North opened the game for a pardon for the truth b
  As for the posts made today, Long Ye, family were forwarded to me, I have seen. The reason I did not reply to posts, because some things are not what he said on the event, have to respect the facts. I do not want to turn the small intestine, said that it no use to me since you have turned the small intestine, and that I should meet you, let us understand how matter in the end, do not think I condone how such

Ho. So you gave me back about ten thousand RMB, why I did not let you play in fear of the end that it no use, did you play when the money is how to say, now how did that, I do not want to say anything else, we can understand and think about. You send them in the forum today, the purpose of what is it? Can say that I deserved the first heart, you have to

is how much you think I can say bad, I'll call you back, or you called me all the money I can call you back. You can also ask their own vested Si Ye, I gave him money to pay not pass the money to fight in the past that I personally go to the bank transfers the money to him how much? I can now give you screenshots of money since you give me a day to kill the day I left I TenPay transactions

amount of how much I like someone else said, use your money? You give me money to play just a few tenths, but even one-tenth of no to it.

soldiers are not in your attack when you Liangwang destruction of joint where a gold coin to, the other does not say you made out of 30,000 multi-A gold is where you come from? you together for nearly 20 10000 Saint-A gold coin is come from? you then you know what kind of building, it was also clear how the up so fast? those resources and the construction of the gold from? How these

not forget it? We all know that when I was killing a negative number of food a day, the family donated to the amount of food I get it? Point your construction needs over the number of food resources, which are used where the food? From the King of Liang I left off before you go, so long you

played a few people? We can look at other major city and near the main city of the resources needed for development are the trumpet come from, I do not want to talk too much, we all played this game should also know that he would also count. I have many soldiers that day from start to buy their own food, its clear to me every day millions of Transport, who the food. There I go out every day, beating snatch the food,

sometimes black to transport food to the idea that I have.

you put me three perfect white on, but you had to go back a few of the? I am here to have your hero do? WANG Jian you are using is that one? In the talk about you all the treasure with only a four-star offensive is your own, the rest of it come from? Treasure near five-star attack

addition of 45%, you are now far from a pair of offensive weapons, plus more than 90%, more than 500% defense bonus treasure? Who is it, where the come from? Ask invincible monarch that I have to buy the yuan in his defense treasure. I treasure that time together out defense with a good one for you that you

addition low, we all should know more than I buy together is a precious treasure, rock it! Beetles are you that you take my brand to brand I donate my full, there is now tax the resources of the family up in the hands of who? Could you give me the civil and military rely on donations up brand? At that time I pass is yours how much class time is it, there is the city you say what I take to move it

is a time when the Chinese New Year activities with Li Bao No. I give you the number of Q coins directly washed? Then tell you how to exchange gifts, then there was you that I take to move the city, I was moved to the city who go dry? You better than anybody else! Chun family in addition to teaching, you are in your family is how to name, including the killing of the heads of families No. Hades to me, but not

who transfer to digital, you told me privately that something, then I take account password directly to tell you, how do you do? You directly to transfer points to your own number, and back to Hades asked me how I explain any connection with Pluto?

Chun was taught you to transfer points to me, then know that people know my number, you told me how afraid people like the family, let me pass is yours trumpet, because you were so long did not report on this victory, I to take into account your reputation, then all families are linked to this you Longye

name, we also agree that you Longye got the family, I say? Then you step by step like he started to power, consolidation of resources to find reason to say that the family let me set up the logistics headquarters group disbanded, I dissolved? Then you work from the Youyi

will vest with the disorder do not have anything to discuss with you the ground, his new owner of a trade union to pull later, this is why? Because you are not YY25277 Association president. Because there is a geographical and prestige than those who have high-boss, I do not

did not think that's how, but now ... ... ... ...

time you just created with the trade unions do not know when I have not told me that you are looking for Nan Ye directly to help you design, I do not know how no matter the design, or that others will not help you the. Then you just told me that you set up trade unions I find someone to help you design. Then I let

partial front and BEAN BAG, Huanshou together in the past to help you design and operation, under the vest BEAN BAG to teach you how, you will vest in the Society of watching as long as the format does not directly under the vest, or even people to the previous trade unions, as long as get back in the side like you said, you take the horse

a given down. The most I can not stand is the first under the front side of my best brother's vest then again he was kicked out of groups, because of what? Because the front side does not listen to you, he is my brother, and then one after another to justify not even say directly

under the vest, for the management of the subject you are with your people, what does this mean? Before you said to me every day how many words? What is it like later. I almost do not talk to you you never talk, I tell you what you very simple Otherwise ah or oh. What previous family

things even told me about, what happens then do not say,columbia clothing, before I tell you what is not said before? Then I do not how do you do? Only one thing is that you let me get over Shenzhilingyu family even want to come out ways to cheat

, and this is the thing I did not listen to you, what I did not listen to you? To include the time you let the wind give you sub-family that he did not give, you feel you face, and then you note the hate, but you did not attack soldiers

so you have a soldier to kill him, then I say No I beat him, and also let me how to do? This view of the wind after the war to help us fight the country, and each loss of a lot of damage, and his defense troops are also allowed, this time you have used the value you see, you do not start with.

time when hostilities with the Zhongshan Viscount Huang and Zhao Yan came to me and said no the first time being a week not to fight.

dispersion forces fear they Yaoda reached. I was then agreed that they had come back I tell you that you do not agree, I mean talk to people as you say no, said in: Who you play has nothing to do with us how we fight how to do that. Later, Zhao may go directly to you, then I

do not know how can you say. What do not you do a complete attention to me? I am sorry I did what the family thing? Exploits exploits came out I could not hit a few people high, you have the beginning of step by step has been designed according to your own good

the beginning of the program. Because now the family patriarch No. mastered all in your hands, your groups and trade unions are established, and now it can be said now killing one Niubi family network, as the strength of hostile players Liangwang not play. State battle for the final command others, the National

discuss how pre-war, I do not know, can I do not see how these moves front to back it? I have read understand, I know how you think, so long among them that are of mutual understanding, not to mention a lesson for the elderly including those Chun Chuan

bit to your elders how you are to them and I know, and you never do anything out and do it myself, basically waiting for someone to say and do, you know my character so I could not swallow left alone in the killing, so I am sure gotta tell you

that leave or not playing, so you can hoodwink the public, because after all you know how the family is coming today. At that time I really thought about not playing, because that our relationship can be maintained, but I do not play my brother who has been how do you play?

so I only carrying a traitor, and ungrateful to leave the reputation of killing, and you do not know if I leave the better, because my enemy too, who have beaten the Writings of small I forgive all,moncler kids cheap, and not the name you Long Ye. Bad to offend people

I forgive all things to do, good things are your Long Ye, even so I do no think that I left me how other people will. And before I left I told you, I want to leave the killing to Qin War, Chu War. Because

two families is my money bought. It is because these two families did not send bit for you and let you unhappy. Then I tell you Let me see if I can create my own family logistics headquarters away, when you asked me that I do not have Chu War? I also like

you said I mean, because I was thinking is to Zhongshan for Chu Qin War Memorial with the points,出差在香港4.8, I just told you. Then I met you No I see a 19 to collect the resources of the family and then come with you for the logistics headquarters,north face uk, but you have not said anything. Told me isoparametric

been raised when the war in that country, you say you participate in something you can not let me on the number of participating countries battle, I was not on why I do, then you are on the black on, because I am afraid the final Before leaving the soldiers to death, or any other time that is not clear.

country back to war when I say that when you call the situation when you come back I met you how matter, the country after the war ended because of my quarrel with the day NEE NEE command errors, only the loss of so many things you A, but at that time asked me stuff, I died and more

few soldiers? I also sent a number of soldiers? Does he not see I sent the troops? You did not say a word, and I was thinking, when you do not come back with the stuff I cried for a long time, he did not say anything, that you return him to me, so to speak, but also with the question of language

gas, just like an animal, I do not want anyone who is not backing behind it. I then left under a vest, vice president of trade unions, until finally a word to me or because family Qin, vice Shame you withdraw, and then you put all of my trumpet, Deputy

family also had to withdraw. I do not want to say too much to say, I said, I forgive also afraid of anyone called me and said how I kind of do not care. We also have a clear conscience of the cast aside the hostile family, standing in a normal position look at what this thing to imagine, why

Why I forgive the last to leave after the killing hit to kill people, what a beating because of their clearly, playing with my stuff because he spoke with the question of tone, but still I had received him into the family Why today would dare me

talking to, it is because someone gives him the right, and privilege of the. I played the black emptiness because I trumpet the soldiers in black trumpet in defense, but it was all black Chengdu ago moved out, on the morning of my downline Pro

ago, also under investigation has a more than 10 million of food, but the soldiers gave me starve to death, small soldiers, hundreds of thousands per hour, how can the negative no grain of it so quickly, the black to the argument is the evening of hunger, starvation was added at noon, to

how dead end I do not want to pursue this matter, because with such a long time, have learned, to say the least, they usually have something or are afraid to go home at night from the bars give me a call. I have been talking with him to

home later on the phone, then why even 18 o'clock or so dead soldiers, to around 11 once had said to me, but also with QQ, I use my voice that I asked his defense Why did not trumpet the soldiers told him,discount north face jacket, soldiers are

dead, but also harm his defense of the soldiers also died, would you defense from the city you need to trumpet how long? There is the dead soldiers, why did not you tell me, let alone speak do not know for what reasons. Even so I did not move the black one

next. He said a few words, said that it was not his deliberately starved to death. But in the meantime, my last trumpet defense domineering Si Ye soldiers have starved to death, starve to death this time is how soldiers going on? Why give me the morning return back, I had you domineering Si Ye defense in the past, but

and I remember you told me do not let me get back, you do not seem to pull food I give you food right over the past few million, why should I back off the assembly line will return it to me. Return back to how it does not tell me, Is the relationship before we can not make you send me a letter

information or make a phone call to tell what to say? I can not pass something more like two o'clock. Because all too see. At this time also I'm starving black soldiers to the ground to move the city to hit me, but also hit into me, why you come to my soldiers, Chuang me? Said to me

soldiers starved to death back to me,为生命画一片树叶, why do not you put your soldiers die of starvation in the city then, why I deliberately moved into the city to fight it, do not fight the main city? Because you know I have some soldiers that into you my number and the soldiers are aware of! Even so I was not playing black

moved over the city, and about 20,008 were cavalry to Chuang me, your soldiers are not defense in the trumpet? You do not have with the black soldiers starved to death yet? How there are more than 20,008 cavalry? Why did a number of more than a day before you are about 20 007 bar, at that time wolf-based

to the people who should know a few of his soldiers, because the black one by one playing them. So angry that I started playing the dice first fourth of the city, then I started playing one by one. It said too much, and I do not want to say that

some useless, and this game is that you had hit me, I hit you, who do not need to fight to the ground, including the hit I forgive you also do so. Do not say who is also how, If You Sha told me the idea.

wanted to come to the city at any time to play I can play, let alone during the day at midnight, I will not say how the attack, and no one can play who goes before to send a message saying who I want to play you, Run soldiers and then let you, you ah, then who can destroy the soldiers to whom? There is talk mouthful orpiment

point of attention, do something and wait for them to get much, if you want to speak out or would like to show yourself, you can forgive me, beat the two of us, if you won, I admit defeat, I convinced. Do it relied on others to make their own, bold

up, ye do not see you before I talk to me do so, and the tone of voice with the present. . . . . .

all remember a word that other people think of themselves before, and I forgive what is today because all I did it, what people are offended me, as long as one day when quit will this end. After the dog is not a dog who does not want to say, even if I

is a dog, that you do not have and I am the same as before? Now subject to a person? You do not try to obey? Your end date? You said I was a dog that you are what? There is another who helped a dog who has said, that I finally ask you, if you have something your friends

Friends help you out, you said your friend is a dog?

Finally, we calculate it, is like someone else said I relied on him up, or. . . . If there is unconscionable that I would rather speak out for the money back now he looks like. Since this has happened, then everyone to think, is what I give him or

he should have belonged to me? , If a person will pay attention to some of the forum just send me what and what not to say I gave him? As real as you and not to mention how much of a big brother, he made himself into

much, even when walking is a benevolent Big Brother, if it should so long, if not to the reward,discount spyder jackets, it does not regard even the people themselves on behalf of the people to give anything to leave it! Even before he could

account for how he how old it. Think this is my brother's not qualified to do when? When his big brother or not qualified? Today's post I do not want to prove anything, nor is it alone Who's listening, I just want you to know

some of the things behind the scenes. These are just some of it. So what do we later heard one-sided,女人别让男人习惯你的奉献, and do not see anything too radical.













      North opened the game for a pardon for the truth b
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