Aquarius Description
  B-Aquarius ,gucci sneakers

1 21 ~ February 18

personality and temperament

B-type Aquarius, you, can be said a base side, mind the vision of the world who is not you stick to practical interests, always the focus of attention is the future of mankind and world development. Strictly speaking, you are a person very different from the s outstanding. You understand that each individual is small a nook in one of the millet as the sea, with the world the universe for all personal desires will become negligible. Truly meaningful to you about how to pay for all, so you have great fraternity. Your very strong desire for knowledge, especially of the unknown world, the desire to explore more. For the universe, nature or all of the mysteries of the issues still to have cherished a high interest in the study. For do not know what, there are very dedicated intellectual passions. In your mind, tolerate ambiguity and vague hint of a problem, for all the things you want through rational, scientific approach,笑喷啦~90后真强!让老师疯掉的古诗答案~ - Qzone日志, seeking to answer.

this type you create great capability, suitable for the exploration of theoretical proof. Read all the documents sensible attitude and arbitrary character, and often people think Hello quiet, as there tend to be obstinate toward suspected of having problems. You are too rich in creativity and strange ideas, and sometimes because of neglect from conventional reality, so you will feel as if what they say other people did not really understand, it is because your thinking is too advanced, so that people unable to catch up the rules. Another feature of your quest for freedom of temperament. You hate anything that would become the yoke, the yoke of bondage you. Status, fame, wealth, the pursuit of all is the list of chains, and even marriage are also included in which you exclude the pursuit of the passion of modern love.

this type you require not only freedom of form, is also pursuing an ideologically unfettered imagination, unbridled way of thinking is your ideal. However,custom timberland boots, to support the above arguments, a prerequisite is that you must have very independent personality and the ability to stand the loneliness of life. Otherwise, you will walk the road of life not only difficult it long. So, face the facts, the reality of the subjective and objective conditions are included within the scope of thinking, you will be better.

advice: cultivate independent personality, enjoy the solitude of the realm. Meanwhile, in reality, strike a balance between the ideal. Over the pursuit of ideals, often ignore the real meaning of things.

love and sexual orientation

B type of Aquarius you have Danru love the water, you will not have crazy love of, do not appear to break for the big fight, you knowledge and learning on the absolute enthusiasm, often devote all energies, but feelings happen to the contrary, the attitude is take it lightly. In your heart, not the sons and daughters of the most eager to affair, not to protect a specific object, but the type of humanitarian love. This type of you,一个妞儿写的。太牛逼了。都进来瞅瞅 - Qzone日志, does not exclude the development of the physical relationship out of love, but you do not have this layer so that the relationship between it and the other phase is. Instead,Burberry Handbags 2010, you have no desire exclusive lover. You people take such an attitude. Of course, expect others to do the same, if your lover wants to completely possess you, you will feel very unhappy, even they succumb to the constraints and to leave each other. Because you think you do not belong to anyone, and your lover intersection, probably like you to be independent.

B type of Aquarius you, and people are always very forthright attitude intersection generous, because cherish every friendship, so your friends a lot. Because it was not to occupy a specific object, so, not so much by direct pursuit of ways to find partners, it is more by the steady and friendship, gradually evolved into love. Two of you together, as friends in general exchanges, talk, do not make a big fuss in the romantic affair on children. You do not exclusive, so there may soon be acquainted with each other carnal relations. But physical relationship and not be tied down you, or add passion secret meaning, is still feeling the usual bland. Perhaps that is the reason why you and the other even if separated, it will not feel sad, breaking up is also a drastic decision and will not be attached to accept defeat, you are feeling things very easy to forget. This type of you, very premature, and almost all B-type Aquarians attitude toward sex are so often very small and when the young have had sexual experience, but not so addicted to them. Your very open attitude towards sex, and even the exchange of sexual partners can accept this, not for the homosexual exclusion, can be said that thought very open person.

advice: ask others at the same time, should first ask themselves, first, to pay, no gain, love requires sacrifice, rather than to wait for each other's pay.

marriage and family

B type of Aquarius you do not want to be bound by the family, in your values, and there is no family component, the husband is not necessarily to be the economy suppliers, the wife is not necessarily child-rearing, household service providers. Love you more suitable for marriage, and this is the essence of your free and very consistent, loving way, in your view is merely a constraint. You will usually marry later and get married too soon will only make you accustomed to the laissez-faire, binding and can not stand performing for family tragedy. In general, B-type Aquarius look forward to freedom of marriage, the two together, each developing their own goals and ideals, unless absolutely necessary, otherwise not interfere with each other, and only this, is your pursuit of true happiness. Had a single in the full enjoyment of their lives, the things to do alone, after the completion of the re-marriage is the most suitable enough.

this type you choose to get married, it is best to avoid overly conservative and old-fashioned type, otherwise the pace of life you both will never be able to coordinate, especially women, for freedom of the heart often misunderstood by her husband , arising from jealousy, and even lead to rupture,Louis Luitton Outlet, which is to be considered carefully when selecting a spouse. B-Aquarius's you, if when looking into a suitable partner, decided to marry into the hall, then your marriage probably would not have changed, not only calm, but persistent.

treat family,lebron shoes, friends like you to take the attitude, mutual respect, each other have great freedom. And,www, when problems arise, you will not fight to solve, but in a very democratic way to communicate. Therefore, your family alive, because you optimistic, cheerful personality, infected with each member of the family. This type of you, not very concerned about real life, not trying to do that rich life, but, as you quite wisdom, even if misfortune occurs, it will not be trouble. Generally speaking, you've very smooth way of life, B-type Aquarius male, will not put on the style of machismo, but do not want to interfere in his wife, so too, the little trivial family, he will be handed over to his wife to be decided. The B-Aquarius female, very generous heart, but also in favor of the free life, you usually go out looking for work to realize their ideals, positive self. To concentrate on a full-time housewife, not interested. However, to remind you a little is too focused on Yu's ideal pursuit of their own in turn would indifference to family members, the family atmosphere of rigid, more about their family members should be 1:00.

Advice: family needs to operate between work and family balance, if not, then, than to give up work, after all, family is the focus of this type of woman.

utilities and successfully

B type of Aquarius you can freely select the best to the work environment,ugg bailey boots, the work is too rigid or conservative, it is best kept at a distance. Of course, good design and planning work of others and do not touch, or will stifle your talent. This type of you, the best in free trade, since the group's future is also wrong. In short, we must choose to take advantage of your plan, can develop ideas and original cause, will be able to have a bright future. For example, technology development, planning and production, art and culture, are you active in the field. In addition, there are more suitable plan for the future of your career and placed on file, such as technology, research, advertising, mass media, publishing industry, planning and production. The critics, advertising the author, designer, art,moncler jacket, music and so also are there for.

affairs, or arts and crafts are not for you, they take a long time to stay focused on work, will deprive you of creativity. The reaction when you encounter failure, usually soon lose heart, or just give up. Sometimes insist, then it may break through the bottleneck and therefore success.

advice: maximize your creativity and show your talents, create their own cause is a good choice.

money and wealth

B type of Aquarius you, wealth is not bad, but you do not attach importance to material life will not want to make big money. So, you do not very rich, but you are strong to make money.

in your concept, make money only for the pursuit of happiness and freedom, it would not grudge to spend large sums of money, but did not take into account the savings, there is a tendency to waste. Your friend is very generous, will be enormous amounts of money entertaining or Yao Yan, communication costs for you, it is a huge overhead. This type of you, why not become a slave of money, perhaps because you understand it. Money is a means not an end in the pursuit of the ideal. Others may have liberated some of your dissatisfaction, but you do not care, and know your people will appreciate your style chic.

others give you wealth, than your own fortunes have more, so if we can expand the relationship, give full play to, once the man appreciated, financial resources can be so rolling. Expand relationships in the same time, you should not to waste too, this is your top priority to improve the wealth.

advice: a waste of money to you is purely good fortune, but not too much wealth, many ideas to strengthen your financial management.













      Aquarius Description
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