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  transferred from Exu log 1. One time the landlord asked me did u eat anyting yet? I said no. she repeated to hear so u didn't eat anyting. I said yes ... the old lady hesitated for a landlord next asked did u eat? I said no. She went on to say so u didn't eat. I said yes ...... guess she was breaking down 2. Just go to work soon, there's A / R call Laicui check, I routinely asked about which company he is calling it a very polite man, said: \company name is also unfamiliar, I thought the first note down with the company name, to save and so to forget, being carried away between the Shunzui people began spelling the name of the company, also put all seriousness: \. \. . . . That man was finally able to hold back anger or not, similar to roar like me shouted: \company has any business dealings ...... Khan 5. my boyfriend in Vancouver by skytrain ago, when a white woman said: I am sorry. He directly said: you are welcome. the other side are spent . 7. The first fight with foreigners painball, playing the kind of capture the flag. With the first play, has been followed by a run looks very professional team-mate along the way dodging the bullets went the other base. Our people are hung up, a person looking at each other got left home. Hears that foreigners have told me that a lot of terminology, I did not understand. I did not understand him told me that: it's easy just cover me when i go out. That said, called, a cry cover me! And ran out, I do not know him let me cover him, not so I would like to clear that he ran away. I would easily rip off from a box on a piece of canvas, lost his head, he covered up. The results he glorious sacrifice. When most people are hung up in the next spectator. Everyone laughed a lie. 9. Last time I do not know what angered me, so he was going to say I am: FUCK YOU!! But up saying FUCK ME!!! It to start stunned outside a moment later he said: u wanna say fuck me?? OR fuck you?? halo ... I could not even fight the momentum gone. 11. a good friend had just arrived in Canada, one day thirsty to drink Coke. Go to the convenience store very loudly said EXCUSE ME, DO YOU HAVE COKE? But my friend just to go abroad, there are heavy English accent, hey COKE let her say it becomes EXCUSE ME, DO YOU HAVE COCK? Owner heard Yijingyizha, and repeatedly said: WHAT??? WHAT? Finally figure out she wanted the last owner of cola, two clear goods after the money, see my friends mostly just arrived, very kind to me After a friend said not to ask other people to buy a Coke there COCK, and so it makes mistake! I had a friend do not know what happened, but the owner explained immediately after the wait for them to find a way to sew boring! Later, a long time not drinking cola was! 12.?? Of? Waiting once with one? Brother to dinner, eat big brother? After pointing? The table the rest of a dish?? Circle one?? Service? Health how much, all this, how much? Service? Health features twisted look at him. . . . . I last? In, could not, reported service? Health? He wants??,? Fruit serving? Students go after him? Unhappy,? Human services? Gifted with even faster to what I play? Fork. . . 15. When I first came to see when the door of many buildings are smoke free ..... my heartfelt sigh .. Canada is good, smoke free ... a friend that Khan ...... 16. There comes a time to MC, asked a friend how to say in English sundae, he said, is a transliteration sundae, I am enlightened, and suddenly it was a very confident to say that milkshake is .... not called nancy???? friends on the spot spraying Coke ......... 18. The first phone call TAXI ...... the other side asked where you from ..... I answered CHINA, also called the taxi was also surprised of nationality ~? the other side may think I am funny, very depressing to say sorry, we can not do that ..... I am a ... Greatest Fire ... how racial discrimination ah. . to ask: why ~? shocked the other half and hung up ..... 22. One day to go kfc, to mashed potatoes, would not say where the root cashier in bitter shouting potato sauce, she thought I sb what, then, Centre for the 7-8 with ketchup ........ I was despised ~~~~~ 23. cupping in Canada to help a foreigner, but can be easily lost, my English well, I explained that you have too much fur. He laughed after listening: it is hair, not fur, fur is for animal. I laughed. 26. When my friend first came to what people do not know, so try to make friends in class, on the 1st, that a white man very good buddies, so you want people phone number, the future friends, then ask: HOW MANY IS YOU PHONE NUMBER? White said: TEN. (Canadian number is 10 in) 28. arrival, to BURGER KING for dinner, count the hamburger, people asked me not to sauce, and I talk, people ask Which? I forgot the tomato sauce Ze Shui, and thought for a long time, came up with a JAM, people still do not understand, the last pouted, IT'S UP TO YOU. 30. When I first came to Canada when the play bar. . But also with a the United States and the United States to go, she lived abroad for quite some time. . . I see the way she was hanging, so I installed the handsome, walked over going to ask her for a drink, so I asked her what wine to drink, she said. . sex ON THE beach ... but at that time was very noisy, I have no idea what the bar is Sha wine name, hear, son of bitch ... I was also stunned, and then the bar is very sexy bartender had been waiting for My name is wine, I turned to shout loudly, can i have a son ofbitch ....... next. . I do not want to remember 33. There are times to buy tickets, the staff asked me one way? I answered: No, two way .... He asked me a few times and my answer remains the same. . . The results that people are very depressed looking at me ~ ~ ~ later time to respond that they were still thinking in Chinese ~ ~ ~ I interpret his meaning One way = 1? We are two people, so two way = 2 34. The first spur of the moment to go into town, when the waiters all speak Cantonese. I called one of the fruits (fried fritters) and a bowl of congee. Attendant on the near side of the cup orange juice, I thought to send, and did not say anything, have finished the porridge, fried fritters not come yet. When ready to checkout and attendants complained about did not go to the fruit. The clerk says: your \36. One of my friends said, when he was a friend had just arrived in Toronto do not know English, and went out by himself, lost and then called him, he said okay you stay where you are to me spell street names , his friend a letter a letter to spell out the \
37. When I first came on like a foreigner found with a pencil, so follow the trend to book store to buy a pencil and eraser. Can not find rubber asked do you have ruber. People just laughed and said let me go phamacy buy. Depressed. . . Why go to the pharmacy to buy rubber to the pharmacy and ask do you hv ruber. Give me a box of condoms, people smiled. I would ~ ~! ! Canada had a rubber tube called eraser 38. When I first came, he often said that the results you too .... my birthday my homestay mom bought a birthday cake to me, even told me happy birthday ... the result I soon The sentence came you too ... 39. well, when first came to Canada to buy fast food, English sucks I said i want combo one, then that person said a lot of English asked me to onion What sort of cheese? I do not understand the features a move that i want combo one, then I saw the portrait of Chinese people, I directly asked him Can you spell Chinese? Depressed for a long time and then that person asked me why did he later could spell chinese .. found to speak not spell ............ shame 40. to think of it the first time a student is to eat McDonald after the results into a tight, loud he simply said: i want to this han baobao, said as he refers to other temporary loss, my classmates was repeated n times ... 42. have a friend who came to Canada for the first time to the steak, the waiter asked How would you like your steak done? my friends did not understand and be told when other people point that medium, he wanted to \Looks the same waiter said, large please. Crew surprised a moment, say sorry we don't have that. Then he said, small please. Crew has shocked and said sorry wedon't have that. His side friends eager to tell him that people ask you steak. He casually said, 80%. Attendant has surprised a moment, said,After the horror of the 00 terrorist photo little, sorry we don't have that ...... 48. I take friends to buy a car, shopping day, a lot of taxi companies, leaving the phone all of my you know, Dealers ah ah restaurant customers at all times to call to super fast, said the long list of things, just how I hear the Canadian Chuang ah well one day the phone rang to see if BMW hit number is come,discount MAC makeup wholesale, happy to answer. - Hello? # ¥% ... ... *#¥%, It is a great day.#$%^ - Hello, is it BMW? The other two-second pause, voice, and two (estimated storm Khan) - No. It's Toyota and Lexus. . . . . This estimate asked the counter at McDonald's, KFC, and where almost
49. Also one of my mother. . . One night my mother came back from the supermarket by car, dark, backing up, suddenly shouted sentence. . . \. . Is black in the car. . . And my dad one, go to the supermarket with my parents, who saw a like South America, my father said, \. \. .
52. There is a female ESL teachers in writing on the whiteboard, I washed her back shouting \; 54. When I first came in time to eat McDonald's napkin and then tell people not to give me paper man had brought the white sheets and asked do you need a pen? I Kuangyun for a long time and then go to the bathroom to wash his hands
55. Similarly, in McDonald's. I am beginning to report to someone. went to M record for bread. before the performance was very good, has been maintained to the waiter asked here or to go?. takeaway meal that first contact words, better 思维敏捷马 on come to understand now, but the lips tight on the TV drama directly waiter shouted \I have a friend, at noon to eat hamburgers, the cook asked him to add anything, he said: tomato, cheese, and washroom (mushroom). were all sweating to the ground-_-60. A friend told me of ; his arrival to the MC said a \\card or to cash you yes-night??? \With them on the ESL, there is a big brother to sit in the front row every day, especially serious and lectures, and then one day the teacher to see him so hard in class and came to speak to him. The teacher said: how are you? He said: twenty-two. Teachers put up with,oakley sunglasses wholesale, said that: what did you do yesterday? He said: yes ...... no greater from the teacher and his had a chat ~ ~ ~ \br> 62. My friend just arrived, taking the bus. Missionaries who have a special class of friendly greeting with him, said, How is going. He said go to school ~~~~~ what that person would not have had. . .
63. just junior high school had never been seen for the first time to the toilet and generally people who have and OFFICE in the report on Pidianpidian to go,lv handbags, and a white man there is a duty that I asked my aunt To Gansha. . . I think that the toilet is not too】 【washroom a point on the earth, and she said: Where is the bedroom located? I need to pee. Look stare at me and then Aunt asked: excuse me? I especially silly to continue to ask: Bedroom, u no where u pee and poo =.= aunt thought I would smile and say: I'm sorry honey we don't have a bedroom in school, but if ur looking for a bathroom it's down the hall. I was the Khan,mac cosmetics wholesale, and the bathroom say bedroom =.=||| 64. to the second year of the I went to the store to buy shoes, then took to ask the salesperson: is this made of beef orpork (I mean that the pigskin or cowhide), the salesperson's face to remember now. 65. When I first came to SENECA play badminton stadium, will not say badminton, and even gesture with gestures, janitor lady do not understand. Anxious! ! ! Loud said: i want a ball can fly, like a bird. Please! Janitor lady told me that puzzled look of a pile. I still do not understand. The friend told the same to me: she is not responsible for birdie.
69. When the British first came to the bank account with a girl, a bank employee came forward very cordially, not to speak, hears the girl say \petrochemical, I pull in behind her clothes, her side head told me, do not cause trouble do not trouble. Then again they said a \One day a partnership to market, the boys want to buy eggplant, came and asked \When I first came when English is not good when sitting crane accidentally stepped on the foot of a white woman, the result he wanted to escape when they accidentally step on that woman the other foot ... ... and then that woman to stare at him, he would like to say \Car people are crazy ... ...
72. a friend to come to the United Kingdom are not all going to the police registered Well, my friend was not an ordinary English is poor, he said even the police do not know how. But he was very courageous, a person going to the police station register. Walking along the street, he casually caught a grandfather, would like to ask where the police said. But he is not the standard pronunciation, the police say please, the old man struggling for a long time, do not understand ~ so he anxiously: \The old man finally understood, and answered him: 'you want to find police? They are everywhere! \.. \;
73. a friend's boyfriend is absolutely strong, when he first came to the supermarket, people asked him to do cash back, he thought that there is money, buy things, said to be! When asked how much he wanted, he Jiugen People say: as much as possible!
75. that one my friend, he named Li Shuo, just arrived in the United Kingdom the first two days there was a foreigner asked him: ru sure? he wanted no would like to also grinning with said: yes, i am shuo lee!
76. arrival,Hot wholesale Nike Dunk SB shoes, the boys live in a host family insisted me to dinner, the result went to McDonald's he asked you To what, I'll point. I said I would first of that meal on the line. He said OK, I tell you to eat the same. Results up Jiugen people say my brother \whites do not understand, he and others repeated three times loudly, he was also particularly angry.
77. I have a friend just arrived, a long good case of an A × chatting with buddies that special direct,7.25, open mouth asked my friend: R umarried? was shocked when my friend next to the sentence: I am not MARY, I am SHERRY. She thought someone asked her what she is MARY right?
78. I think of it I was studying the first time into the UK coincided with strict customs inspection characteristics, her mother gave her to the side of a friend had brought a ham results are dog smell out of the office was receiving a ... ... and then officer told her to explain something wrapped in newspaper what is ... ... my leg ... ... and then the students said that officer was startled expression his face and asked the sentence \leg! She said I thought that officer could not understand how even the ham, but also specifically in the legs, leg gestures with a long leg is the leg ah ah ... ... 79. When I first came when a friend calls to Pizza Hut ... He is a super supreme above the menu I will be excited to the phone call I need a super super me!!!! other loss I had several times, shouted excited super super me! each other to a loss ah. .. spell out each other after only one year, said oh super supreme ..... Pizza Hut did not re-set things
80. In line to see a student who said he had just cause trouble abroad joke, asked him recently what he said to the movies, and then asked him what a good film, he said two days has a movie called \there is always the way many people out leaflets, so the habit would say: NO, THANKS. resulting in time people to the New Year's propaganda paper, and even told me: HAPPY NEW YEAR. and then I quickly answered: NO, THANKS ;
83, the United Kingdom??. with the same? do interview .... I? her hi? do .. she? ... hanging out in the cafeteria with friends ... I? ? to wonder ...? what she hi? hanging in the dining? it? and then I go? it? assistant ... I? done? hang of? for .... she saw After ... laugh? up .... me? it? Chennai .... hanging out ... 84. for the first time to the supermarket to buy a film, took the Durex condom across half of fruit Friends shouted against the supermarket: I found it here.
85. did not know how to say microwave oven, and then with one gesture, and then finally add \Later still know we are talking about microwave
86. I for one, in 2003, when read in the Toronto SENECA ELI, the English class with a buddy is not good,25 of the world's most classic statement!, One day he arrived late, standing in the doorway, said Sorry, I am late for class. Our Miss is a very strict old lady, asked him How come? this man thought for a few seconds, very serious, very sincere answer By bus. class funny, old lady face black line ~ ~ ~ this person finish came after the preparation, the old lady hardly managed to restrain a moment and said Hey, you can't go to the classroom like this, you should ask me \me, Miss, may I sit down? this man was very puzzled look at the old lady, do not speak, estimated to be a bit long do not understand it. The old lady is very patient and went on to say fllow me, say \He seems to understand, and very firm said a \87. stormed out with people, do not pay attention, said: \
88. contribution to the one used to go to rent an apartment, ask people the house would have a cockroach cockroach, the results become a crocodile asked the crocodile, the answer is not an intermediary a look of wonder. . .
89. and then my dad ... a contribution holiday when the school office to find teachers to China, I called home my father answered the phone at home alone ... there a bunch of English, He only heard my name and he determined to answer: XXX (my name) yes! English NO! tomorrow please! hung up ... ah ~ saying Khan waterfall there really is not it based on my dad to play up English ~ ~ ~
90. just time to go to other people to buy second-hand rented house, came a residential area, four of my mind wondering, thinking how all of this with public toilets, too strange. ... because a row of houses are on end before a large sign reads \... I am hard to read into toilet ... better not ask, or embarrassing big ..= =
91. suddenly remembered another friend in the language of a small school in Northeast Columbia joke But the boy was well-intentioned. . Class that day the little brother is coming home and seeing two cars hit, he would call the police out of good intentions, \; come \. . In fact, he wanted to say: there's a car crash here, someone injured plz call ambulance come over. Most Gaode 是, police actually listen to understand, police and ambulance soon arrived. . . Niua! ! !













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