A man and his four women (adapted)
  lover: I never thought to positive ,herve leger style bandage dress
mistress: I would like to positive
wife every day: I see who regularized

confidant: We sleep before hand
Valentine: We only hand in the dating
mistresses: shopping before we hand
wife: we remember before hand

confidant: I do not want to know that he has no money
lover: I need to prove whether he is rich
mistress: I often aptitude He should be a lot of money
wife: I have the opportunity to confiscate his money

confidant: Chat is our greatest common interest
Valentine: touching is our greatest common interest
mistresses: the transaction is our greatest common interest
wife: quarrel is our greatest common interest

confidant: After rushing to pay our consumer
Valentine: After he went to pay our consumer
mistresses: he foot the bill after we consume
Wife: After I went to pay our consumer

confidant: he likes me that's every bit
lover: He likes me to do every little bit ;
mistresses: he wanted his little bit of trouble
his wife: he wanted me away from him a little

confidant: he see what I have hurt
lover: He met with all my heart hurts
mistresses: he saw me and called back pain
wife: He met me a headache

confidant: he is my lover
10% of the men: he is my mistress
30% of men: he is my 80% man
wife: he is my one hundred percent of the men

confidante: his chat call me baby
lover: he did not call person I baby
mistresses: he was pleased when his wife called me baby
: others call me some time baby

confidant: he took to the streets
occasionally buy me a Valentine's gift: he took to the streets initiative to buy me jewelry
mistresses: he took to the streets to buy me a fashion
wife: he I took to the streets to buy rice only

confidant: he said I was his drug
lover: He said I was his wine
second wife: He said I was his wife,grey ugg,Like a difference between a person and love, salt
: He said I was his confidant water

: Holidays,Why are the installation of pure water is why the wolf sheep fitted look, the cl, I send him a blessing
lover: Holidays, I sent him a tie
mistresses: Holidays,ghd hair straighteners, I sent him a night of passion
wife: Holidays, I sent him a supercilious ;

confidant: We occasionally dinner
lover: I sometimes ask him to dinner
mistresses: he had often invited me to dinner
Wife: I have to cook for him every day

confidant: We explored how the shoes
Valentine: Last week I bought him a pair of shoes
mistresses: he bought me a pair of shoes last week
wife: He always let me polish shoes

confidant: \He feels
lover: \pain \: I am a pure piracy
wife: his aging mother is a genuine

confidant: I'm his big windmill
lover: I was roller coaster
his mistress: I am a taxi
his wife: I was his private car

confidant: We are usually in the phone
dating lover: we meet in a hotel
mistresses general: we meet his wife, usually in the rent in
: We are usually in the memories dating

confidant: I understand his thinking
Lover: I love his tone
2 Milk: I love his money
wife: what did I love him

confidant: he thought of me when injured
lover: he was drunk when they think I
mistresses: he does not think of home when I
wife: he only thought of me when sick ;

confidante: his Q Q have I
lover: his cell phone with my
mistresses: he big bed with my wife
: his kitchen with my friends and

: We had no consumer
Valentine: I was his mistress, low consumption
: I was high consumption
his wife: I am one of his free spending

confidant: We have their own children
lover: We can not have children
mistress Note: He is afraid I am his wife, his children
: His line of sight there is a child

confidante: his thoughts to the
my lover: he gave me the emotional
mistresses: his sexual addressed to the
my wife: he is my offspring to the

confidant: We walk side by side
lover in the street: the street we walk hand in hand
mistress: in bed with his wife, we mouth to mouth
: sleep We are back to back in bed

confidant: he said I were kind of good
lover: he said I passionate romance
second wife: He said I gorgeously dressed
wife: he said I unkempt

confidant: between me and him have a thousand words
lover : between me and him are countless
mistresses: he sent a mighty force
tonight to his wife: I told him really hardships ;

confidant: We stand thoroughly tempered
lover: He always said that I Enchanting
mistresses: he really I do everything possible to
wife: he had me full of holes

confidant: Tan sway him in front of me then a woman calls
lover: he pick a woman in front of me secretive phone
mistresses: he pick a woman in front of me Taidalielie Tel
his wife: he received in front of me muttered Phone

confidant woman: I told him he liked Old Lee
lover: I told him he liked her husband
mistresses: I like to call him my husband
wife: I like to call him Old Devil

confidant: he said this month that he had accounts,tiger mexico 66, 5000
lover: He said to me this month to consumer 5000
mistress: He should give me this month to pay 5000
his wife: he this month 5000 actual bonus pay less

confidant: he and I may contact life
lover: he and I may exchange a year ;
mistresses: he and I may be from years of
wife: he and I probably will life

confidant: Valentine's Day morning,About Tomorrow, he sent me a text message
Valentine: Valentine's Day at noon he asked me to eat lunch
mistresses: Valentine's Day evening, said he could not accompany me I
wife: Valentine's Day dinner at his home

rare confidante: we can not adhere to the ML
lover: He will bring with me the general set of
ML mistress: he told me Viagra
ML often with his wife: he wished he could close your eyes with my ML

confidant: he never mind in front of me crying
lover: I silently applauded the success of his second wife
: he likes my voice is Jiaochuang
wife: I am interested in the one he scolded me Jiaochun

confidant: he and I Valentine's Day
not days not: He approached me on January 1
mistress: he told me day after day
wife: run-Tim Chang do not want to date

confidant: missing my lover a month he was something missing
: missing my second wife a month he was in a trance
: His face was missing me a month lump
wife: I am a month short his house full of garbage

confidant: he likes to look at my article ;
lover: He likes to see my eyes
mistresses: he liked to see my wife naked
: He likes to see the back of my

confidant: he can talk to me until dawn
lover: he can, and I am touching the dawn
mistresses: he can and I got to the dawn ;
wife: he can,air shoes, and I stalemate until dawn
confidant: I do not need to positive
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      A man and his four women (adapted)
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