
Ostrzeżenie dla Akoss: Post niezgodny z regulaminem
  Post: House sezon 6 Soundtrack
Użytkownik: Akoss
Typ Otrzeżenia: Post niezgodny z regulaminem
Otrzymane Punkty Karne: 5

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01. Elbow - Grounds For Divorce
02. Joshua Path - Spider of Love
03. Pretenders - Lie To Me
04. Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes
05. Kenny Loggins - I%27m Alright (Theme From Caddyshack)
06. Radiohead - No Surprises
07. Billy Moon, Sharkey, Sharkey, Zooks - Little Cabin Song
08. Clara Haskil - Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15 - 1. Von fremden Landern und Menschen
09. Iron & Wine - Love Vigilantes
10. Peter Eotvos & Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra - Symphony No. 5 in c Op. 67 - Allegro con brio
11. Stanton Moore - Poison Pushy
12. James Hunter - No Smoke Without Fire
13. Alfred Brendel - 4 Impromptus Op.142, D.935 - No.3 in B flat: Theme (Andante) with Variations
14. Hugh Laurie - H.M.S. Pinafore - For He Is an Englishman
15. D%27Oyly Carte Opera Company - H.M.S. Pinafore: For He Is An Englishman (Act 2)
16. Cass McCombs - Harmonia
17. Big Strides - I Do Not Fear Jazz
18. Sly & The Family Stone - Life
19. Brad Mehldau Trio - No Moon at All
20. Oscar Peterson Trio - Night Train
21. Oscar Peterson Trio - I Love Paris
22. Oscar Peterson Trio - Every Time We Say Goodbye
23. Los del Rio - Macarena (River Re-Mix)
24. Dean Martin - You%27re Nobody %27Til Somebody Loves You (1997 Digital Remaster)
25. Georg Solti & Wiener Philharmoniker - Act 1, Scene 1: Der Vogelfinger bin ich ja
26. Pablo Casals - Suite No. 1 BWV 1007: Prelude
27. The Frames - Seven Day Mile

Kod: http://hotfile.com/dl/37372086/12e1eda/Doctor_Hause_6.part1.rar.html
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