of the crop, harvest crops after the first quarter will be automatically entered in the second quarter.

I bought the background, and other decorative house where?
bought in a store such as decorate the background, click on the farm at the top right of the \After the purchase of decorations, if not immediately, it is recommended to refresh over time login the game.

how to increase the experience points?
purchase decorations, planting, insecticide, weeding, harvesting, hoeing and other moves will increase the experience value.

why I insecticide, weeding, watering, experience, values do not increase?
experience for increased value, insecticide, weeding, watering action is limited, when the insecticide, weeding the sum of more than 150 times the action, the experience that will not increase the value of gold will only increase.

friends list is ranked according to what?
friends list, the grade is based on each player to rank.

friends to see how the amount of cash?
into the friend's farm, click on the friends inside the house or farm friends picture, you can see the friends of the cash assets and the fruits of each crop from the total number of such history.
Here is how to upgrade soon. . . . . .
(1) with a plug-in, not to promote! But it is worth to try!
Alumni Happy To quickly upgrade the farm, then the task should be done first (lower left corner of a book that task). Task is completed, you immediately have the experience of a quasi-three. Planting plus 2 points for each action experience, eradication of crops withered plus 3 points-per-action experience. Weed, pest, water plus 2 points for each action experience, respectively (150 times a day before the cumulative experience, including to themselves and their friends weeding, pesticides,columbia mens jackets, water). So to get a bit more friends of the .....
the novice, the click to do the task, there are a lot of experience Oh, the task done, the book disappeared friends. There are two kinds of rankings, a position of experience, a money ranking, if you want to experience it, on all kinds of white radish, white radish growth because of the short time period; want money, then it kind of the most expensive crops, but little experience, gain more money.
know-how: the experience of money has a way with the collection, is a lot of additional friends, all kinds of white radish, to others the fruits of the fields to steal!

Shortcuts: Q (water); W (weeding); E (insecticide); R (theft or harvest fruit)

tables description of the project:
varieties: fruit name. Grade: grade required to purchase the seeds.
single price: market price per fruit pieces.
real production: According to the seed in the instructions to count. More than quarter of the total crop statistics.
seeds Price: Purchase cost per seed required.
total income: Every seed harvest the fruits of all sold worth, that is * real production unit.
total profits: how much money per seed, we are most concerned about is this, and the total income - the seed price.
Total Experience: Each seed sowing to harvest from the total experience, including sowing 2:00 and shovel to 3 experience points. More than quarter of the total crop statistics.
always used when: Every seed sowing to harvest time, more than quarter of the total crop statistics.
income / Time: per hour can do for you how much money the crop, the total profit / total with time.
experience / time: the average experience per hour, the total experience / total time used. Why is the average, because it incorporates the experience of planting movements from 2 points.
experience / day: Every 24 hours of experience, that experience / hours * 24 hours.
Total: overall performance score for each crop, or yield / Time + Experience / day. This value immediately after the intervention found that the current crop of fine varieties.
(limited to early follow,2 years, 5 months + Saint course in Sanya (2010 New Year\'s Day holiday), the late introduction of yellow diamond privileges, seeds, and dress can discount to buy, but, regardless of changes in the world ye, kind of experience is always benevolent radish brush!)
from the farm at present (Inside ) point of view, if students want:
want Aoao upgrade: the wild species of radish it!
buzzing like to make money: six kinds of carrots before, seven after the kinds of peas!
think they are balanced: with the years, but for the students, the harvest time increased security, they also affect their harvest.

more to go to a friend in environmental action, although one gave a dollar, but no limit per day, the saying goes, add up, still leaving a good thing done, Why not? However, experience in environmental protection into the ceiling of 300 a day Oh, this thing should be noted.
rational use of fertilizers, in an hour when the use of chemical fertilizers can prevent theft, a thief caught by surprise, attention to 59 points when not in use, an experienced thief can wait for you.
the best way to get rich \
experience a rapid increase in addition to the above method, is said to use just farming methods on the shovel to use 125 yuan was earned experience for 5,, Oudi God, actually able to come up with this method, it is tough! But more to the high level of the money needed to buy land more and more low-level friends can try.

Experience 3:
novice start: just opened when the first look at the following number of tasks (lower left corner ) does not follow the mission statement will feel a little slower to upgrade task report
do exactly two more than 100 experience (when the task to their watering needs dry land)

basic problem: it can then walked around to friends to sneak things have hurt (by Cordyceps have hurt will have the opportunity to reduce the production yield occurs 0)
weeding and watering experience insecticidal +2 (to themselves or friends daily limit 150)
limit weeding in the water on the add money insecticidal +1 (Who wants to Shuaqian exhausted on +1)
yellow diamond upgrade users each have more incentive (the latter not know will not be shopping discount yellow diamond )
buy a house kennel experience such decoration is added to increase once (bought a decoration to add to the experience)
fertilizer is able to shorten the cultivation time (now the task alone)
each friends to join (need to refresh the buddy list can see)
task to do the task all the book has done gone (after do not know is there)

add 100 friends a reason or reason classes will
own 40% of stolen fruit (the math is not more than) their income will not be a good friend of the fruit was stolen
100 friends per person return for 40% return is very substantial (see You stole the technology)

concern: there is beta testing a

dog pet dog function: raising a dog friend to steal the fruit will have a chance of bite to
if bitten to have money on you will fall in the farm to host
it is generally recommended not to sell the fruit warehouse who put no money
(and so need to buy anything in exchange)

novice upgrade
1-4 novice level should be planted turnip or carrot
(3-class plants need 13-15 hours of very slow)
because time is short so do not wait
to four in the kind of high level plant

experience 4:
novice novice Upgrade Guide
start: just open the task when the first look at the following number (lower left) does not follow the mission statement will feel slow to upgrade 1:00
good mission statement is just more than 100 experience at level 2 (when the task to their watering needs of dry land)
1-5 level upgrade key is to kind of turnip Why that kind of level that is the kind of experience
1-5 is not the time and money will be sent to each level of seed
(white radish in front of a short time and ultimately, how much experience and is very cost-effective)
first planted species of white radish If the seeds of the kinds of gifts sent to the (sent every upgrade)
third step
edge kind of edge to Toujimogou (to steal the fruits of friends over and over)
sunny day: 6 am 8:11 point 14:17 点 20 points (weeding and watering the insecticide)
rainy day: It seems to hit 3 times with grass and insects (to the results in real time)

is written too more
Summary: To level rise blocks, the kind of white radish (mature faster), to more money, the kind of high grade (high priced)

need to write plug-mail a friend please leave a message
Recently, many friends in the alumni game play QQ - Happy Farm, and I played, I feel pretty good, the following alumni on to talk about 【QQ】 QQ Alumni Happy Farm Raiders game - fun to make money to upgrade the farm Raiders
each player initially only six pieces of land.
cultivated: reclaiming a piece of land for each need to spend some gold coins and the corresponding level of restrictions
first plot 1W (grade required 5)
second block to 2W (Level 7 required)
third block to 3W (level 9 required)
fourth block to 5W (need 11 level)
fifth block to 7W (need 13 level)
sixth block to 9W (Requires Level 15)
seventh block to 12W (grade needs 17)
eighth block to 15W (grade needs 19)
ninth block to 18W (grade needs 21)
10th block to 23W (grade needs 23)
10th 1 to 30W (grade needs 25)
the 12th block to 50W (grade needs 27)
Frequently Asked Questions
multi-season crop meaning.
is the first time after the crop can be harvested several times.


why the friends of crops have matured, but I can not steal?
each crop maturity, not only each person can only be stolen once, and that the crops were stolen out of up to 40% of output.

how to Friends Message \
left in the game there is a message box, left click on it to enter.

the reduction in crop health are affected?
the reduction in crop health, crop will not die, but after maturity will be cut.
solution: increase the fun farm friends over, we will help you weed pest watering. Because the water will be weeding debugging \

How to View Friends information?
only need your friends list, click on the right into the friend's farm after farm house Click to friends, there will be a friend information interface. Inside a friend's name, personal home page address,spyder jackets for men, grade, experience, cash, and the total value of all crops harvested + theft.

system can not find how to do something rewarding?
system rewards the seeds, fertilizers and other farms are within the bottom of the bag icon, if clicked, the corresponding inside and did not find anything, then please refresh your page, you will find it.

multiple harvest crops in the crop mature after the first action I need to do it?
the first time in the crop matures, we can just harvested, have nothing to do, but of course the most basic watering or weeding action debugging want, and then, and as his first mature.

Why does my friend opened the \
fun farm friends in our list of the right on top, there is a refresh button, you click on this button to see all opened the current farm friends happy friends ~
ps: if not show up a long time. Happy Farm at the interface and click on the pop-up menu choose \

why it always told us not to water ah?
normal condition of the land is without water, only dry land is the land change color when the need watering.

how I have two pieces of land had changed color?
this time to state your needs watering dry land has been woven, click on the following line in the toolbar of the watering can tool, against the land dries like a sprinkler, such as not watering your plants health value gradually decline, so mature oh may slow.

my land grass snake how to do?
when we land on the automatic growth of weeds and pests, or our friends to our land and destroying it kind of weeds and pests when released, this time we were to use herbicides or pesticides, and weeding insecticide, or will seriously affect the growth of our crops.

how ripe the fruit harvest?
so we can click on fruit ripening of our hand-type tools to collect fruit, will be automatically stored in our warehouse.

how to take care of the crop of my friends do?
friends right in the farm list, click the object you want to take care of, enter the TA's page, the water spray, insecticidal and herbicidal action is like in your own page on the Friends of the crop can still be used, Of course, you can get your friends to give you the number of grateful fee.

how pairs of friends sabotage ah?
enter the friends page, click tools let insect pests, click on the weeds in the weeds, or find friends in the seed maturation and click hand-type tools, to steal the fruits of TA.

I received several fruit crops Why become listless after a?
for each crop harvest are not endless, different types of crops to harvest the number is different, it can harvest the fruits when the number reached, the crop that will become listless, then need to use the shovel to be removed, and then you can grow crops again. If the player is planted more than two quarters or two quarters of the crop, harvest crops after the first quarter will be automatically entered in the second quarter.

I bought the background, and other decorative house where?
bought in a store such as decorate the background, click on the farm at the top right of the \After the purchase of decorations, if not immediately, it is recommended to refresh over time login the game.

how to increase the experience points?
purchase decorations,moncler kids, planting, insecticide, weeding, harvesting, hoeing and other moves will increase the experience value.

why I insecticide, weeding, watering, experience, values do not increase?
experience for increased value, insecticide, weeding, watering action is limited, when the insecticide, weeding the sum of more than 150 times the action, the experience that will not increase the value of gold will only increase.

friends list is ranked according to what?
friends list, the grade is based on each player to rank.

friends to see how the amount of cash?
into the friend's farm, click on the friends inside the house or farm friends picture, you can see the friends of the cash assets and the fruits of each crop from the total number of such history.
Here is how to upgrade soon. . . . . .
(1) with a plug-in, not to promote! But it is worth to try!
Alumni Happy To quickly upgrade the farm, then the task should be done first (lower left corner of a book that task). Task is completed, you immediately have the experience of a quasi-three. Planting plus 2 points for each action experience, eradication of crops withered plus 3 points-per-action experience. Weed, pest, water plus 2 points for each action experience, respectively (150 times a day before the cumulative experience, including to themselves and their friends weeding, pesticides, water). So to get a bit more friends of the .....
the novice, the click to do the task, there are a lot of experience Oh, the task done, the book disappeared friends. There are two kinds of rankings, a position of experience, a money ranking, if you want to experience it, on all kinds of white radish, white radish growth because of the short time period; want money, then it kind of the most expensive crops, but little experience, gain more money.
know-how: the experience of money has a way with the collection, is a lot of additional friends, all kinds of white radish, to others the fruits of the fields to steal!

Shortcuts: Q (water); W (weeding); E (insecticide); R (theft or harvest fruit)

tables description of the project:
varieties: fruit name. Grade: grade required to purchase the seeds.
single price: market price per fruit pieces.
real production: According to the seed in the instructions to count. More than quarter of the total crop statistics.
seeds Price: Purchase cost per seed required.
total income: Every seed harvest the fruits of all sold worth, that is * real production unit.
total profits: how much money per seed, we are most concerned about is this, and the total income - the seed price.
Total Experience: Each seed sowing to harvest from the total experience, including sowing 2:00 and shovel to 3 experience points. More than quarter of the total crop statistics.
always used when: Every seed sowing to harvest time, more than quarter of the total crop statistics.
income / Time: per hour can do for you how much money the crop, the total profit / total with time.
experience / time: the average experience per hour, the total experience / total time used. Why is the average, because it incorporates the experience of planting movements from 2 points.
experience / day: Every 24 hours of experience, that experience / hours * 24 hours.
Total: overall performance score for each crop, or yield / Time + Experience / day. This value immediately after the intervention found that the current crop of fine varieties.
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      QQ Happy Farm Raiders (full)
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