35-year-old former successful 12 Golden Rules
  Chapter I: A target goal
a sailing boat without any direction of the winds are contrary
1,2009, the country's most mine of Composition (3), why you are poor,vibram kso, the first point is that you do not set a goal to become rich
2, the core of your life goals?
eminent persons and the fundamental difference between mediocrity is not the talent, opportunity, but rather whether the target.
3, starting step ahead, a big step ahead in life: a successful start from the selected target
4, Judkins type are never Why most people will succeed
not successful? Real people to complete their program only 5%, and most people will not abandon his goal is to become the lack of action fantasy
5, if you want success before the age of 35, You must be 25 to 30 years old well established your goal in life
6, daily, monthly, every year, ask yourself: if I reached the goal he set for himself

Chapter II: two successful point
stand a good position, align the mind, to sprint, 35-year-old former successful
(a) of the life orientation
1, were afraid of the wrong: your core competency is what?
2, successful way to find, losers find excuses
3, from 三百六十行 choose your favorite
everyone can start, but not everyone can start a successful
4, to find his own treasure land
(b) of the eternal truth: the mentality of destiny, 35-year-old mentality of the decision before you life was
1, dissatisfied with the status quo can become rich
2, dare to dream, dare to dream, the world always makes people
3, 35 years ago Do not be afraid, after the age of 35 do not regret
; 4, born poor, is not life is poor, as long as you always maintain a progressive sinking heart. Most successful people in China come from small local
5, make a positive thinking person
6, not to defeat their own pessimistic
; some people a thousand times more rich than you, they will be a thousand times smarter than you Why? No, they are only young heart a thousand times higher than you gas.
failed many times in life, the last is not lost to others, but lost his pessimism.
7, winners get up but fell down to more than one
8, prefer to run into a wall, do not at home to face the wall
; overcome your failures, negative attitude
(1) find a place to drink wine
(2) to find a disco dance
(3) looking for a friend pressed Hill
(4) positive action

; Chapter: Three Tips
1, management of time: your time where your accomplishments on where.
60 minutes to an hour as people, more than an hour as 60 times more people
2,cheap ugg boots on sale, you do not finance, financial non- reason you
3, self-management, its capability to
(1) business are not afraid of the small, in his mind better than
(2) specialty stores can be opening a
(3) do other people do not want to do business

Chapter: 4 Item settle down ideas
35 years ago must be the formation of personal style
1, life is better than doing
; things can fail again, fail life is not important to
(1) a man to sense of obligation
(2) never give up
2, open-minded man with wealth, expansive woman helping my husband
marriage before the age of buttoned 3, the principle of loyalty: 35 years ago you have not established a reputation for loyalty, this shortcoming will be plagued your life
4, the small and meticulous manner, but did little tricks do not wise
Chinese, too many people want big, but perfectly willing to do that too few small

Chapter V: fifth luck
Bill? Gates said: Life is not fair, get used to it it
1, life does have a lot of luck in the adult: Man proposes, God disposes: the teaching of Chinese shows half and half
2, opportunities often come unexpectedly, but among those who should never give up
; 3, seize every opportunity in life like a bird
opportunity, if you do not seize it fly without a trace
4, were early step, fool late step
Chapter: 6 requests
; 1,ugg uk boots, wisdom
(1) people can take you to you all, but might as well finish your wisdom
(2) clever use their wisdom
(3) the difference between the wise and foolish man
2, courage
(1 ) the power of courage and sometimes make you a \develop their own \; to achieve an aura
(3) Close decision capacity
(4) charisma
4, Creativity: Do not make people behave
25-35 years of age is the most creative phase of life, many successful people are also produced at this stage
; 5, wise
(1) know their own strengths, weaknesses, directional focus
(2) as far as possible in their own familiar territory to
6,cheap louboutin shoes, sustained action to force: in your chosen industry insist years, you will become a big winner

Chapter VII: seven learning
1, to change the fate of the
2,35 knowledge before the age of the industry you need to learn all the knowledge
a) a day out of your own
b) makes good business sense
3, so those who believe the book can only be employees
4, thinking, practice, and then thinking, then practice
Chapter VIII: eighth of the communication
; good friends over the way to go
1, IQ is important, emotional intelligence is more important: 35 years ago to establish personal relationships
2 , is a network of financial connections: how to improve relationships
3, making friends with the principles of
4, good communication: to exercise a 35-year-old former his speech to

Chapter: 9 minutes habits
is amazing the force of habit, habit before the age of 35 determine the size of your success
1, positive thinking, good habits
2, develop a good and efficient work habits
(1) Office
(2) life can be informal, but must work meticulously
(3) study listen, do not interrupt other people say
3, develop good exercise habits
4, a wide range of good practice
love 5, rapid action of good practice

Chapter X: very confident
1, self-confidence to be successful spiritual support
2, self-confidence can only win the confidence of others
3, the self-confidence built on the basis of value creation
; 4, how to build self-confidence
(1) set goals for themselves
(2) to play their strengths
; (3) act with a plan
(4) things do not drag
(5) do not easily give up <br \Chapter 11 need to avoid the success trap
1, only the credit, no elbow grease
2, not \look for opportunities
3, do not want fortune
4,2-year-old birthday on April 16, do not work for money,five finger shoes, and let the money work for you
; 5, blind imitation, along with other people, who do I have to do
6, content with making progress, and contentment
; 7, admit mistakes and not cover up the error
8, down to earth than dreams
9, ambitious and not confident
10, repeatedly switched undesirable
11, attracted me
12, unscrupulously

; XII twelfth to
Nobody can casually succeed
1, not the success of small and large is not successful,The Rootless, The Settled, from small to big is the success
2, the low profit era of Chinese society: ingeniously + daring to do + hard work = success
3 efforts to try to have the possibility of success
4, do anything, do our best to
5, as the cause of things to do
6, I see employees who
7, wish you a speedy excavation to the pot of gold
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      35-year-old former successful 12 Golden Rules
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