  Liaoluo Wan sea battle in ancient China is a large scale of the sea, Ming dynasty had invested more than 150 ships, tens of thousands of soldiers,The bed scene is ecstasy, Indian people regard the Dutch headquarters sent the most brute force, Gong Ji dozens of ships with cannon latest warships, no less than the scale of the Opium War, also a weapon behind the West, but the outcome is very different.

the causes of war are the Dutch the right to seize China's foreign trade. against the Spaniards, grapes were involved in trading with China. the Netherlands that the artillery attack China with advanced weapons and high performance fast warships are almost certain. So sent warships 11 (Jacht, Bredam, Weiringen, deFluytWarmondt,straightners, Texcel, Weesp, Couckercke, Catwijck, Zeeburch,Break up with her because as I cross the street (reposted elsewhere), Kemphaen, Salm), by Putemansi command, and another close Goldberg and a flagship of China Rong g ship dog No. (Tavcoya), also includes 50 pirate ship.

July 7, 1633 Dutch fleet into the South Australian soldiers, to account for Xiamen. On the 12th, Admiral Putemansi the fleet divided into two teams, Jacht, Texcel, Couckercke, Catwijck, Kemphaen to the right side of the Xiamen Bay, Salm, Zeeburch and junks dog numbers to the north of Xiamen Bay,spyder leader, attack Zheng Zhi in the Xiamen Bay are refurbishment of the vessel.

Zheng Zhi will be used unexpectedly Dutch attack, because not long ago, Zheng Zhi Taiwan free trade promised to issue a license, that the Dutch would be satisfied with this. July 12 attack on Dutch forces in Xiamen, in the absence of defense under the Ming army defeat, namely,Timberland Sale, Zheng Zhi men 10 ships were burned, Zhang produced his subordinates of the five vessels are damaged. Zheng Zhi in the fleet stopped at Xiamen was completely destroyed. July 17, the Netherlands, the river upstream from the attack, to blockade the sea, plundering ships.

on the 19th to the 22nd four days, Zeeburch plunder a Cambodian ship, boat, Guangdong, two junks, which were carried on salt and watermelon. Salm and Kemphaen Manila, plundering two junks, but a very skilled and ran away.

July 26, Ming court accused the Dutch destroyed the Ming emperor's vessels, to Dutch compensation for war damage, and return them to the rest of China in Taiwan, their trade negotiations must be signed. Dutch prides itself on its dominant force on the exclusive Chinese market pie is expected to happen, of course, close to the negotiations on the next impatient.

events has been expanded, the Ming's responses: Zheng Zhi will own the mobilization of private maritime force, using the new British artillery, coupled with many years experience in rich marine veteran, active preparations for ships, set fire to outboard and the issue of reward that, in Siena, Liuwudian, Shi Xun, a collection of 35 Anhai of large warships, 100 fire boats,We say , and other small vessels of 400, fully prepared for a showdown with the Dutch .

August 12, orang-landing attempt, Zhang Xiong Rulin magistrate production and Tongan coast defense properly, orang failed to succeed. August 14, on the 18th, on the 19th with the war at sea. August 24 to 27 typhoons, Putemansi will be open to the Copper Mountain sheltered the fleet, while another 100 soldiers were reinforced. September 5, Putemansi sheltered in the Copper Mountain after the robbers did not forget the true qualities of attacks Copper Mountain area, grab a number of cattle, pigs, chickens. September 8, they were looting cattle,columbia jackets, pigs, chickens. September 18, Zheng Zhi and Liu Xiang are fighting, Liu Xiang defeated and fled to Penghu. Translate the very dissatisfied

orang arson murder in plundering the wealth of China, ordered the Provincial Investigating Censor Pine Road Zhen Fei was investigated, September 22, Fujian governor Zou Wei Lian received the edict punishing load.

September 28 the Dutch fleet bound for Kinmen, then the resolution, but a typhoon, until early October. October 6, Putemansi common robbery and piracy on an island but I do not know the island were farmers, rice and animals of the island.

October 10, Dutch ship attacked by the Chinese ship, the pirates immediately Dutch aid to Putemansi credit.

October 15 the governor of Fujian Siena Zou Wei Lian in pledging to make Zheng Zhi for the striker. October 17 Zheng Zhi report: \on the 8th, Dutch see the Golden Gate, North Point has four, 50 Chinese ships, it will be the southwest corner of the fleet through the Golden Gate.

October 19,ghd straightener, Dutch received the gauntlet.

Ng Kwu on October 22 when the war broke out, Zheng Zhi Fleet 140, Fleet 59 in Liaoluo Wan Dutch experience, Dutch naval gun fire, heavy fire very heavy muskets, the British artillery fire Cheng Fang, and sub-fleet 2 Road outflank, board enemy ships. Dutch in addition to four large boat sank, the remaining five have serious injuries and junks all the fire sank

end after the war: post-war China specific requirements are:

1. Dutch to non-Chinese territories of high officials to go, not to the Chinese coast.

2. Dutch war damage compensation required.

3. Chinese cargo to the heavyweight to be trade. Which Dutch no direct trade with China right.

we can look at the outcome of the Opium War. Manchu incompetence and corruption of the backwardness of non-awareness of sea power is evident. that deal with external aggression on the Ming can not do one's own ears, and at the eve of the collapse of the Emperor Chongzhen still capable of following the Dutch counterattack sacred, why so-called Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty after the event was so incompetent to deal with external aggression?
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